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Hello and thanks for visiting Five Seasons Medicine.
We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bali at Keramas Sacred River Village. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is  Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at Best wishes!

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Dissolve Unconscious Beliefs – Zoom Special Price $50 through May 10

Our core beliefs can dramatically impact how we think, how we experience every aspect of life. Discount Price of $50 on SPECIAL through May 10, 2024. (Normal price is $90 ...

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Remove Obstacles – Zoom Healing Session Special Price – $50 through April 15

Spring Equinox is a time to clear away the old to create expanded space for new beginnings. Normally $90 for a Zoom distance session, this Remove Obstacles is my Special ...

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Are We Already CONNECTED in the CLOUD?

Hello friends, The Global Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is already connected in all of us. Since this issue is of great importance and not widely understood, I am offering ...

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Are You Taking Your Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a key in protecting immunity. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with much higher risk for all inflammatory diseases. Most of us are particularly low in Vitamin D ...

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GROUNDING in 30 Seconds: How to Be a Spot of Calm in the Midst of a Storm

What is Grounding? This technique is incredibly important for your health, strength, and clarity. Some call it Rooting or Earthing. It just means anchoring yourself energetically into your true home ...

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Avoid Common Processed Foods due to Hidden Insects, Worms, Parasites, Nano Bots, Graphene, and Glyphosate

A few days ago a friend sent me a video of instant noodles under a microscope. What I saw shocked me to the core and opened my eyes to our ...

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Spiritual Sun Tzu: The Art of War Classic Principles

Strategic thinking for evolving minds. What should you do if you suddenly find yourself immersed in a SPIRITUAL WAR? You’re getting crossfire in a clash of the ages between Dark ...

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I Cinque Elemente della Medicina Cinese

Come funzionano i cinque elementi della medicina cinese? Possono aiutarci capire come migliorare la nostra salute? Dal Workshop nel Gubbio, Italia nel 2016. Click per leggere: Italy-Workshop-traduzioni-7sett_compressed ...

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La Cosmologia del Qigong

Una presentazione nel Workshop in Gubbio, Italia nel 2016, per spiegare i radici, la storia, e come scoprire salute ottimale con Qigong. Pdf 70 pagine. Click per leggere. Cosmologia-Qigong-6-agosto-2016_compressed ...

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Hindu 14 Realms of Heaven & Hell in the Cycles of Time

Our modern world is a reflection and repeat of ancient cycles that’s beyond Biblical. Hindu myths also come alive like a déjà vu of something we’ve already experienced before. The ...

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Daoist Microcosmic Orbit – Your Future Genesis is Spinning Inside You

The Microcosmic Orbit is the oldest and most important meditation of Daoism. This video shows how to use breath and visualization to refine and build Qi within the human energy ...

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Formula for ASCENSION

Hello dear friends. How can we even talk about ASCENSION? We hope to penetrate the veils of consciousness in the magnetosphere. We attempt to make sense of the holograph of ...

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