The highest wisdom and healing power resides inside you. Zero Point Activation empowers you to connect to the universal force within. When you are able to participate in this awareness every day and every moment with a pure mind, you will discover how to share it with others. You will become a force of destiny to aid all those whose lives you touch. This activation helps you to release any distortions, desires, and selfish interests. This clarity allows you to access higher realms of consciousness without attempting to manipulate or impose your will. When you are 100% present and aware of your personal energy field, you can expand your perception, summon protection, draw on the nourishment around you, and become an energetic force in the world, simply by being yourself.
Zero Point Activation has it roots in ancient Hermetic wisdom. It consists of a few minutes of simple, quiet, silence in a personal session with Sri Jana while she focuses her inner awareness and communicates to your deeper self. During the activation you will feel a pervasive lightness, joy, and letting go in your body, mind, and spirit. With daily practice you can build your own Zero Point energy field and expand your consciousness, to create your own reality and destiny. It may be beneficial to have several sessions to re-activate your Zero Point Field, to help you develop comfort and ease in your own practice. This is a highly personal session and cannot be done in groups.
Zero Point Activation can be done in a personal consultation with Sri Jana, or at a distance via Zoom. It may be included as a part of another single session, if it is a priority for your healing.
Contact Sri Jana to Schedule a Session:
Single appointment: 1 hour: $90
Yes, custom packages are available, please contact Sri Jana.