Are You Taking Your Mineral Drops? Minerals in soil 75% depleted worldwide

Everyone on Earth is mineral deficient. Especially those with chronic diseases. 
In Bahasa Indonesian:

Impro Concentrated Mineral 60ML merupakan suplemen mineral konsentrat tinggi yang bersumber dari Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA, Yang sudah disalinasi (dihilangkan) 99% kandungan sodiumnya melalui proses alami penguapan sinar matahari . Mengandung 83 elemen esensial yang bersifat alami, seimbang, dan ionik sehingga mudah diserap oleh tubuh.

mpro Concentrated Mineral Mengoptimalkan kinerja fungsi enzim-enzim dalam tubuh, terutama enzim penghasil energi, responsif otot, jaringan kelenjar dan syaraf, pembekuan darah, dan membantu proses pengeluaran racun dalam tubuh, Menyusun dan menguatkan kerangka tulang, sendi, dan gigi. Membantu menjaga metabolisme tubuh dan keseimbangan mineral, serta elektrolit dalam tubuh. Original produk yang dikembangkan oleh keluarga Anderson sejak tahun 1969

Concentrated Mineral Drops (CMD) ini mengandung kadar garam yang rendah, terbukti mengandung banyak sekali jenis mineral dan trace mineral dalam keseimbangan alami, merupakan suplemen cair dengan kepekatan tinggi. 20 tetes sekali atau dua kali sehari dapat memberikan tubuh dengan manfaat kesehatan yang luas termasuk meningkatkan energi dan vitalitas.

Concentrated Mineral Drops milik Impro ini di peroleh dari laut pedalaman di Utah, Danau Great Salt, CMD mengandung keseimbangan yang sempurna dari mineral dan trace mineral berionik yang ditemukan secara alami yang terjadi di air laut. Menggunakan musim yang berbeda dari iklim gurun tinggi di Utah memanfaatkan kekuatan alami untuk mineral konsentrat. Hasil akhirnya adalah suplemen cairan mineral yang memiliki kandungan lebih pekat dari trace mineral cair lainnya.

Manfaat Concentrated Mineral Drops (CMD)

  • Untuk keseimbangan asam dan basa dalam tubuh, makro dan mikro nutrien.
  • Menstabilkan darah tinggi dan darah rendah.
  • Sebagai katalisator membantu penyerapan sari-sari makanan ke seluruh organ tubuh.

Everyone on Earth is mineral deficient. Especially those with chronic diseases. 

For example, people with diabetes often have a deficiency of chromium and zinc. Low magnesium has been linked to myocardial ischemia and cancer. Microbiome imbalance is everywhere inside us and around us. Much of this comes from chemicals in industrial food and soil. Minerals are often a forgotten element, yet they are fundamental requirements for life. 

Years ago, our soil was rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes. Modern chemical farming kills soil microbes and depletes minerals in plants. To make matters worse, every step of processing reduces nutritional value in our food even more. Minerals are necessary for strong bones, teeth, blood vessels, muscles, and brain function. Our healing study group is working to balance local farming, building the microbiome, and taking supplements to optimize health. Here are two of my favorite supplements. Check out Ion Gut Health by Zach Bush MD, and ICMD Mineral Drops. Details below.

Mineral Deficiencies in our diet can lead to many diseases: 

  • People suffering from cancer and heart disease are often deficient in selenium and copper. 
  • Low Potassium is linked to fatigue, heart disease, irregular heart rhythms, and kidney stones. 
  • Deficiencies in iron, zinc, folate, B12, B6 and C, can lead to DNA damage and cancer. 
  • Iron deficiency is associated with fatigue, slow healing of wounds, tuberculosis, and brain fog. In children it causes poor brain development, slow learning in school, and abnormal behavior. 
  • People with diabetes often have a deficiency of chromium and zinc. 
  • Zinc deficiency causes poor childhood development and is said to cause more than 450,000 deaths every year in young children. 
  • Low iodine is linked to cancer, ADD/ADHD, heart disease, liver disease, infertility, and poor brain function. 
  • Magnesium deficiency goes hand in hand with myocardial ischemia, cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, abnormal heartbeat, constipation, food cravings, and brain fog. 

Large-scale chemical farming has led to the destruction of our soils, water systems, oceans, and human health worldwide. 

Do we value cheap food and cheap products before everything else, even if it means destroying our climate, biodiversity, human health, water quality, and the future of food?

Or do we work alongside nature to farm in a way that brings hope and healing to people and Nature? 

Industrial food is low in nutrients. To make matters worse, we do not have enough good topsoil to sustain the current demand for food on the planet. However, if we use the same reality, we can turn the Earth into the greenest and healthiest ecosystems in many thousands of years. 

Regenerative agriculture is a new concept. It is a philosophy of conservation and rehabilitation of farming practices. It focuses on regenerating topsoil by recycling farm waste in order to improve the many types of organic matter, and also to increase the biodiversity of micro-organisms in the soil.  

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to growing food that’s good for the soil, good for the microbes, and good for the people.

Microbial life in soil is the key to our health. By balancing bacteria and fungi in the soil, regenerative farmers hope to reclaim lost soil fertility and to grow the healthiest, most nutritious food possible.

ION* Gut Support

ION* Gut Support is a liquid supplement that goes beyond probiotics to defend you from environmental toxins and diversify your gut microbiome naturally. ION* Gut Support seals cells in the gut lining, helping to keep toxins out of your body and strengthening the terrain upon which your microbiome can diversify. It promotes digestive wellness, strengthens immune function, alleviates gluten sensitivity, enhances mental clarity, and above all restores the healthy microbiome of your body.

Adults and Children 3 and Over:  For general gut-brain health, we recommend 1 teaspoon of ION* Gut Support 3x/day. Optimal gut support is achieved when taken 30 minutes prior to meals

What are the Ingredients?
There is just one ingredient in ION* Gut Support, a proprietary mixture of Aqueous Humic Substances (Terrahydrite). This means it contains healthy microbes and minerals from mature composted soil.

Where to buy ION* Gut Support:

ION* Gut Support

ICMD Ionic Concentrated Mineral Drops contain 83 essential minerals

These highly concentrated mineral drops come from Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. It has 99% of its sodium content removed and then is evaporated in sunlight. These drops contain 83 essential elements that are natural, balanced, and ionic so that they are easily absorbed by the body.

Ionic Concentrated Mineral Drops can optimize the function of enzymes in the body, especially energy-producing enzymes, responsiveness of muscles, glands, nerve tissue, blood clotting, and help remove toxins, strengthen of bones, joints, and teeth. They maintain the body’s metabolism and balance of minerals and ionic electrolytes in the body. The original product was developed by the Anderson family since 1969.

How Much to Take?

20 drops once or twice daily can provide the body with a wide range of health benefits including increased energy and vitality.

ION* Gut Support

Benefits of Concentrated Mineral Drops (ICMD)

  • Balances pH of acids and bases in the body, macro and micro nutrients.
  • Stabilizes high blood and low blood pressure.
  • As a catalyst helps the absorption of food essences to all organs of the body.

Magnesium in Mineral Drops is Essential!

Magnesium mineral is found in almost every cell in the body, with the majority of it being stored in the bones. Magnesium is a helper molecule, called a cofactor, and is needed in more than 300 enzymes actions. These reactions coordinate vital biochemical processes in the body including:

  • The transportation of calcium and potassium into the cell, a process that is important for optimal muscle, nerve, and heart health.
  • The creation of protein from individual amino acids.
  • Facilitating proper muscle and nerve function.
  • The proper regulation of blood sugar, and blood pressure.
  • The building of strong bones.
  • It’s a mandatory requirement for the synthesis of ATP, our energy molecule.
  • It’s a mandatory requirement for the synthesis of DNA, and RNA, our genetic molecules.
  • It’s a mandatory requirement for the synthesis of glutathione, one of our most important antioxidants.

The 5 Little-Known Facts About Magnesium:

  1. It is estimated that upwards of 50% of the world’s population are not getting enough magnesium in their diet and/or are magnesium deficient. I believe it’s more like 80%.  Low mineral magnesium levels are associated with the development or progression every disease, including cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, all forms of autoimmune disease, and all forms of heart disease.
  2. Magnesium helps to make chlorophyll green in the same way iron makes blood red.
  3. All the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D require Magnesium. Magnesium helps to convert vitamin D into a form our body can utilize.
  4. The average American gets 3.7% of their daily intake of magnesium from drinking coffee.
  5. Studies have shown that increased magnesium levels possess anti-aging benefits. These benefits include increased turnover of collagen (decreased wrinkles, healthier ligaments, tendons and cartilage), improved neuromuscular, cardiovascular and kidney function. The consequences of magnesium deficiency as we age can contribute to immune-suppression, decrease in muscle mass, centralization of the fat mass, osteoporosis, increase blood sugar, increases triglycerides and cholesterol, heart disease, and disturbances in mood and mental performance.

Magnesium, not statin drugs, is fundamental for preventing and treating heart disease, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis; it serves as a natural calcium antagonist that normalizes blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. Magnesium is the ultimate heart drug, and tragically, cardiologists do not universally acknowledge its full utility in the treatment of heart disease.

An astonishing 40 to 60 percent of sudden deaths from heart attack
may occur in the complete absence of any prior artery blockage,
clot formation or heart rhythm abnormalities, most likely from
spasms in the arteries caused by magnesium deficiency.
Dr. Carolyn Dean
The Miracle of Magnesium.

Administration of magnesium eliminates angina pain muscle spasms, keeps blood flowing smoothly, and prevents platelet stickiness. Magnesium also produces vasodilation by direct action and indirectly by sympathetic blockade and inhibition of catecholamine release. Magnesium dilates both the epicardial and resistance coronary arteries. Magnesium also balances cholesterol and is essential for endocrine stability and function. Most importantly – magnesium prevents calcification of the heart tissues. Magnesium is a dream medicine for cardiologists; its actions include almost everything on a heart specialist’s wish list, so cardiologists who do not employ magnesium to its fullest extent should have their heads examined.

It is not an exaggeration to say that miracles in cardiac medicine would be achieved if the overwhelming preponderance of magnesium deficiency — in adults, adolescents, and the very young — were addressed instead of ignored. Dr. Sarah Myhill states: “There have been many studies showing that magnesium is beneficial in heart disease. The trouble is the drug companies do not want to know. Magnesium is a serious competitor to their money-making pharmaceuticals. And so they set up a study to deliberately blacken the name of magnesium.”

The Terror of Modern Cardiology



Thank you!


  • Complete List of Essential Trace Minerals: food Sources & Benefits,
  • ION* Gut Support,
  • Magnesium Deficiency: Responsible for Diabetes and Heart Disease?,
  •  Are You Mineral Deficient?,
  •  Mineral Deficiencies are the Root Cause of Most Chronic Disease,
  • Contribution of selected vitamins and trace elements to immune function,
  • This Common Mineral Deficiency Could Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease,
  • Are vitamin and mineral deficiencies a major cancer risk?,
  • Dirt Poor: Have Fruits and Vegetables Become Less Nutritious?,
  • Subclinical magnesium deficiency: a principal driver of cardiovascular disease and a public health crisis,
  • Andersons Concentrated Mineral Drops (CMD),
  • Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center,
  • A Profitable Climate Change Approach For Some Midwestern Farmers: ‘We Are All About Regeneration’,
  • What is Regenerative Agriculture?
  • Regenerative Farming,
  • Regenerate Earth, film by Films for the Planet,

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