FACE OFF: UnMasking the Invisible Enemy

Hello friends. As we continue to pull the curtain aside to see the bigger picture of our lives, we see that current events have deep roots in the past.  Here I’m offering a few carefully selected videos I believe are worth considering. Let me know your thoughts. Please stay safe and happy in these amazing times. Srijana Takeaway:  1. UnConventional Gray – A Documentary on geo-engineering and how I connects to our health system. If this documentary had come out in 2016 when it was supposed to, many people might have fared better in the Covid Pandemic.  2. Freedom From Delusions – A…

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One Minute to Midnight

Hello friends! Here’s a series of videos to cultivate a deeper appreciation of our complex world situation from various vantage points. Have we gathered enough “FACTS” to see that FACTS alone do not bring understanding?  To focus on PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS wishing to improve the world, simply doesn’t work  We end up running around in a 2-D MIND maze. What we label “PROBLEMS” are always complex threads – not just one thought. To try to THINK your way out of an entangled situation after thousands of years is like trying to like clear the Karma you’ve been creating for lifetimes. Eeek!  The…

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Tharpi Sabuen “Seeds for Paradise” Bhutan Activities, Spring 2024

Hello friends, Lama D just returned from several months in Bhutan. This video is a compilation of so many events that took place there between April and August, 2024. Enjoy!   Lama D, also known in Bhutan as D. Thinley, has a Buddhism study group called “Tharpi Sabuen”. The name means “Seeds for Paradise” in the Dzongkha language. The Buddhist concept is that when we plant “Seeds for Paradise” through our thoughts, words, and actions, we are creating a better world for ourselves and all living beings, both now and in the future. The study practice includes thoughts, chanting, visualizations,…

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Top 12 Acupressure Points to Recharge Your Energy in 5-min – VIDEO

  Let’s take five minutes to re-charge your energy! The simple act of pressing these TOP 12 POINTS will reset your body so that Qi, health, and happiness can flow more easily. It’s a quick way to restore balance to physical – emotional issues. It’s even more important during times of big transformation. And it’s FREE!   These are the 12 points universally needed by almost EVERYONE on EARTH. Just a few minutes will unblock your muscles release emotions, and give you mental clarity. Use gentle, firm pressure on each point, for about 10 seconds as you breathe deeply. KD-1, Kidney 1 or Gushing…

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Blue Blood and Human Ascension Rooted in the World Mind

The World Mind is changing. In modern times, we think very differently from Romans 2,000 years ago. Some say our world has been deeply deranged for millennia. Yes, that may be true, However, from a higher perspective, maybe all is in perfect order. Perhaps CHAOS exists in my MIND, as a complex, intricate pattern I don’t yet understand. Instead of feeling confused, I can adjust my perspective, to see HARMONY in the BIGGER PICTURE, and guide my own destiny. It simply means change of perspective. Changing HOW I interpret what I see with my senses.   Perhaps it’s time for…

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The 9 Faces of Reality – How to Exit the 3D Matrix ALIVE

Is life anything like a “Hall of Mirrors”? Here’s a video of our Zoom Discussion.  The 9 Faces of Reality appear to be separate facets, but they are all ONE universe, and it is OURS.  Maybe if we examine each face of our reality one at a time, we can embrace them all to make sense, and integrate them into our lives.  To claim possession of our world, we need to ask ourselves: What’s My Heart Level? Brainwave Frequency? Density? Parallel Worlds? What is your Bloodline? Soul Lineage? Time? Physical Space? Can we assimilate this awareness in the Sweet Spot in the…

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Five Seasons University

Welcome to Five Seasons University. This special school integrates a wide variety of subjects, so you can design your own curriculum. We have so much to learn and UN-learn! Choose from over 60 classes in major topics such as Spirit, Body Wisdom, Frequency Medicine, Wealth, Indigenous Medicine, Time, Mind, Transformation, Physical Medicine, and Quantum Science. These broad topics are intended to integrate Left-Right brain hemispheres and East-West philosophies. After years of research and writing, my BLOG became a SCHOOL! True education comes from Nature, and it should be given away whenever possible. This system saves time and energy. All my…

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NEW VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Interview: “How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick”

I highly recommend this video interview by Tucker Carlson. He asks down-to-earth questions with Stanford-trained surgeon, Casey Means, and her brother Calley, former lobbyist for the Pharma industry. In just a few minutes, it lays out the interrelated problems with rising illness in the USA and the world. I have high hopes for this concept of “A New Biology” to optimize our health now and in the future! Enjoy!  What if depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, cancer and many other diseases actually have the same root cause? In other words, there is only one…

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The I-Ching: Does it Hold the Secrets to DNA and Enlightenment?

Does the I-Ching hold the secrets to DNA and Enlightenment? Does this ancient divination tool represent an elegant and perfectly condensed map of the cosmos? Could its binary logic encode the greatest universal wisdom expressed in higher bio-mathematics? Could this be a key to unraveling the global genetic engineering by the dragons of an evil empire? Can the I-Ching show us how to unlock the blood-cult strategy to hijack and mind-control humanity? Or is it just another AI spell designed to replicate synthetic nano-biology inside our bodies? This is a fervent spiritual call to any awakened individual who can decode the message…

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Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically optimize intelligence, body meridians, and organs, allowing us to integrate time, space, and multidimensional realities.    Our left and right brain hemispheres have very different abilities. You need both functions in harmony, because together, they can reflect ALL your innate abilities. Balancing the brain hemispheres is also an important tool to vitalize the Microcosmic Orbit to cultivate Qi and Health. The Pineal Gland is the Antenna Third-Eye Receiver of Your…

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