How NOT to Surf the Web – Finding TRUTH on the Internet in 2024

Happy New Year! Top internet tools to find to find TRUTH in 2024. Major predictions include: AI expansion, crazy Election on Social Media, Web 3, and “Spatial Internet of Bodies” linking humans to the web (which will challenge everything we know about how to communicate, interact, and control society).   As expected, the battle between AI, humans, and the digitized human body WBAN Network will accelerate this year in profound ways.  Suggested DO’s and DON’Ts for Finding True Knowledge on the Web:   DO NOT use GOOGLE. Here’s why. But will Apple’s PEGASUS be any better?  DO USE a variety of…

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Brain Balancing Unifies Science & Spirit: Re-Charge the Pineal Gland

Brain balancing may hold the key to the mysteries of higher awareness. By synchronizing both left and right brain cortices, we are able to re-charge the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of Zero-Point consciousness. This 2-minute tapping merges precise logic on the left with big-picture awareness. It’s as natural as breathing.  You can enhance both left and right brain functions, as they both reflect your innate abilities. Breathe quietly as you tap, to align the meridians, and find the sweet spot in the center. this is where your infinite multi-dimensional intelligence resides. By balancing the dual polarities of Nature…

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The First GREAT RESET: Rome Creates a New God

In 4th century Rome, Emperor Constantine faced uncountable challenges. By this time, 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Roman empire encompassed hundreds of diverse cultures across three continents. There were problems in every zone. Local religious leaders rejected Roman rule. People refused to register property for taxes. Rebellions and terrorist events depleted his ranks of soldiers. How could he keep the lid on troubles? How could he collect taxes in a territory spanning all of Europe, Middle East, and North Africa? How could he control chaotic rebellion in all territories at the same time? Even worse, Constantine’s political…

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DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) to End Chronic Disease Forever

What are our biggest biggest killer diseases? That’s right, NCD’s or Non-Communicable Diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Obesity, Arthritis, have no cause and no cure. HUH? A huge upsurge in health awareness in the post-Covid era is stirring the pot and challenging the old medical status-quo. Humanity just got a big wake-up call, a reminder to focus on DETOX. We are discovering that to stay alive, our primary job is protect our DNA by avoiding toxins and building a resilient microbiome, the very root of immunity. It’s that simple.  This article is a bird’s-eye overview of shocking global…

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How To Harness Your Emotional Power to Live in True Center

Emotions are one of our most powerful energy resources in this life. These are questions and images for group discussion: What is an Emotion? What is the Source of your Emotions? How intense are your emotions? Can sometimes an emotion be very gentle, or sometimes overshadow our entire awareness? Is emotion an electrical frequency? Do emotions come from deep inside our subconscious?  Or do emotions come from outside us as thoughts and expectations we have learned? Can Emotions come in sequences, one after another? Sometime can we feel several emotions at the same time? Can an emotion become a habit? Can…

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Opium and the Dragon, How the Queen’s Secret Drug Trade in China Built the New World Order Global Agenda

Queen Victoria’s Opium Wars were over two hundred years ago, a bitter loss and humiliation for China. But how is this relevant now? How did the British East India Company transform China into a Western puppet? How did the Queen’s poppy fields defeat the powerful Dragon empire, bankroll Mao’s Communist revolution, and create an global coalition known as the New World Order? How did the Crown’s secret opium trade turn into a quadrillion-dollar underground drug empire including the CIA, Pentagon, MI6, and Mossad, all marching in lockstep with the WHO and United Nations toward AI Control, Transhumanism, and the GREAT…

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Ascension Tips for Starseeds

These days we live in a vital, exciting, expanding universe. Sometimes almost too exciting! In this density we have duality and we must make choices. We can influence our environment with thoughts and intentions. We have free will, which means we are free to “make mistakes”. The benevolent universe always gives us an opportunity to try again, to repeat the lesson. Just wondering: Will we still be alive after ascension? Or do we have to die? Ha Ha! I have so many questions! What’s my ascension “homework”? Are we free to leave planet Earth after death? What choices will we have? Or…

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The Story of the Two Spiders – How 2 unsuspecting spiders taught me the secrets of life

How did two spiders teach me the secrets of LISTENING? We are fortunate to be human beings. Because when we are lucky, the universe offers signs to guide us on our true path. When we can listen to the synchronicities all around us, our natural path opens before us. Sometimes these lessons are so perfectly direct and profound, that it’s almost beyond belief. A case is point is the Story of the Two Spiders:  A few years ago, I was working way too hard. I became deeply exhausted and was diagnosed with total adrenal failure. My home business was so…

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Teknik Bernafas Untuk Oksigenasi Darah Anda

Breathing Techniques to Oxygenate Your Blood.  Halo Hari ini saya mau berbicara tentang biagaimana Teknik Bernafas Untuk Oksigenasi Darah Anda. Kita akan mengukur kekuatan paru-paru Anda, kecepatan bernafas, tingkat oksigenasi darah Anda, dan denyut nadi Anda. Kemudian kita akan menunjukkan teknik untuk mengoptimalkan oksigen untuk kesehatan yang lebih baik. Apakah kita siap? Setiap sel di dalam tubuh perlu bernapas untuk dapat oksigen. Sekarang ketika kita bernapas dengan paru paru, apa yang terjadi? Oksigen dari udara mengisi paru paru. Dari paru paru, oksigen dalam darah diterima oleh sel. Bagus!   Teknik ini membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi dan kejernihan mental. Ini menenangkan pikiran,…

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My Top Anti-Aging SuperHuman Health Tips

Several readers have asked me to share my personal diet and supplements. So, here they are. Ha Ha! As you probably guessed, I eat a low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet of lots of coconut oil and butter. I try to have a highly diverse microbiome, with TONS of local leafy greens, yogurt, fermented foods, cheese, eggs, occasional meats, LOTS of beans, garlic, turmeric, and ginger. We eat non-GMO, no flour, no seed oils, mostly organic. We practice intermittent fasting with our meals at 10am and 4pm plus a delicious fruit smoothie at 2pm. We do a water on Tuesdays. I try…

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