Blue Blood and Human Ascension Rooted in the World Mind

The World Mind is changing. In modern times, we think very differently from Romans 2,000 years ago. Some say our world has been deeply deranged for millennia. Yes, that may be true, However, from a higher perspective, maybe all is in perfect order. Perhaps CHAOS exists in my MIND, as a complex, intricate pattern I don’t yet understand. Instead of feeling confused, I can adjust my perspective, to see HARMONY in the BIGGER PICTURE, and guide my own destiny. It simply means change of perspective. Changing HOW I interpret what I see with my senses.   Perhaps it’s time for…

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The 9 Faces of Reality – How to Exit the 3D Matrix ALIVE

Is life anything like a “Hall of Mirrors”? Here’s a video of our Zoom Discussion.  The 9 Faces of Reality appear to be separate facets, but they are all ONE universe, and it is OURS.  Maybe if we examine each face of our reality one at a time, we can embrace them all to make sense, and integrate them into our lives.  To claim possession of our world, we need to ask ourselves: What’s My Heart Level? Brainwave Frequency? Density? Parallel Worlds? What is your Bloodline? Soul Lineage? Time? Physical Space? Can we assimilate this awareness in the Sweet Spot in the…

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NEW VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Interview: “How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick”

I highly recommend this video interview by Tucker Carlson. He asks down-to-earth questions with Stanford-trained surgeon, Casey Means, and her brother Calley, former lobbyist for the Pharma industry. In just a few minutes, it lays out the interrelated problems with rising illness in the USA and the world. I have high hopes for this concept of “A New Biology” to optimize our health now and in the future! Enjoy!  What if depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, cancer and many other diseases actually have the same root cause? In other words, there is only one…

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Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically optimize intelligence, body meridians, and organs, allowing us to integrate time, space, and multidimensional realities.    Our left and right brain hemispheres have very different abilities. You need both functions in harmony, because together, they can reflect ALL your innate abilities. Balancing the brain hemispheres is also an important tool to vitalize the Microcosmic Orbit to cultivate Qi and Health. The Pineal Gland is the Antenna Third-Eye Receiver of Your…

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EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping to Dissolve Negative Feelings Fast

Livid ANGER? Petrifying FEAR? Gut-wrenching GRIEF? Powerful emotions are a part of our human journey. When an emotion takes HOLD of you, you are not a victim of something outside you. You are a victim of your own REACTIONS. And your REACTIONS are 100% within your power to control. Yes, maybe you need a lawyer, but first better get control of YOURSELF. Here’s how:  EFT is a practical tool to reduce stress in minutes. Emotional Freedom Technique WORKS! Whether you’re dealing with a family situation, a break-up, financial chaos, or constant stress of our times, this tapping tool can be…

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Reflections on a NEW WORLD Without Money

What would our lives be like without money? Come with me to take a little journey. First please remove all ideas of EGO and OWNERSHIP. What kind of money system would you like to see? Can we correlate human lifespan with our modern concept of money?  “What caused the reduction in human lifespan from 700 years in Biblical times to less than 100 years now? Was it due to the rise of the concept of money, ownership, and selfish intent vs. sharing? Did Money, Greed, and Power cause humans to misunderstand the Infinite Creator within?”  Within our lifetimes the value of…

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When you’re forced to CHOOSE between MONEY and LIFE, then you know it’s a spiritual battle. That tells us that humanity is on the cusp of an important collective choice in this “War for our Minds”. Please forgive my humorous images that tell a story.    Today’s Takeaway:  Our Society is at a Crossroads, What do we Value? Money vs. your Life? Consolidation of Power, What Happens when All Databases MERGE into ONE GLOBAL CONTROL SYSTEM? You can VOTE your way into TYRANNY.  But you might need a MILITARY to reclaim your SOVEREIGNTY. Vision for a Transparent American Government. Looking Deeper: A Personal and Collective Choice.…

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Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty – A Frequency Balancing for New Times

This is a Frequency Balancing practice to help you raise your vibration, adapt to new energies, and find your human heart. It’s a 15-minute practice to reset your nervous system, so you can be at ease in in the middle of what seems to be total chaos. We live in a wild world of continually shifting energies. Living in the midst of the storm, every day feels different, because it IS DIFFERENT. Many of the new frequencies you will meet are beneficial. And some are not. What if your ONLY job is to reclaim your inner sovereignty each day and walk your personal…

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Kundalini Double Breath Activation: Awaken the Energy Body – VIDEO

My teacher Swami Rudrananda (Rudi) explains the Kundalini Double Breath. This video shows the breathing exercise to draw cosmic energy into the body, which he received from his teacher Sri Bhagawan Nityananda in 1960.    “Just as the physical body functions in a certain way, we also have spiritual body with its own mechanism, which is highly sensitive and rarely used, but is every bit a complete a system that actually runs the physical life. If you want to hear a bird sing you can’t stay in the middle of a city you have to go to a place where there…

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Walking Into the Light – We Step Into a Powerful New Collective Journey

We live in a hall of mirrors. Life mirrors back to you exactly what you give it.  The old world is slipping away.  Your destiny is already known. Your unique inimitable fate is etched in your DNA.  Turn to Face the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy.  But I Have Plenty of Reasons to be Angry.  Worry about money is a huge mental trap.  The new world is waiting. How can we hasten its arrival?  Lighten your load.  How much passionate joy can you stand? Test your limits.  Reminds me of my favorite story: Shadrach, Mishak, and Abednego walking…

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