World Links

Healing connects the world. On this page you will find articles and links about our healing work in other languages.

Lama D and Srijana are actively involved in international workshops, healing associations such as World Council for Health, Connecting Consciousness, Tharpi Sabuen - "Seeds for Paradise" Buddhism study groups in Bhutan, as well as our own Sekah Healing Group in Bali, Indonesia. 

On this page you will see our videos and classes in other languages.

Dzongkha Lessons in Bhutan

Dzongkha lessons so far include an introduction of myself, common words in a conversation, and numbers, so that I can count money. My Story Hello, my name is Sri Jana ...

I Cinque Elemente della Medicina Cinese

Come funzionano i cinque elementi della medicina cinese? Possono aiutarci capire come migliorare la nostra salute? Dal Workshop nel Gubbio, Italia nel 2016. Click per leggere: Italy-Workshop-traduzioni-7sett_compressed ...

La Cosmologia del Qigong

Una presentazione nel Workshop in Gubbio, Italia nel 2016, per spiegare i radici, la storia, e come scoprire salute ottimale con Qigong. Pdf 70 pagine. Click per leggere. Cosmologia-Qigong-6-agosto-2016_compressed ...

Apa penyebab sakit sendi? Bagaimana cara mengobati sakit sendi?

What are causes of stiff joints? How can we heal stiff joints? Apa penyebab sakit sendi? Bagaimana cara mengobati sakit sendi? Apa semua orang punya sakit sendi jika sudah tua? ...

30-Menit Kelas Cigong – Bahasa Indonesia

This is a 30-Menit Qigong Class in Bahasa Indonesian. Hari ini kita akan mengadakan (holding) kelas Qigong singkat (short). Mohon di maklumi. Saya masih belajiar Bahasa Indonesia. Qigong adalah sistem ...

Mengetest Kualitas Air di Keramas Sekah – Water Test

Tubuh kita terdiri dari 70 sampai 90 % air. Kebutuhan (needs) air untuk Tubuh, Penting untuk (for) Kesehatan. Sistem getah Bening di tubuh mengontrol aliran air ke seluruh tubuh, seperti ...

Permainan Ingatan Untuk Kesehatan (Memory Game for Health)

Halo, Selamat Pagi. Hari ini Ketut minta rapat special untuk meningat kembali semua yang sudah kita diskusikan. Mohon di maklumi. Saya masih belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Kita akan bermain game. Disini ...

Penyakit: Penyebab, Mencegah, atau Menyembuhkannya? Disease Causes and Ways to Heal

Hello friends. This is a game in Indonesian for our healing group in Bali. We are choosing pictures of foods and activities that cause, prevent, or heal diseases. Halo, hari ...


6 WAYS TO DETOX THE BODY FOR HEALTH AND LONG LIFE (English and Bahasa Indonesian) 6 CARA MENDETOKS TUBUH Halo, hari ini saya akan berbicara tentang 6 cara mendetoks tubuh, ...

Sejarah Pangan dan Biji-Bijian, History of Food and Grains

Hello friends, Today I’m telling our Bali healing group about history of food, how white sugar and white rice came to Bali. It’s in Bahasa Indonesian. Wish me luck! Hello, ...


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