Does the I-Ching hold the secrets to DNA and Enlightenment? Does this ancient divination tool represent an elegant and perfectly condensed map of the cosmos? Could its binary logic encode the greatest universal wisdom expressed in higher bio-mathematics? Could this be a key to unraveling the global genetic engineering by the dragons of an evil empire? Can the I-Ching show us how to unlock the blood-cult strategy to hijack and mind-control humanity? Or is it just another AI spell designed to replicate synthetic nano-biology inside our bodies? This is a fervent spiritual call to any awakened individual who can decode the message and transform it into light.
Takeaway: Please explain to me like I’m a child:
What is the connection between the I-Ching, to the wisdom of life, our DNA Genetic design, Chinese Medicine, the Body Meridians, 64-Amino Acid Codons, Sacred Geometry of the 64-Tetrahedron, Human Evolution and Enlightenment?
- Does the I-Ching 64 Hexagrams Contain the Secrets of DNA and Our Genetic Code?
How did the Ancient Dragon Emperors of China encode the wisdom of all possible permutations of life in 64 hexagrams of Yin Yang lines? How do the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching binary lines correspond to the 64 codons (amino acids) of our biomathematical DNA? Were the ancient dragon kings also geneticists? - Do the 64 Amino Acid Codons and the 64-Tetrahedron Reflect DNA Biomathematics?
What is a visual representation of the 64 DNA codons? How does this 3D image come to us from sacred geometry as a 2D flower of light? Is this relevant to genetic research, or just a coincidence? - How Does Biological Life Emerge from a Non-Physical Source?
The Five Vital Substances come together to form Physical life. They are Spirit (Shen), Body Fluids (Jinye), Energy (Qi), DNA Essence (Jing), and Blood (Xue). - The Extraordinary Meridians, the FIRST Cell Divisions are the Most Powerful Pathways of Healing and Transformation.
Do the very first cell divisions at conception outline the first eight meridians of ancestry and destiny? Does this first mitosis birth the eight Extraordinary meridians of Chinese Medicine? Is the reason why they are hardly used in modern times because they hold the greatest power to bring enlightenment and healing? - Subsequent Cell Divisions Bring the Six Extraordinary Organs
These are body-wide systems, the 1) Marrow, 2) Blood vessels, 3) Bones, 4) Brain & Nervous system, 5) Procreative system, and the 6) Gall bladder. - Twelve Organ Meridian’s Carry Qi Through Your Body
Your Qi flows in precise ways through the twelve organ meridians, the most well-known meridians of acupuncture. - Ascension Through Activating the Light Body. We enliven the Akasha, Neidan, Inner Alchemy, Kundalini. This is the natural fruition of cellular biology that began in conception and ends in Spiritual awakening. It happens in many lineages, in deep state of surrender, burning heat of ascension, and joy.
1. Does the I-Ching 64 Hexagrams Contain the Secrets of DNA and Our Genetic Code?

If you read this circular 64 hexagrams counter-clockwise, the Yin and Yang lines are set up one by one, two by two, four by four, eight by eight, sixteen by sixteen, thirty-two by thirty-two. This forms a series: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. If you draw any diameter line across the circle, the hexagrams will mirror each other perfectly.
I have many question. How did the Ancient Dragon Emperors of China encode the wisdom of all possible permutations of life in 64 hexagrams of Yin Yang lines? How do the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching binary lines correspond to the 64 codons (amino acids) of our biomathematical DNA? Were the ancient dragon kings also geneticists?
The I Ching “Book of Changes” is a traditional Chinese divination tool, often consulted by throwing coins or yarrow sticks. It offers wise perspective and guidance via 64 unique hexagrams, representing life situations. Rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy of the Dragon Kings, Fuxi and King Wen, it has influenced major thinkers from Confucius to Carl Jung, and even influenced modern computer binary codes.
It goes beyond predictions, promoting introspection, moral guidance, and understanding of life’s balance, making it relevant in every millennium. As we navigate our modern world, the IChing remains a timeless compass, providing clarity, wisdom, and insight into the complexities of human existence.
At its core, the I Ching is a divination manual, a system of 64 hexagrams used to organize seemingly random events. Each hexagrams represents a unique situation or phase in human life, providing guidance on everyday concerns as well as profound spiritual introspection. The hexagrams of broken and unbroken binary lines symbolize yin and yang.
Does this represent the basis of molecular biology? Did the ancient the Dragon Kings of China actually distill higher wisdom of biomathematics in the Bagua and I-Ching? Is this a non-verbal message in binary code, to help us discover universal truth? How can we decode it now?
The I Ching has inspired many scientists and philosophers for centuries. Perhaps the most spectacular is its association with molecular biology and the genetic code. The I-Ching is an elegant and highly condensed way to describe the cosmos. 17th-century mathematician and father of modern calculus, Gottfried Wilhelm Liebnitz, discovered this binary system after an exchange of letters with a Jesuit priest in China, who showed him FuXi’s Bagua form. Liebnitz described the binary code of O and 1, now used in modern computers.
Many other scientists noticed a correlation. Carl Jung’s disciple, Marie-Louise von Franz, first wrote about it in the 1960s. The Genetic Code and the I Ching by Martin Schonberger came out in 1973, followed by DNA and the I Ching: The Tao of Life by Johnson Yan, I Ching (Yi Jing) and Modern Science by M.D. Charles H Chen and Katya Walter’s Tao of Chaos: DNA and the I Ching.
In the I Ching, each horizontal line has two possible values, 1 (yang) and 0 (yin). Therefore the hexagram has 6 bits, ranging from 000000 (earth) to 111111 (heaven). The possible permutations are 2^6 = 64. In the Bagua, the three line yang trigram has 2^3 = 8 permutations, as has the yin trigram. So the combined yang and yin hexagram has 8 x 8 = 64 values.


FUXI was the First Dragon Emperor of China.
2. Do the 64 Amino Acid Codons and the 64-Tetrahedron Reflect DNA Biomathematics?
How does this 3D image come to us from sacred geometry as a 2D flower of light? Is this image relevant to DNA genetic research, or just a coincidence? The 64 Tetrahedron is considered the basis of 3-D physical structure. The 2D Flower of Life is a flat 2D image of that universal form.
DNA uses 3 base pairs to code an amino acid. Each base pair in the amino acid codon is one of four molecules. Therefore the number of possible coding permutations is 4 x 4 x 4 = 64.
The four DNA bases are amino acids: adenine (A – binary 10), cytosine (C – binary 01) guanine (G – binary 11) and thymine (T – binary 00). Thymine is replaced with uracil in RNA. Each base has a specific partner in the dual strands of DNA: guanine with cytosine, adenine with thymine (in DNA) or adenine with uracil (in RNA). This explains the relationship of binary codes of I Ching and DNA.
It gives me great hope to read the following statement by a brilliant bio-mathemetacian:
“The molecular basis of life is so conceptually simple, so wonderfully understandable, that anyone with an interest can grasp its basics within an afternoon.” Lynn E. H. Trainor
What is the Meaning of the 64 Codons?
The genetic code is highly similar among all organisms and can be expressed in a simple table with 64 entries. The codons specify which amino acid will be added next during protein biosynthesis. With some exceptions, a three-nucleotide codon in a nucleic acid sequence specifies a single amino acid.
A codon is a DNA or RNA sequence of three nucleotides that forms a unit of genomic information encoding a particular amino acid or signal of protein synthesis. There are 64 different codons. Each codon consists of three nucleotides, usually corresponding to a single amino acid. The nucleotides are abbreviated with the letters A, U, G and C. For example, here is a table of codons.

This Table of 64 codons, which represent a genetic code for translating each nucleotide triplet in mRNA into an amino acid or a termination signal in a protein. Research credit: NIH National Institute of Health

A proposed tetrahedral representation of the genetic code, based on symmetry and periodicity. Image Credit: Castro-Chavez F.
Author and Bio-Physicist Lynn Trainor provided 10 intersecting points per side plus one unique point at the center of each face, while the remaining 9 points were shared by the other triangular faces, with each face of the tetrahedron being later filled with 27 components per face, with 27×4=108 codons in total.
Trainor declared that her tetrahedral representation of the genetic code was probably inspired by an analogous representation used for elementary particle quantum numbers.
Fujiomoto M. inventor of the Tetrahedral codon stereo-table. U.S. Patent. 1987, declared that his patented representation was “highly useful in the field of genetic engineering“. However, a major incentive for my personal research is the supreme beauty of it all.
“A genome resembles less to a plain text, which simply expresses semantics in accordance to certain grammar rules, and more to a poem, which also obeys additional rules, such as those that generate rhythm, rhyme, and meaning.”
What is the Significance of the 64 Tetrahedron?
The 64 Tetrahedron Grid is a fascinating concept in sacred geometry, a term used to describe the mathematical and geometric principles believed to underlie the creation of the universe. The 64 Tetrahedron Grid is a 3D form of the Flower of Life, a sacred geometric pattern consisting of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles that form a flower-like pattern. This ancient symbol is found in various cultures and religions around the world and is often associated with the creation of life and the universe. Some spiritual traditions suggest that this grid represents a multidimensional framework that holds the key to understanding the nature of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things. The 64 tetrahedron grid is a sub-section of what Buckminster Fuller called the Isotropic Vector Matrix, as are the cube, octahedron, tetrahedron, cuboctahedron, and star-tetrahedron.
3. How does Biological Life Emerge from a Non-Physical Source?
SPIRIT & SCIENCE are ONE. So, how can matter can manifest matter? Did science forget to include the intention of the Supreme Almighty Source? Maybe it is the Will of God that creates all physical matter and all dimensions. When you look in the mirror what do you see? Maybe your body electrons, atoms, and molecules are just the spinning intentions of God creating a miracle of cells and flesh. Ha Ha!
Life Begins with the Five Vital Substances
Ancient Chinese Medicine identified five vital substances of life: Spirit (Shen), Body Fluids (Jinye), Energy (Qi), DNA Essence (Jing), and Blood (Xue). Without these five substances there is no life. These substances are both physical and spiritual. We can say the Vital Substances actually bring life force into physical matter. This is the magical moment where universal elements, atoms, electrons, and molecules, start to come alive.
1) Spirit – Shen is our union with the Universal Dao, or Supreme Almighty.
2) Water – Jinye – Our bodies are 70 – 90% water. Our body fluids are an echo of the primordial ocean. All the liquids in the body respond to Qi electrical frequencies. When you infuse Water with Qi, the result is Life.
3) Qi-Electricity – This vital energy pervades all matter. In the human body, our living Qi frequencies flow through the meridians, gates, chakras, and power nodes of intersection we call “acupuncture points”. Qi is the energy that motivates matter, thought, action, and transformation.
4) Jing-DNA – The fundamental essence of life is DNA. This essence is a precious resource granted to us by our parents and blood lineage. Jing contains Sexual, Creative, Lifegiving power that resides in the kidneys. During your life, you can either nourish and build the Jing, or squander it and lose it.
5) Blood – Xue – The sacred fluid of nourishment, Blood arises from Qi and it contains all the other four vital essences: Shen, Jinye, Qi, and Jing. The Blood infuses the cells and nourishes the organs in a cycle to produce more Qi.
The roots of physical life are truly multidimensional.
We go through life asking for a miracle, when in fact we ARE exactly that. And physical matter is just an intelligent grid of intentions. Think about it…
The ancient Chinese medical system is rooted in the body-mind-spirit as a unified system. Chinese Medicine is effective precisely because it recognizes the union of the body and spirit. If a medical system treats only the physical body, it’s missing the very source of the physical body. And since we know the physical is a reflection of the larger spirit realm, physical medicine is completely missing the point!
Immediately after conception a fertilized cell begins to divide. The first division becomes the 2 primary central meridians. Again the cell divides, creating 4, 8, 16 cells, giving the eight Extraordinary meridians. At the blastula stage there are 64 identical stem cells ready to diversify into the different organs and body tissues. The Five Vital Essences do their part, the Six Extraordinary Organs find their place, giving rise to all the other organs. The sacred process of life is orchestrated once again.
Can DNA Be Spontaneously Generated from Spirit, Water, and Qi Energy? YES!
YES! Surprising scientific discoveries indicate DNA can be generated in water with electrical impulse! Researchers discovered that DNA has an electromagnetic energy field, and it responds to intention. Yikes! Maybe LIFE is just a manifestation of SPIRIT.
Think of your DNA as a spark of light in an ocean. Life in a physical body is about electricity conducted through water. Sunlight can activate our bodies because our DNA is bio-photonic. That means our DNA is ALIVE, and it is LIGHT-SENSITIVE.
Scientists Generate DNA from Nothing
Over the past few decades, surprising breakthroughs in DNA have uncovered structural and biochemical energy patterns that can be influenced with intention. Professor Luc Montagnier, French virologist who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the AIDS virus HIV, performed an experiment on DNA that was published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).
Professor Montagnier placed a sealed test tube A containing Mycoplasma pirum (a microorganism) DNA in a mu-metal cage (for sensitive electronic equipment shielding), next to a sealed test tube B containing distilled water. Test tube B did not contain any basic raw material that could be used to form DNA.
He placed a copper solenoid around test tubes A and B with a low intensity electric current oscillating at 7 Hz, and left them at room temperature.
After 18 hours, an astonishing event occurred: DNA was detected in the sealed test tube B, which originally contained only water and no DNA material, and the DNA sequence was 98 percent similar to that in test tube A.
To check the reliability of the test, Professor Montagnier repeated the test 12 times, and the test results turned out to be identical. Read about it here:
DNA has an energy field. DNA can be created from Water and Electricity, as a “phantom” effect of DNA nearby.
More DNA experiments by Russian scientist Dr. Gariaev indicate DNA is like a sponge that absorbs frequency. He believes this discovery “lays the foundations of a new field of science –of the quantum, electromagnetic nature of the DNA as a holistic continuum, facilitating instantaneous metabolic control throughout an organism.” These new discoveries pave the way for what humanity has long dreamed about: “distant and non-invasive healing, organ regeneration, and significant extension of human lifespan”.
In another experiment, Dr. Rein removed DNA from cells in human placentas and placed it in water. He then asked several individuals to try to wind or unwind the DNA with their thoughts. The results were astonishing, suggesting that the human mind can change the DNA’s state of winding or unwinding.
This means every cell in your body is a living conductor of electricity. These scientific experiments suggest that human DNA is an energetic body. If so, then it is natural that the human body has an electromagnetic energy field, and that it responds to intention.
Chinese Medicine holds that physical life is a manifestation of Spirit. This apparent “spontaneous generation” of DNA is highly relevant to the Five Vital Substances: Spirit, Fluid, Energy, DNA, and Blood. WOW!
When the sperm meets the egg, this is truly an amazing moment of Creation.
The first step of CREATION seems to be SPIRIT. The 2nd step is FLUID (or Lymph). Add electric energy or QI, and DNA manifests. This same process of cellular regeneration happens inside you, in every embryo, and in all living bio-organisms.
Does this sound familiar? Maybe the body is just a manifestation of spirit after all.
4. The Extraordinary Meridians, the FIRST Cell Divisions are the Most Powerful Pathways of Healing and Transformation.
What happens then? The first Mitosis cell division after conception creates the first meridians
When a fertilized egg begins to divide, it gives rise to 2, 4, 8, 16 cells, etc. Do these lines create the Eight Extraordinary Meridians of Chinese Medicine? These are the channels of spiritual ancestry and destiny that guide your life. But the X- meridians are hardly used in modern acupuncture. The X-Meridians are a portal to the most powerful healing and rapid transformation. Is the reason why they are hardly ever used in modern times, because they hold the greatest power to bring healing, transformation, and enlightenment?
At 32 cells the Extraordinary Organs appear, followed by the remaining 12 meridians. At the magical blastula stage 64 identical cells are ready to diversify to become the different body tissues. The process of life is orchestrated once again as if it always knew exactly what to do.
Some medical traditions use a map of the body energy system. It may consist of chakras, energy nodes, nadis, etc. Each tradition has its own concepts around it. All these systems are related historically. And they are all valid. But they’re not used in all spiritual practices.
The Indian 7-chakra system use in the West is based on a single 1918 translation of a Sanskrit text from 1577 written by the Indian scholar Pūrṇānanda Yati. However, for centuries countless other spiritual traditions with different chakra systems have existed side by side in India. Most systems share the forehead, chest, and belly points.
Chakra means “wheel”. Some lineages of Yoga refer to seven chakras which enliven the physical and astral bodies of man. The concentrated energy in each one is like an infinite portal and a hub from which radiate rays of life-giving light and energy.
Daoist practices grew out of ancient Tibetan shamanism. Daoists refer to Energetic Gates and the Microcosmic Orbit, a meditation to activate the energy body. The Daoist gates are the Chinese version of the Chakras. Each gate has a special quality you can notice in your practice.
Energy is often guided up the back and down the front, however the energy can move go in all directions. The two primary meridians are the Du Mai and Ren Mai, the primary extraordinary meridians. Both these original X-meridians originate at the bottom root of the body at the perineum. These two channels are said to represent the first cell division after conception. This is the system I teach.
The Eight Extraordinary Meridians
The Extraordinary meridians are the deepest pathways of Qi energy within the body. Also translated the “curious meridians, they appear immediately at conception when the egg and sperm come together, and the fertilized cell begins to divide. These 8 channels are associated with your original blueprint and map of destiny.
Of the 20 meridians in the body, the X-Meridians are the first eight. They form at conception, and soon give rise to the other 12 meridians we are most familiar with, like the heart, lungs, liver, etc. Most acupuncture practitioners listen for pulses that indicate which of the 12 organ meridians need balancing, and this is excellent.
Sadly, very few practitioners work on the X-Meridians of destiny, which are the source of the organ meridians and share the same points. I believe the most efficient healing path is to focus on these source X-meridians. We can study the Extraordinary Meridians carefully and through them more efficiently infuse ALL the meridians, and organs with wellness.
The X-Meridians carry the life flow of Qi through the body. Visualize them as rivers of light. The meridian system is sometimes called an ocean, a collecting place of water. All rivers flow to the ocean, and the “ocean” can be a metaphor for consciousness in meditation.
The X-Meridians provide a map to discover our destiny, the purpose of life, and to bring our lives to the highest fruition, whatever that is for you. When we work with these channels we are in touch with our destiny and ancestry. These Vessels are our channels of self-cultivation and soul-evolution. They bring insight and awareness into our destiny. When we heal them, it is beyond words and concepts.
5. Subsequent Cell Divisions Create the Six Extraordinary Organs
The Six Extraordinary Organs are body-wide systems. These organs precede all the other organs, give rise to them, and rule their wellbeing.
The Six X-Organs include the 1) Marrow, 2) Blood vessels, 3) Bones, 4) Brain & Nervous system, 5) Procreative system, and the 6) Gall bladder.
The X-Organs are very different from the 12 familiar organs in TCM. The Six Extraordinary Organs are considered “mysterious channels of ancestry” because they’re the first organs that appear in an embryo and they are body wide. That’s why these are the organs of your destiny. Body-wide means these organs have no specific location. After conception it is these organs that give rise to the 12 “regular organs”, regulate them, and rule evolutionary changes in your body, mind, and spirit.
Chinese Medicine is based on the belief that a human being is gifted with spirit and the innate ability to receive and transmit “higher” consciousness. These multi-dimensional relationships were seen in deep meditation and form the foundation of this medical system. We cultivate health in the body, mind, and spirit to allow the soul to ascend the “ladder” of life (the spinal bones) toward higher consciousness, represented by the brain.
The Most Extraordinary Resource of Wisdom is Inside our Body, as the X-Meridians and X-Organs.
Within the X-Meridians and X-Organs lies critical information gathered throughout our ancestral existence from the beginning of time. By addressing these resources within ourselves we can gain access to wisdom that has kept our human lineage alive for its entire history. Our body functions act as record books and deep reservoirs of wisdom, strength, willpower, and ingenuity. While this process often defies words and concepts, it may be the BEST way to heal ourselves and prepare for a new future of physical and spiritual wellbeing.
The Six Extraordinary-Organs:
- The BONE MARROW is a rich red tissue located in the flat bones of the torso. Marrow comes from Jing, the DNA ancestral essence from our genetic lineage. Jing is like DNA, our personal blueprint, and universal memory. Your DNA is unique, one-of-a-kind in the universe. Visualize your marrow as a fountain of youth, a factory of healing, and rebirth, a busy happy nursery of new cells continually dividing and repeating the miracle of your conception until the day you die. Marrow is the root of the immune system, since all red, white, and defensive blood cells are created here. Bone marrow an important source of our physical health, regeneration, and blood.
- BLOOD VESSELS. The Circulatory System holds and transports blood through the large arteries and veins down to the tiniest capillaries in extreme outlying areas. Its center is the heart. Every beat is a spiral contraction of the torus heart, a wave vortex of life force, at once sending blood to be oxygenated in the lungs, out through the Aorta, and bringing it in from the Vena Cava. The blood is a fluid, rich in plasma, hence it is deeply influenced by electrical frequencies. Blood is linked to the lymphatic system, hence these two liquids are intimately entwined in a constant intermingling.
- BONES. The bones form the rigid body structure. Like tuning forks, our bones respond to frequency vibrations. In Chinese Medicine, the skeleton is considered the deep bedrock of memory, intelligence, wisdom, and frequency vibration that is intimately linked with the energy map of the body, the qi, chakras, and meridians.
- NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the many nerve extensions from them. The Brain gives rise to intelligence, concentration, memory, thinking, and sensory interpretations. The brain is closely connected to Shen Spirit of the Heart. Nerve tissue is essentially water and fat. so, it is intimately connected to our fluids and White Light frequency vibration. Since your body is 70 – 90% water. The Brain is filled with fluid cavities, a network of passageways called “Sinuses” and “Ventricles”, which meet at the important Confluence of Sinuses in the back of the head.
- PROCREATION SYSTEM. This links you to your heredity, to the Jing DNA Essence. The female procreation system includes the genital organs, ovaries, and the body-wide reproductive systems of birthing, fluid secretions, menstruation, conception, and pregnancy. Male Procreation is equally important.
Qigong masters hold that all men and women possess the same energetic procreative energy center of the lower abdomen “DanTian” (Lower Elixir Field), sometimes called the “Sacral Chakra”. The DanTian contributes to body-wide harmony and energy protection bubble called WeiQi. The Dantian is an essential focus in Qigong as it regulates the flow of the five Essential Substances through the body. Procreation links us to universal ecstasy, to past millenniums, and to all future, to the joy of living in a body, in the continuation of our lineage beyond time and space. - THE GALL BLADDER, RULER of DESTINY DECISIONS. The Gall Bladder is considered a unique bridge to your destiny blueprint. Do not underestimate the importance of this tiny green master of immunity. We need it especially now to process emotions, make decisions, find courage, resilience, confidence, strength to be sovereign, and to protect our lineage. The Gall Bladder regulates the highly important “tight junction” permeability of the intestine. The Gall Bladder Meridian assists us when it is TIME for a DESTINY DECISION. It is especially needed whenever misunderstanding seeps into the deep Source of Spirit or Shen. like RIGHT NOW!
6. Twelve Organ Meridians Carry Qi Through Your Body
Your Qi flows in precise ways through the twelve organ meridians, the most well-known meridians of acupuncture. Each organ meridian contains many important acupuncture points. With training and skill, we can help bring about health by stimulating these points.
7. Ascension Through Activating the Light Body.
We enliven the Akasha, Neidan, Inner Alchemy, Kundalini.
This is the natural fruition of cellular biology that began in conception and ends in spiritual awakening. It happens in many lineages, countless methods, in deep state of surrender, burning heat of ascension, and joy.
What is the Role of the Qi and Meridians in the Body?
The function of Qi, or Vital energy of the meridians, is to maintain physical life forms that can hold energy and purify it. At the lowest level of functioning, the Qi manifests as the ego, the concept of “I”. At its highest level, it is pure God incarnate, as a divine co-creator.
In most humans, this Secret Fire of liberating conscious energy lies dormant, asleep at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent. When it rises to the top of the skull and beyond, a spiritual awakening can occur. This allows for an integration of higher densities, and may include manifestation of psychic powers and awareness. At certain times in cosmic evolution, there is an increase in consciousness. Are we approaching that time now?
Our goal is Enlightenment or Ascension, meaning we learned our lessons in this realm.
We eventually “graduate” to higher realms. When it is our time, we leave our body. The BODY is temporary; the SOUL is eternal. In this physical realm we learn the tools to move beyond the matrix to explore higher levels of existence as a spark of God.
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- Triplet Genetic Code, The: Key to Living Organisms, Lynn E. H. Trainor
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Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. She has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices cranial osteopathy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of intuitive Chinese, and Ayurvedic wisdom. She is trained in Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA in financial management. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”. She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are and Srijana lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D.