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We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bhutan. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is  Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at Best wishes!

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To Heal the BODY, First Harmonize the MIND to SPIRIT

This channeled message from the Buddha describes how to first heal the MIND when you experience PAIN in the senses. “When shot by an arrow of pain, A stupid person ...

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My Favorite Anti-Aging Detox Health Tips (REVISED)

Several readers asked me to share my personal health tips and supplements. I’m workin’ it, and feeling quite good. As you probably guessed, we eat mostly unprocessed foods, lots of ...

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DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into ...

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Now you can move out of numbness and anger forever. Many people live in a constant state of Flight-Flight. Our entire nervous system can become a roller-coaster of constant ups ...

/ Blog, Meditations

Five Seasons University

Welcome to Five Seasons University. This special school integrates a wide variety of subjects, so you can design your own curriculum. We have so much to learn and UN-learn! Choose ...

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QUIZ: What are the Best Cooking Oils for Long Life?

Rising chronic disease is a global pandemic. What is causing the continuous increase heart disease, cancer, and diabetes? Could the refined oils we eat be a factor in rising disease ...

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How to give up ANGER: An Urgent Message from the Buddha

A message from Sakyamuni Buddha: “My friends, anger is the one thing to give up, And you will be assured of freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Those ...

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What’s the SOURCE of Our Collective THOUGHTS?

It all depends on your tune-in frequency band. A fascinating article from the US Naval Institute recently crossed my desk and captured my imagination. It was called “Cognitive Warfare: Maneuvering ...

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The I-Ching: Does it Hold the Secrets to DNA and Enlightenment?

Does the I-Ching hold the secrets to DNA and Enlightenment? Does this ancient divination tool represent an elegant and perfectly condensed map of the cosmos? Could its binary logic encode ...

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Suggested Bedtime Reading: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love to read this book before bed because it calms my mind and uplifts my mood. It confirms that there are Natural laws in the universe that must be ...

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Awaken Your DNA Destiny: Activate Your Extraordinary Meridians for Ascension

How do Tibetan Monks dry those freezing wet sheets with focused breathing? How do Buddhist Lamas exit the physical body through the crown during the ascension? What advanced practices bring ...

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Retrain Your Vagus Nerve to Relax Completely

Retrain Your Vagus Nerve to Relax Completely. Fear to Freedom in 6 Easy Steps. How many years have you been under stress? How many years have WE ALL been under ...

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