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We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bali at Keramas Sacred River Village. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is  Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at Best wishes!

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The First GREAT RESET: Rome Creates a New God

In 4th century Rome, Emperor Constantine faced uncountable challenges. By this time, 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Roman empire encompassed hundreds of diverse cultures across three continents ...

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DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) to End Chronic Disease Forever

What are our biggest biggest killer diseases? That’s right, NCD’s or Non-Communicable Diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Obesity, Arthritis, have no cause and no cure. HUH? A huge ...

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How To Harness Your Emotional Power to Live in True Center

Emotions are one of our most powerful energy resources in this life. These are questions and images for group discussion: What is an Emotion? What is the Source of your ...

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Opium and the Dragon, How the Queen’s Secret Drug Trade in China Built the New World Order Global Agenda

Queen Victoria’s Opium Wars were over two hundred years ago, a bitter loss and humiliation for China. But how is this relevant now? How did the British East India Company ...

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Ascension Tips for Starseeds

These days we live in a vital, exciting, expanding universe. Sometimes almost too exciting! In this density we have duality and we must make choices. We can influence our environment ...

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The Story of the Two Spiders – How 2 unsuspecting spiders taught me the secrets of life

How did two spiders teach me the secrets of LISTENING? We are fortunate to be human beings. Because when we are lucky, the universe offers signs to guide us on ...

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Teknik Bernafas Untuk Oksigenasi Darah Anda

Breathing Techniques to Oxygenate Your Blood. Halo Hari ini saya mau berbicara tentang biagaimana Teknik Bernafas Untuk Oksigenasi Darah Anda. Kita akan mengukur kekuatan paru-paru Anda, kecepatan bernafas, tingkat oksigenasi ...

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My Top Anti-Aging SuperHuman Health Tips

Several readers have asked me to share my personal diet and supplements. So, here they are. Ha Ha! As you probably guessed, I eat a low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet of ...

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Lama D Teaches Everyday Buddhism to 21,000 Students in Bhutan

When I wake up at 7am every morning, Lama D has already been up for three hours. His group is called Tharpi Sabuen, “Seeds for Enlightenment”. He’s hard at work ...

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Why Are Idiopathic Diseases Rising So Fast?

When a disease has no cause and no cure, we call it “Idiopathic”. But why are the world’s most common diseases such a mystery? What are our most common idiopathic ...

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Reflections on a NEW WORLD Without Money

What would our lives be like without money? We’re going to take a little journey to see. First please remove all ideas of EGO and OWNERSHIP. Just let those fall ...

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Homage to Rudrananda, Captain Kundalini in His Last Year of Life

Rudi as Captain Kundalini in his orange overalls and T-shirt. Rudi is the only person I ever knew who understood the meaning of TRANSFORMATION. He is gone now, however he ...

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