3 Big Causes of Rising Disease, 3 Antidotes in Your Kitchen Now

THREE PRIMARY FOODS are the roots of almost all chronic disease. These are the 3 BIG BAD FOODS that kill us. Fortunately, their ANTIDOTES are right in front of us. Today I’m looking for a way to describe whole food nutrition in a few words for all people of the world using pictures and infographics. Let me know your thoughts… 

(1) GMO & Seed oils are TOXIC! Sadly, these are the main cooking oils in India and Bhutan. AVOID all Refined Vegetable Seed Oils HIGH in Linoleic Acid: Avoid Vegetable Oils, Refined, Corn, Soy, Canola, Margarine, Safflower, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Commercial Olive oil (mixed), Sesame, and Rice Bran. These are mostly GMO and raised with pesticides. Designed as synthetic motor oil, they are cheaper than petrol or diesel, and can be used as biofuel for cars. DANGER: Consuming these oils causes Mental Fog, Depression, Poor Brain Function, and Liver Cancer. READ MORE

(2) Refined Grains are nutritionally deficient, stripped of vitamins and minerals by machine-grinding away the nutritious outer layers. White processed foods are empty of nutrients, high in sugars, and a root cause of every disease. Avoid white flour, white rice, breakfast cereals, noodles, all refined carbs. Refined Grains are raised with pesticides, high in sugar and addictive, so you always want to eat more. High glycemic index is the root of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, liver ailments, and bone disease.

(3) SUGARS – We LOVE SUGAR. But we are all addicted!  Sugars are the main culprit in fast foods, causing chronic ailments like high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, cancer. Sugars are addictive, they acidify the body and invite disease. Sugar is the top addictive food in the world. Avoid it it like the plague. Glycemic Sugars include, Cane sugar, Beet sugar, Date sugar, Palm sugar, Coconut sugar, Rice Syrup, Agave, Avoid all Refined Carbs high in sugar like white flour, white rice, breakfast cereals, noodles, bread, and sweets, as the sugars leave toxic particles in the blood causing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

1) ANTIDOTE #1: Instead Eat Traditional Oils. Best oils are Organic Grass-fed Butter, Ghee, Coconut, Mustard Oil, Pure Palm Oil, Beef Tallow, Lard, Homemade Olive oil, or pure Bhutan Pangtse Makhu. These are the saturated fats our great grandmothers used, when illnesses like diabetes, liver cancer, and heart disease were unknown. These healthy oils are LOW in Linoleic acid.

2) ANTIDOTE #2: EAT WHOLE GRAINS! Unprocessed whole grains are healthier, with minimal grinding. Dark Red is the original color of rice. Eat Red Rice, Whole Wheat, Brown Rice, unprocessed buckwheat. These grains still contain the nutritious outer layers. Soak grains in water 8 hours before cooking.

Forget artificial sweeteners and Stevia too! We need whole nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables, not sweeteners. If you MUST have a sweetener, choose one that’s not addictive, such as Lakanto, Swerve, or Pure Monkfruit like Lo Han Guo.

(4) ACRYLAMIDE IS ANOTHER BIG BAD CHEMICAL to avoid. It is a common BY-PRODUCT OF FOOD PROCESSING – ANOTHER REASON TO EAT FRESH ORGANIC. This Cancer-Causing Class-A Carcinogen is not listed as an ingredient. To avoid Acrylamide, eat fresh vegetables, esp cruciferous, eat whole grains, and cook at low heat. Eat saturated fats, traditional oils (Organic Grass-fed Butter, Ghee, Coconut, Avocado, Mustard Oil, Artisan Olive oil, Palm oil, Beef Tallow, Lard, or pure Bhutanese Pangtse Makhu.)


Grinding Methods Destroy Nutrients
Every grain of rice contains a Hard Hull, Bran, Inner Endosperm, and Germ. When we remove only the hard hull, the rice nutrition is complete, and we will be healthy. However, when we also grind away the nutritious BRAN and GERM, then our white rice is empty of nutrients. Cheap grinding machines are the cause of diabetes and heart disease due to lost mineral nutrition.



Cancer Rising? Acrylamide is a Class A Carcinogen, meaning it has been shown to cause cancer and brain damage.

This dangerous ingredient is worse than corn syrup, sugar, refined grains, and seed oils! It’s a potent neurotoxin, damages reproductive organs. You won’t find this dangerous ingredient on a food label because it’s a byproduct, not an ingredient used to produce the food. Acrylamide is created when you combine a specific protein with refined sugar such as glucose, dextrose, glucose syrup, or maltodextrin under high heat.

An ANTIDOTE is Saturated fats, which prevent the formation of acrylamide. That’s why we cook with Butter, Ghee, Mustard Oil, Palm Oil, or Coconut oil. Use natural sugar like honey or unprocessed cane sugar. Eat organic unprocessed food.

Avoid these processed foods that contain acrylamide: •Corn chips •Potato chips •French fries •Baked goods •Crackers •Cookies •Cereal •Bread crust •Roasted coffee.

Avoid High heat cooking. Slow cooking reduces the formation of acrylamide. Eat whole foods and avoid refined and processed foods. If you eat junk food, pair it with something to counter the effects of acrylamide. Cruciferous vegetables contain protective compounds that protect against acrylamide: Cabbage, Broccoli, Caulflower. Garlic, sprouts, sauerkraut, citrus, bell peppers, green tea, and spirulina also have protective effects. Organic dark-roasted or espresso coffee is heated to 400 degrees, destabilizing acrylamide. Light-roasted coffee has 10 times more acrylamide than dark-roasted coffee.

When the amino acid asparagine combines with refined sugar and is heated over 285 degrees Fahrenheit, a Maillard reaction produces the byproduct acrylamide. Acrylamide creates another byproduct called glycinamide, which is more deadly than acrylamide! Cancer is the second leading cause of death, and acrylamide may dramatically increase cancer risk.


QUIZ: What are the Best Cooking Oils for Long Life?

Dark Sprouted Rice, Superior Nutrition! It’s all about the MINERALS!


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