Hello and thanks for visiting Five Seasons Medicine.
We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bhutan. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is PowerDharma.com. Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at JanesHealthyKitchen.com. Best wishes!

The Four Harmonious Friends, Buddha’s Lesson for Modern Times
2,600 years ago the Buddha told this story as a lesson in cooperation and respect, after some of his students showed disrespect for the wise Śāriputra, senior disciple of the ...

Lost Sayings of Jesus Christ in The Nag Hammadi
What did Jesus Christ really say? What sayings reveal the true teachings of Jesus Christ and his deep spiritual practices? Many of his quotes do not appear in the Bible ...

Sunlight vs. Blue Light – New Science to Reverse Chronic Disease
If you haven’t yet heard about Dr. Jack Kruse, you’re in for a big surprise. Brilliant neurosurgeon, longevity expert, and mitochondrial guru with vast experience, Jack Kruse sports 90 years ...

The First GREAT RESET: Rome Creates a New God
In 4th century Rome, Emperor Constantine faced uncountable challenges. By this time, 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Roman empire encompassed hundreds of diverse cultures across three continents ...

Formula for ASCENSION
Hello dear friends. Can we talk about ASCENSION? We hope to penetrate the layers of consciousness in the magnetosphere. We attempt to make sense of the holograph of this reality ...

Alternate Nostril Breathing: 2-min Balancing – Nadhi Shodhana
This is the first in a series about OXYGENATION. Are you getting enough oxygen to your cells? If you’re feeling tired or on edge, the first question to ask is: ...

Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty – A Frequency Balancing for New Times
This is a Frequency Balancing practice to help you raise your vibration, adapt to new energies, and find your human heart. It’s a 15-minute practice to reset your nervous system, ...

GROUNDING in 30 Seconds: How to Be a Spot of Calm in the Midst of a Storm
What is Grounding? This technique is incredibly important for your health, strength, and clarity. Some call it Rooting or Earthing. It just means anchoring yourself energetically into your true home ...

Are You Taking Your Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a key in protecting immunity. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with much higher risk for all inflammatory diseases. Most of us are particularly low in Vitamin D ...

6 Ways to Activate Stem Cells Naturally for a Long Life
To discover the secrets to longevity, we need to re-imagine our biology, our health. We can slow aging and heal most diseases with dietary, lifestyle, and specific longevity strategies. We ...

Brain Balancing Unifies Science & Spirit to Keep You Healthy
Brain balancing may hold the key to the mysteries of higher awareness. By synchronizing both left and right brain cortices, we are able to re-charge the pineal gland to enliven ...

Reflections on a NEW WORLD Without Money
Money is a figment of the imagination. Money is a shared thought form with no intrinsic value. How wonderful it will be when the stress of money is taken off ...