Suggested Bedtime Reading: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love to read this book before bed because it calms my mind and uplifts my mood. It confirms that there are Natural laws in the universe that must be followed.  I am delighted to be alive and participate in such a world. I can’t guarantee this book is true, but I believe it is certainly possible. This gives me great hope. Enjoy reading!!    Click here for a free archive e-book of The Thiaoouba Prophecy.  Or get the free PDF here.  Buy it on Amazon here.   I like this book because there are no theories in it. No wishful thinking,…

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Kundalini Double Breath Activation: Awaken the Energy Body – VIDEO

My teacher Swami Rudrananda (Rudi) explains the Kundalini Double Breath. This video shows the breathing exercise to draw cosmic energy into the body, which he received from his teacher Sri Bhagawan Nityananda in 1960.    “Just as the physical body functions in a certain way, we also have spiritual body with its own mechanism, which is highly sensitive and rarely used, but is every bit a complete a system that actually runs the physical life. If you want to hear a bird sing you can’t stay in the middle of a city you have to go to a place where there…

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Walking Into the Light – We Step Into a Powerful New Collective Journey

We live in a hall of mirrors. Life mirrors back to you exactly what you give it.  The old world is slipping away.  Your destiny is already known. Your unique inimitable fate is etched in your DNA.  Turn to Face the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy.  But I Have Plenty of Reasons to be Angry.  Worry about money is a huge mental trap.  The new world is waiting. How can we hasten its arrival?  Lighten your load.  How much passionate joy can you stand? Test your limits.  Reminds me of my favorite story: Shadrach, Mishak, and Abednego walking…

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Five Seasons University

Welcome to Five Seasons University. This special school integrates a wide variety of subjects, so you can design your own curriculum. We have so much to learn and UN-learn! Choose from over 60 classes in major topics such as Spirit, Body Wisdom, Frequency Medicine, Wealth, Indigenous Medicine, Time, Mind, Transformation, Physical Medicine, and Quantum Science. These broad topics are intended to integrate Left-Right brain hemispheres and East-West philosophies. After years of research and writing, my BLOG became a SCHOOL! True education comes from Nature, and it should be given away whenever possible. This system saves time and energy. All my…

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Brain Balancing Unifies Science & Spirit to Keep You Healthy

Brain balancing may hold the key to the mysteries of higher awareness. By synchronizing both left and right brain cortices, we are able to re-charge the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of Zero-Point consciousness. This 2-minute tapping merges precise logic on the left with big-picture awareness. It’s as natural as breathing.  Takeaway: To live in the world we must understand the two aspects of the mind, and how to balance them.  The SWEET SPOT of PERFECT HARMONY between two polarities of your mind is I the pineal glad, the center of spiritual awareness. Brain Balancing Synchronizes Body Harmony and helps…

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The WEB of CAUSE & EFFECT in Our Reality

It’s not a simple “CHAIN” of Cause and Effect.   It is more a “WEB” of infinite interconnected consciousness pulsing through time, space, and the multiverse. Buddhism calls this concept “Dependent Co-Arising”, meaning things don’t just happen independently. They’re all intimately connected in the larger reality. Ha Ha! Events don’t come into existence by themselves. Everything that happens in the world is a result of complex interrelationships to other conditions and causes. There are no coincidences. Our multiverse is alive and in constant motion. How can we understand it better? Then we can begin to live harmoniously, and perhaps even guide our…

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Retrain Your Vagus Nerve to Relax Completely

Retrain Your Vagus Nerve to Relax Completely.  Fear to Freedom in 6 Easy Steps.  How many years have you been under stress? How many years have WE ALL been under stress? This is a simple way to BREAK THROUGH any pattern of FEAR in a few minutes. Intense stress over time creates fixed patterns of tension in your body, which can build up to insane levels, causing all types of mental and physical ailments. Intense stress such as a pandemic, lockdown, loss of a job, hospitalization, addiction, divorce, death of loved one, surgery, or a high-pressure lifestyle can strain the…

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Who Was Christ? Traveler from Thiaoouba?

What really happened 2,000 years ago?  The Bible story of Jesus Christ contains much truth. However there is more. Behind the scenes, hidden hands are said to have orchestrated his arrival on Earth, his miracles, and his martyrdom, in order to inspire humanity’s spiritual path. The book Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel DesMarquet clarifies practically all myths and mysteries on Earth and reveals clear logic, beauty and majesty of the Universe, in which everyone of us has important role to play.  Summary of the Thiaoouba  Story of Jesus Christ:    Higher beings from the 9th level planet Thiaoouba noticed humans were falling from God, focused…

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Earth’s Vibration is Entering a New Frequency. Can you feel it?

We live in exciting times. Everything is shifting under our feet. We are being invited to reconsider everything we once believed, to completely restructure our world-view. This affects every living being on the planet, no exceptions. We are each asked to embrace a new reality or be swept away. Could a cosmic cycle to a happy destiny be guiding us through this crisis? Maybe our current temporal war is just playing out a dramatic transition of the natural cycle of evolution. Could it be an individual cosmic test for every person preparing for a New Earth? When we observe the…

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Ten Messiahs of Judaea

WHO were the Messiahs of Judaea? What is the true origin of Christ Consciousness? This article traces 10 so-called Messiahs and their stories. Which of these stories are true? I don’t know. What I DO know is that the Roman Empire embraced Christ some 400 years after his crucifixion. And by recognizing this great spiritual being, they kindled a fire in our hearts, an unstoppable force of truth and love that is powerful enough to awaken the world. Perhaps the Roman church unwittingly planted the seeds of its own destruction in modern times. Who knows? Today this unquenchable wave of…

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