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We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bali at Keramas Sacred River Village. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is  Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at Best wishes!

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Speak the water blessing out loud. Then drink the water. This is the antidote.

We are one living consciousness connected by water and sound. What are the best words to say? The amazing power of SOUND and WORDS with intention completely erases any polarity ...

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What’s Your MAC address?

As millions are distracted debating vaccine dangers, meanwhile the WBAN worldwide network of bodies is ALIVE in everyone. Sounds crazy? Nope. Many people are unaware of the new universal MAC ...

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Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically ...

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FINALLY! My Three Books have been Submitted to an Agent!

BREAKING NEWS!! These three books were just submitted to an agent in UK. I FINALLY finished the manuscripts and book proposals. This has been over eight years in the making ...

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What Causes Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s Disease is a major cause of death, affecting 50 million people in the world. This is projected to more than double by 2050 to 131.5 million people. The Takeaway: ...

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Spiritual Anatomy of India, Tibet & China: Which path is best?

How effective are the chakra meditations of India, Tibet, and China? Which is most effective? Which path is best for spiritual enlightenment? What body energy points correspond to the subtle ...

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EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping to Dissolve Negative Feelings Fast

Livid ANGER? Petrifying FEAR? Gut-wrenching GRIEF? Powerful emotions are a part of our human journey. When an emotion takes HOLD of you, you are not a victim of something outside ...

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The Legend of the Magpie Bridge and the Qixi Festival of Love

What is the Qixi Festival of Love? How does an ancient Chinese legend about birds explain a tongue position for spiritual and sexual vitality? This timeless poem links many metaphors ...

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My Favorite Anti-Aging Detox Health Tips (REVISED)

Several readers asked me to share my personal health tips and supplements. I’m workin’ it, and feeling quite good. As you probably guessed, we eat mostly unprocessed foods, lots of ...

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The I-Ching: Does it Hold the Secrets to DNA and Enlightenment?

Does the I-Ching hold the secrets to DNA and Enlightenment? Does this ancient divination tool represent an elegant and perfectly condensed map of the cosmos? Could its binary logic encode ...

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How NOT to Surf the Web – Tips for Survival in the Cyber Jungle

The link between human DNA and the digital world is heating up. Today our 3D movie is all about the election, AI expansion, our Sun’s activity, and the Wireless Body ...

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The Tale of Two Spiders – How two enlightened spiders taught me the secrets of life

If you’re lucky, the universe offers you signs to guide your highest path. When we can listen to the synchronicities around us, our natural path opens before us. Sometimes these ...

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