Suggested Bedtime Reading: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love to read this book before bed because it calms my mind and uplifts my mood. It confirms that there are Natural laws in the universe that must be followed.  I am delighted to be alive and participate in such a world. I can’t guarantee this book is true, but I believe it is certainly possible. This gives me great hope. Enjoy reading!!   

I like this book because there are no theories in it. No wishful thinking, no made-up products of the author’s imagination. This is an exact witness report of the Reality of the Universe. 
Click here for Samuel Chong’s website, explaining the prophecy. 

No matter how determined we are to defend our current beliefs, our doctrines, and traditions, nothing can change the TRUTH. Nothing can alter the Natural order established in the Universe. Believing is not enough. Reality is not a matter of opinion. You need to KNOW.  

The Thiaoouba Prophecy answers the following pressing questions: 

  • What is The Purpose of the Universe and our role in it? 
  • What is the true meaning of our global crisis?  
  • What happened to advanced civilizations of Mu and Atlantis? 
  • What happened in the “unknown years” of Jesus Christ? 
  • What are the greatest dangers for humanity? 

The Hebrew word Thiaoouba יהוה  means “angels”. This is the most common word in the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus etc). These were the ascended beings who helped Moses lead the Hebrews out of Egyptian slavery, gave Moses the ten commandments 3,250 years ago, and who turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into the Dead Sea. In 1987 Michel Desmarquet was invited to visit the planet Thiaoouba and was entrusted with the mission of writing a book containing a critically important message to Earth’s inhabitants. He wrote the book, and it has recently been republished. 

The Main Message of the Book:

This is an important message from Thiaoouba to humanity on Earth: They tell us that Mankind exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually. Material technology – without spiritual knowledge – leads us to an inevitable global catastrophe on Earth. Technology should HELP spiritual development and should not be used (as it is used today) to enslave people within a monetary system and a materialistic world that are temporary anyway.

In the present civilization, we are focusing our attention more on our physical body at the moment, but this is a serious mistake. Our body, like everything material, is in fact temporary, while our psyche, being a part of our Astral body, never dies …

Instead of focusing on the body, we should concentrate on developing the mind and the psyche. The people of Thiaoouba also emphasize the importance of our individual free will.

Because of the level of control on our planet, the lives of human beings on Earth are based on the worst possible principles, perpetuating greatest crimes against humanity and the Universe. Most people are being forced to follow the herd with no one knowing where the heard aims to go and why …

Michel DeMarquet wrote about his experiences in Thiaoouba Prophecy book, to share a complete diagnosis of the current situation, but also detailed instructions on what to do and why. In particular, how problems like ours were overcome on other planets like ours.

What matters most is the context of this information: the purpose of our existence as shown by the advanced people in our galaxy who have themselves passed through our level of development long, long ago. You have to really read Thiaoouba Prophecy book several times before we can discuss more about it. The video below is an interview with Samuel Chong, a friend and confidant of Michel DeMarquet, who helped to publish the recent edition of the book. 


Resources and Links:

  • Website:
  • PDF Book Download:
  • More info:

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