Three out of five people will die of chronic inflammatory illness worldwide. Why do we see rising chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s? Recent electron microscopy reveals that these chronic diseases are inseparably linked to complex BIOFILM communities of pathological microbes that can hide in the body and become resistant to antibiotics. What is BIOFILM? What ailments are associated with it? How can we AVOID it? Shouldn’t we take a closer look at BIOFILM, since it plays a major role in human wellness? Could this be THE #1 PARADIGM GAME-CHANGER of our times in healing chronic disease?
- What’s BIOFILM? Biofilm is a cooperative community of diverse pathological micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and parasites that evolve and secrete a polysaccharide sugar slime layer to conceal themselves, protect, and resist treatment. BIOFILM can grow in a stagnant pond, on a prosthetic device, or inside your body. The World Health Organization ranks bacterial resistance to antibiotics as one of the top three health care problems in the world.
- Is it the GERMS? Or the compromised Body TERRAIN that causes disease? Our healthcare system often assumes infections are caused by single, free-floating (planktonic) microbes. However, the vast majority of micro-organisms are hidden in BIOFILMS. Each biofilm community has its specialized microbial make-up, life cycle, and unique solutions. When we fill the body with gunk and toxins, it creates an unbalanced ecosystem. This is like an invitation, and the “Germs” arrive. Our simplistic “blame the germs” approach leads us to treat most illnesses ineffectively, and this is especially true for chronic illnesses.
- Immunity a TOP Priority in Our Times. The recent emergence of BIOFILM AWARENESS in medicine coincides with our declining micro-biome due to modern toxins, chemicals, electro-magnetic smog, over-use of antibiotics, stress, junk food, nano-heavy metals in air-food-water, enhanced bio-weapons, sedentary lifestyle, and an aging population. It’s clear the only way to be healthy is to take responsibility for our own personal detox and healing.
- What are BIOFILM Diseases? An Emerging Field of Medicine. Read below for a few of the many BIOFILM-related ailments such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Autism, Periodontal Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Candida, Lyme disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Kidney Stones. My big takeaway is how Periodontal Disease (PD) allows spirochetes to enter the brain and calcify in Alzheimer’s Amyloid plaque!
- BIOFILM DISRUPTORS – These disruptors are often most successful when used in combination. No single medicine works for all situations. The best way to avoid BIOFILM is to prevent it before it grows. See below a list of including powerful Foods, Herbs, Natural Chemicals, Enzymes, Essential oils, Prescription Anti-Microbials, Frequency healing, and Energy medicine.
- WAKE-UP Call! It is all about the Terrain. BIOFILMS have existed for billions of years. So don’t blame the germs. We must take personal responsibility to cultivate our healthy body terrain. Avoid stress, processed foods, toxins, electro-smog and WiFi, as radiation stimulates microbial activity. A clean organic diet and lifestyle will build your natural immune system.
“The World Health Organization ranks staphylococcal infections and bacterial resistance to antibiotics as one of the top three health care problems in the world, infecting 53 million people!
1. What’s BIOFILM?
BIOFILM is a cooperative community of diverse pathological micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and parasites that evolve and secrete a polysaccharide sugar slime layer to conceal themselves, protect, and resist treatment. BIOFILM can grow in a stagnant pond, on a prosthetic device, or inside your body.
Trillions of micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and parasites live in our environment. Once a pathogenic microbe enters the body, the body’s immune defenses are designed to engulf and remove it from your blood and tissues. However, in persons with a weak immune system, microbes can create colonies able to evade the toughest medicines.
A BIOFILM protective layer of “slime” makes the microbes up to 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics.
What are the STAGES in a BIOFILM Life Cycle?
There are five stages: 1) Free-floating microbes, 2) Gather and attach, 3) Creates slime sugar layer of protection, 4) Have a party and from! 5) Calcification and dispersal to repeat the cycle. During the first growth phase they multiply rapidly. The microbes secrete a polysaccharide sugar or slime layer that encases them. They conceal themselves inside this protective covering. Safe inside their jelly-like encasing microbes can eat, reproduce, use “quorum sensing” to make group decisions, communicate, and essentially have a party. They can build nutrient channels to bring in food and create septic systems to carry away waste. Biofilms are resistant to the body’s own immune defenses, and almost completely impervious to antibiotics.
Calcification Makes the Biofilm HARD and Impervious
Common examples of calcification are Dental Plaque, Amyloid Plaque in Alzheimer’s brains, Arthritis, or any hard calcification in the bones and joints.
BIOFILM microbes secrete a polysaccharide sugary gel-like substance which binds to sugars and proteins, heavy metals, minerals and other substances in the body to form a sticky, tenacious, pro-inflammatory armor behind which toxins, bacteria, fungi and parasites can hide. Biofilms interfere with our detoxification and nutrient absorption. They promote and protect co-infections, create arteriosclerotic plaque, and give cancer cells a place to hide.
Biofilms are Common in Nature
You have seen biofilm in a stagnant pond, where the rocks are covered with a layer of slime. Biofilm can occur in swimming pools, public water systems, and surgical instruments. Biofilm is smart, and its goal is to outwit your immune response. Biofilm can grow on your teeth, in your gut, in the lungs, the brain, and in your organs. It can grow outside the cell and may also develop inside living cells. Biofilm is like a cesspool of pathogenic bacteria that contributes to inflammation.
2. Is it GERMS? Or compromised Body TERRAIN that causes disease?
A Simplistic View Makes us Blind to the Nature’s Complexity.
Our healthcare system often assumes an infection is caused by a single, free-floating (planktonic) microbe. However, the vast majority of micro-organisms are hidden in BIOFILMS. Each community has its specialized microbial make-up, life cycle, and unique solutions. When we fill the body with gunk and toxins, it’s like an invitation, and the “Germs” arrive. Our simplistic “blame the germs” approach leads us to treat most illnesses ineffectively, and this is especially true for chronic illnesses.
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
When French biochemist Louis Pasteur proposed his germ theory, he suggested that it’s the germ which causes disease. But the opposing view by French scientist Antoine Bechamp proposed that it is the internal terrain or body environment which determines our susceptibility to disease. Perhaps BOTH theories TOGETHER are correct.
When the terrain is weak, the germs arrive.
What Affects the Internal Terrain?
The internal terrain is affected by many things including toxicity, stress, heavy metals, a surplus of protein in the diet, microbiome imbalances, lymphatic congestion, stuck emotions /trauma, trace mineral deficiencies, electromagnetic stress, and the Acid-Alkaline pH Balance.
How’s Your Body pH?
The pH level of the internal terrain has a profound effect on every cell in our body. If we are too acidic, then not only will oxygen and nutrient delivery to our cells slow down but so will all enzymatic reactions.
A state of chronic acidity is a perfect invitation for biofilms to move in and set up their permanent residence. These organisms all grow and flourish in an acidic environment and have detrimental effects on our immune system which is why chronic acidity is related to most chronic diseases from allergies to hypertension to cancer.
The Vicious Spiral of Chronic Inflammation
When you have long-term inflammation, over time the harmful toxins produced within your body can eventually start attacking healthy cells, tissues, and organs. This can lead to DNA damage, cell death, and internal scarring. These are linked to chronic diseases, including Cancer, Heart disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, Asthma, Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic inflammatory diseases are the biggest causes of death in the world.

Microbes in Biofilm Having a Party!
3. Immunity a TOP Priority in Our Times.
The recent emergence of BIOFILM AWARENESS in medicine coincides with our declining micro-biome due to modern toxins, chemicals, electro-magnetic smog, over-use of antibiotics, stress, junk food, nano-heavy metals in air-food-water, enhanced bio-weapons, sedentary lifestyle, and an aging population. It’s clear the only way to be healthy is to take responsibility for our own personal detox and healing.
Immune-Compromised People Are More Susceptible Biofilm.
Biofilms form far more easily in immune-compromised people. A pathogenic microbe usually entered the body as a single cell (planktonic). If it is challenged by the immune system or antibiotics it has two choices: 1) it can either DIE. or 2) it can form resistant communities for protection. So the microbes get smart and organize colonies for protection.
Chemical Toxins, Aluminum, Vaccines, and Biofilm Take a Toll
Farming and manufacturing releases a great deal of toxic chemicals into our soil, ground water, and the atmosphere. These poisonous toxins accumulate in our blood and body tissues. They are responsible for a variety of illnesses and cancers in both humans and animals. These toxic substances take a terrible toll on our immune system.
How Strong is Your Immune System?
These days sickest people tend to have the highest levels of nano-aluminum and parasites. When people detox the aluminum and control parasites, they can begin to heal from chronic illness. For example, nano-aluminum is extremely toxic. It doesn’t matter how it gets into the body – whether nano-aluminum is injected in a vaccine, or enters our lungs with the air we breathe, enters the digestive tract with the food we eat, or is absorbed through the skin — the final result is the same – we become filled with toxins.
Testing for biofilms is expensive and is not readily accessible, even to clinicians. Any lab can test for a specific bacterium; however a biofilm colony of diverse microbes is far more complex to identify. Diagnosis of biofilm diseases is still undeveloped, spotty, and unreliable. If you are chronically ill with gut problems, you can assume that you have biofilms, and you will need some biofilm elimination strategies.
BIOFILMS are one reason chronic diseases are chronic – i.e. they don’t go away!
4) What are BIOFILM Diseases? An Emerging Field of Medicine.
Start with Oral Biofilm, Periodontal Disease, a Root of Many Chronic Diseases:
Frequently, periodontal health and its associated oral biofilm has not been addressed in those patients who have systemic health issues, especially those who are not responding to medical treatment via their physician. Accumulating evidence has linked periodontal biofilm disease to multiple systemic health issues including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, pulmonary disease, prostate cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, pre-term pregnancy, erectile dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease, and Rheumatoid arthritis, and other systemic conditions. With that research in mind, oral biofilm has been recognized as a more complex environment than previously understood.
Periodontal Disease (PD) – Root of Systemic Disease?
Approximately 700 species of tiny organisms, including bacteria, live on and around the teeth. Many of these bacteria can join together to form a biofilm.
Harmful strains of bacteria in the oral biofilm can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas of the body, exerting a distant systemic effect linked to numerous diseases. Increasing evidence indicates patients with PD have a much higher risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases than those who take preventive measures to eliminate biofilm in their mouths
Specific oral pathological microbes influence body-wide diseases, such as atherosclerosis, Coronary Heart disease, infective endocarditis, diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcome, respiratory diseases, and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
Improvement in systemic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and RA, can be achieved after treatment for Periodontal disease. The periodontal immune response and/or plaque bacteria provide a link for the mutual relationship between PD and many other diseases.

Bacterial biofilm and plaque on inflamed gums.
Dental biofilm is a community of living cells that—if left alone—can cause gingivitis, decay, and periodontal disease. Biofilm alone is not enough to cause systemic diseases—those are multifactorial—but it elevates risk. Biofilm cannot be eliminated, but can be controlled by diligent oral hygiene practices taught to patients can help manage biofilm more effectively.
What’s the difference between dental plaque and tartar? Plaque is a soft, clear or yellow biofilm of bacteria that can be removes by brushing the teeth. If plaque sits on the teeth too long, it hardens to create tartar. Tartar usually has a darker color, and only a dental professional can remove it.
Biofilms Present in Cancer, esp Colorectal Cancer
“There is a growing body of evidence supporting the significant role of bacterial biofilms in the pathogenesis of various human diseases, including cancer. This review covers recent research on the role of bacterial biofilms in carcinogenesis, especially in colorectal (CRC) and gastric cancers, emphasizing the shared physical and chemical characteristics of biofilms and cancer.” Biofilm and Cancer: Interactions and Future Directions for Cancer Therapy,
Biofilms in Arthritis – The Ideal Structure for Microbe Communities
“The microbe known as chlamydia pneumonia is the persistent form of the organism in arthritic plaques in the joints of people with reactive arthritis. We know that biofilm is a cause of reactive arthritis and almost every joint in the body can be a target for Borrelia. Think about biofilm as being a slimy little layer of microbes, you need some kind of surface, and I think of joints as being an ideal structure for it.”
Bacterial biofilms generally contribute to chronic infections and complicate effective treatment outcomes. One study describes biofilm formation in animal models of septic arthritis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogenic bacterium which can lead to septic arthritis, or chronic bone infection.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Related to Periodontal Biofilm
The increase in the average age of the population forces dentists and dental hygienists to deal with clinical scenarios typical of the elderly. In old people deep changes present both in systemic and oral health. These changes affect the anatomical and functional integrity of many tissues, such as the mouth. Impairment of patients’ oral hygiene becomes manifested by local infections and promotes the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. There is also a significant increase in autoimmune diseases, which are defined as disorders of the immune system that result in abnormal immune responses. Among the auto-immune diseases of medical interest we report a case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) strictly related to periodontal disease. MANAGEMENT OF BIOFILM CONTROL IN AN ELDERLY PATIENT SUFFERING FROM RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: A CASE REPORT
Biofilms Present in Kidney Stones
Biofilms are bacterial communities ubiquitous to moist environments. Biofilm formation is a factor in the development and persistence of infectious diseases. In clinical nephrology, biofilms influence the development of kidney stones and affect dialysis systems, including peritoneal and central venous catheters. Biofilms also play critical roles in persistent and resistant renal and urinary tract infections. Biofilms in nephrology
Lung Disease – COPD – Chronic Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary biofilm-based chronic infections and inhaled treatment strategies: Certain pulmonary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis (CF), non-CF bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ventilator-associated pneumonia, are usually accompanied by respiratory tract infections due to the physiological alteration of the lung immunological defenses. Recurrent infections may lead to chronic infection through the formation of biofilms. Chronic biofilm-based infections are challenging to treat using antimicrobial agents.
Heal Lung Biofilms with the MMS-DMSO protocol, which successfully uses the powerful action of chlorine dioxide against pathogens to eliminate biofilm in the lungs combined with DMSO’s ability to seek out pathogens with targeted precision in the body (via its chemical charge) combined with DMSO’s trojan warfare skills that make it able to penetrate easily through pathogen cell membranes with chlorine dioxide attached to it.
Alzheimer’s Disease Caused by Borellia Spirochete Biofilms!
During the past few years, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been shown to be a chronic infection originating with a spirochete bacteria. These spirochetes get into the brain through the blood-brain barrier, often from the mouth in the presence of gum disease. To protect themselves from invasion, they generate biofilms within the brain. Once in a biofilm, the spirochete microbes become undetectable, resistant to the immune system and to antibiotics.
Confirmed clinical studies show that spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi and dental treponemes) form biofilms which lead to Alzheimer’s Disease. First and foremost, intracellular (within the cell) spirochetes make biofilms and at the same time make beta amyloid plaque. This has been shown in vitro in pure culture and in vivo. Extracellular (outside the cell) biofilms lead to activation of the innate immune system (similar to other chronic diseases), and this together with its major pathway (MyD88) leads to the production of beta amyloid plaque that calcifies and strangles the brain neurons..
In AD, m any other drugs and environmental factors interact with that pathway and generally lead to further disease progression. Few things lead to reversal of the AD pathway, though L-serine stands out among them. However, none of these pathways would even exist were the spirochetes not present.
“Bacterial Biofilms have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients it’s I think something about something about the brain having the most delicious food for Borrelia. I know it sounds gross but certain parts of the body, like the brain, are just better for bacterial nutrition.” Dr. Alan McDonald found three configurations in AD brains from Borellia spirochetes: Plaques of Biofilm, Tangles, and Granules. The granules inside the cell destroy it from the inside out.
What Factors Make AD Worse?
Stroke, diabetes, nicotine, haloperidol, sugar consumption, and diet soft drinks have all been shown to cause worsening of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) due their impact on biofilms. If Penicillin were administered before the spirochetes form protective biofilms, this could very likely prevent Alzheimer’s. Joseph R Nemeth, MD.
Some encouraging news for millions suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. NeuroEM Therapeutics today announced a reversal of cognitive impairment in AD patients after just two months of treatment using the company’s wearable electronic head device for in-home treatment.
Hypertension and Heart Disease Linked to Biofilm Inside the Vessels
Biofilm may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Ott’s research work showed diverse groups of bacterial “signatures” in atherosclerotic lesions of patients with coronary heart disease. In a commentary following Ott’s paper, Katz and Shannon concluded that his work suggested that atherosclerotic plaques within the blood vessels are composed of “functional biofilm.” The team noted that the characteristics of a “mature” arterial wall make it well-suited for biofilm formation and explains the inefficacy of antibiotics in clinical trials.
Cardiovascular Disease, CVD Linked to Oral Biofilm
Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Heart disease, Stroke and Myocardial heart attack are the result of a complex set of genetic and environmental factors. There is increasing evidence linking chronic infection and inflammation to CVD, with biofilm as a predisposing factor. The connection between oral bacteria and cardiac disease has long been known, Oral bacteria, specifically Streptococcus mutans (cariogenic) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (periodontitis) induce blood platelet aggregation, leading to thrombus blood clot formation.
Autism and Biofilms Filled with Heavy Metals
Dr. Peta Cohan, a pioneer researcher treating autism with a biomedical and nutritional approach, has found evidence of biofilms in autistic patients. When she disrupts the biofilm in these patients, she sees a huge “offload” of heavy metals in the urine and stool. Autistic individuals often have elevated levels of heavy metals mercury and lead. Bacteria aren’t choosy about which minerals they sequester during biofilm construction. Dr. Cohen’s explanation is that these patients also suffer from GI biofilms loaded with mercury and other heavy metals. Peta Cohen ‘s experiences are as of yet only anecdotal; a PubMed search for “autism and biofilm” yields zero results.
Candida Biofilms Resistant to Anti-Fungal Drugs
Recently there has been an increasing appreciation of the role of biofilm in the biology and pathogenicity of Candida – C. albicans. Pioneering studies on the development of models for C. albicans biofilm formation and the description of their structural characteristics were followed by more in-depth mechanistic studies to understand biofilm development and its regulation at the molecular level. Increased resistance of C. albicans biofilms against most conventional antifungal drugs has spurred new investigations in search for novel anti-biofilm agents targeting biofilms at various steps of its development.
Healing Biofilm Chronic Sinus Infections – Rhinosinusitis – With Colloidal Silver
The use of Colloidal Silver in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis was evaluated during research. The aim of the study was to assess the safety and effectiveness of Colloidal Silver solution in the management of a Staphylococcus Aureus Biofilm in a sheep model.
In the efficacy study, the frontal sinuses were flushed with the strains of Staphylococcus Aureus. Later, the sinuses were administered either Colloidal Silver solution or saline topically. Colloidal silver was administered in varying concentrations of 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm or 30 ppm for 5 days.
Kidney Stones Are Caused by Multi-Strain Biofilms
Researchers Parsek and Singh report biofilms cause the formation of kidney stones. The stones obstruct urine flow and produce inflammation and recurrent infection that can lead to kidney failure. Approximately 15%–20% of kidney stones occur in the setting of urinary tract infection and these stones are produced by the interplay between infecting bacteria and mineral substrates derived from the urine. This interaction results in a complex biofilm composed of bacteria, bacterial exoproducts, and mineralized stone material.
Lyme Bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi Hides in BIOFILM
Lyme disease is a complex and multi-faceted bacteria in its various life stages. We have hundreds of different forms of Borrelia Spirochetes, and that’s a problems in a chronic disease like Lyme disease, which requires sleuth work and a layered protocol to eliminate the other mitigating factors. You will need an experienced clinician to address your Lyme disease.
A world-class expert on healing Lyme disease is Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.
Check out his book link here: New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment:
Dr. Klinghardt says: “Our Environmental Toxins Set the Stage for Lyme disease and Biofilm
“There are an estimated 82,000 man-made toxic compounds in our environment. If appropriate detection methods are used, all of these compounds can be found in our bodies. We all are contaminated with huge amounts of toxins, and it’s the unhealthy “terrain” of our bodies that sets the stage for us to become sick from pathogenic microbes and biofilms. This is because these toxins act as a favorable growth medium for the wide variety of microbes that we are all infected with and which we in the medical community lump together under the term “Lyme disease.” The toxins that I have found to be key in contaminating the body and weakening the immune system are: mercury, lead, aluminum and glyphosate. Glyphosate is a chemical that is sprayed on food and which is ubiquitous in the environment; it’s also the key ingredient of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. The damaging effect of these toxins is far greater when the toxins are combined. For instance, a synergistic effect between aluminum and mercury, and aluminum and glyphosate are very damaging.
Microbes, which primarily grow in the blood vessels, are protected from the immune system by aluminum and other heavy metals.
There’s a direct correlation between the severity of Lyme disease symptoms and the amount of aluminum that they have in their blood, which we can detect via apheresis. So the first thing that I do with all of my Lyme disease patients is clean up their inner terrain and get as much of the aluminum out of their bodies as possible, while also decreasing their bodies’ burden of glyphosate and other chemicals.
A Combined Layered approach starts with Cilantro and Ionic Footbaths: More Effective than EDTA for Heavy Metal Removal
My antimicrobial strategy is to treat the creatures in the patient’s body from the largest to the smallest; so that means parasites first, and viruses and nanobacteria, last. This is because parasites are themselves invaded by, and incubate, spirochetes, viruses, bacteria and other microbes.
The treatment sequence is as follows:
- Large Parasites
- Yeasts
- Molds
- Protozoans
- Bacteria
- Mycoplasma (Cell wall deficient bacteria)
- Nanobacteria and viruses
A study by Eva Sapi, professor at University of New Haven, agrees that the Borrelia spirochetes that cause Lyme disease are resistant to treatment when they form a biofilm in the body that allows it to “hide out” from antibiotics.
“Lyme borreliosis, which is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, has grown into a major public health problem. We recently identified a novel morphological form of B. burgdorferi, within a biofilm, a structure that is known to be highly resistant to antibiotics.”
Diabetes Related to Oral Biofilm
Periodontal disease and diabetes seem to be interrelated and in a bidirectional relationship, and have been increasingly studied in recent decades. For example, diabetes mellitus has a detrimental effect on periodontal disease, increasing its prevalence, extent, and severity. In turn, periodontitis negatively affects glycemic control and the course of diabetes. …These two diseases require specific/ complementary therapeutic solutions when they occur in association.
The Bidirectional Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes Mellitus—A Review,
Chronic Ear Infections Keep Coming Back if Biofilm is Not Eradicated
Biofilms are hypothesized to cause chronic suppurative otitis media, and to explain the condition’s resistance to antibiotic treatment. Recent evidence has demonstrated that pneumococcal biofilms exhibit greater resistance to azithromycin antibiotic. Effective eradication of biofilm infections requires killing the bacteria and the destruction of the matrix to minimize persistence of the viable organism. Thus, persistent otitis media infections can arise from the failure to completely eradicate the original bacterial infection, the presence of biofilms, or intracellular bacterial infection of the middle ear mucosal cells, particularly mucus-secreting cells.
New Strains of Tuberculosis: Lung Biofilm Resistant to Drugs
Biofilm formation in the lung affects virulence and drug resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Current expansion of Tuberculosis in the world is partly due to the emergence and spreading of new strains of M. tuberculosis that are 1) multidrug resistant, 2) extremely drug resistant and 3) totally drug resistant. Tuberculosis is a chronic disease that displays several features commonly associated with biofilm-associated infections: immune system evasion, antibiotic treatment failures, and recurrence of infection.
Disrupting BIOFILM is Not a One-stop Solution, as no single medicine works for all situations. The best way to avoid Biofilm is to prevent it before the community grows. The following list of BIOFILM DISRUPTORS is just a start. It includes powerful Foods, Herbs, Natural Chemicals, Enzymes, Essential oils, Prescription Anti-Microbials, and Frequency healing. I do not know the correct dosages. I pass this information on so you can do your own research.
Food & Lifestyle to Disrupt BIOFILM:
Eat a low sugar low carb diet. In clinical studies, all concentrations of sugars showed high affinity toward Biofilm binding to the surfaces. A BIOFILM polysaccharide sugar gel binds to sugars and proteins, heavy metals, minerals and other substances in the body.
Avoid these factors which cause Alzheimer’s biofilm to worsen: Stroke, Diabetes, Smoking, Haloperidol anti-psychotic medication, Sugar consumption, and Diet soft drinks, due their impact on biofilms.
Avoid WiFi and Electromagnetic pollution, as it drives the growth of microbes within the body. A funny thing happens to the bugs, as if anticipating their own death, these microbes replicate much faster and produce more virulent toxins.
Heat And Frequency Tools Destroy Microbes. They can speed detox, remove parasites, and eradicate biofilm
- Infra-red Sauna
- Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga
- Rife Frequency Machine
- Spooky
- Bee Sting Therapy
Phytonutrients & Natural Supplements:
- Modified Citrus Pectin
- Activated Charcoal
- Berberine
- Cinnamon oil
- Clove oil
- Curcumin (Turmeric)
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Garlic
- Holy basil
- Interfase Plus
- Linoleic acid
- Lumbrokinase
- Nattokinase
- Oregano Oil, Oregano leaf
What is Modified Citrus Pectin?
“Important and skyrocketing published data of clinical success shows Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) to be THE #1 most important supplement for nearly every condition—thanks to its remarkable mechanisms of action. Specifically, MCP is the only agent shown to bind and block Gal-3 and halt its destructive, inflammatory actions. MCP works to break down Gal-3 biofilm formations, increasing the effectiveness of other drugs and therapies— including chemotherapy, antibiotic treatments, nutrients, botanicals, and more. Thousands of studies show Gal-3 plays a key role in our most critical health conditions including cancer, heart disease, kidney failure and many others. Because MCP is the only available agent to inhibit the destructive actions of Gal-3, research shows it can help to halt and in some cases, even reverse these life-threatening conditions. For over 20 years, I’ve used MCP in my practice to help patients from all walks achieve optimal health and longevity. Many patients say they are still enjoying life, decades later, thanks to the unparalleled longevity benefits of Modified Citrus Pectin.” Thank you! Dr. Isaac Eliaz.
Organic Coconut Oil is anti-parasitic, antibacterial, anti-yeast, anti-inflammatory
These fruits activate natural detoxification and help remove glyphosate: Pomegranate, North American plum, and Acai.
NAC or NAC (N-acetylcysteine) reverses intestinal tissue damage in people with leaky gut by enabling the body to tighten the junctions within the intestinal wall.
NAC is also known as a biofilm disrupter that can heal the gut and promote a healthy gut microbiome. When there is bacterial overgrowth in the gut, (dysbiosis), if there aren’t healthy levels of good bacteria, NAC is useful to supplement as it can permeate the biofilm and naturally eradicate the overgrowth.
Boswellia , also known as Indian frankincense, is an extract from the Boswellia serrata tree that is found in parts of Asia and Africa. It is an herbal remedy that is often used in Ayurveda , one of the oldest alternative health practices in the world. Boswellia is rich in boswellic acids that are anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.
Lauricidin is a natural surfactant found in coconut oil that helps inhibit the development of biofilms. (other forms: monolaurin, lauric acid, and glycerol monolaurate)
Essential Oils for Biofilm Disruption
Recently, the screening of wide set of essential oils revealed candidates with an even stronger anti-persister activity than was described for some anti-persister drugs. For example, oregano oil and its active component carvacrol, cinnamon bark or clove bud were more efficient against the stationary phase and biofilms of Lyme disease spirochete than 40 µM daptomycin. For comparison, 0.05% cinnamaldehyde, the active component of cinnamon bark essential oil, sterilized the LD spirochete at stationary phase and garlic essential oil was successful in killing of all forms of Borrelia at a concentration of 0.05%.
Chinese Herbs for Borellia and Biofilm Disruption
A spirochete is a corkscrew-shaped bacterium that can and does bores into vessel walls and even into tissues and cartilage – so bunkering itself out of reach of most antibiotics. Unlike other bloodstream trapped bacteria, spirochetes can screw their way through the blood vessels and escape the blood stream beyond the natural immune system and the prescribed antibiotics.
This is why that other famous spirochete –syphilis – was so difficult to eradicate for so long. It was bunkered beyond the reach of medicine. Currently syphilis and leptospirosis are treated very effectively in China with anti-spirochete herbs and many of those herbs have moved into Lyme treatment protocols.
Part of what these anti-spirochete herbs do is to unscrew the bacteria back out of cells and tissue and into the blood stream to be met by your own immune system and any combination of antibacterial herbs and antibiotics deemed effective.
Notable anti spirochetes include Green chiretta aka Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata), Chai Hu (Bupleurum spp), Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) – all utilized to warm the cells and muscles thus encouraging the bacteria out into the bloodstream but also to exert analgesic and anti-inflammatory action for chronic Lyme arthritis-like pains.
In medicinal botany evaluations of TCM, the ‘spirochete killers’ include Allicin – the active antibiotic agent of raw garlic; Coptin and berberine, two active antibiotic and neuroprortective agents of Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis) and Houttuynin an active antibacterial from the chameleon plant (Houttuynia cordata)
One of the most potent choices you can make is sarsaparilla (Smilax glabrae) a killer of spirochetes and a natural anti-inflammatory but perhaps even more importantly it is and endotoxin binder. So as all the other herbs kill and disrupt the Borrelia bacteria as it breaks down and reacts to its agitation it releases harmful substances into the body tissues and blood stream potentially triggering toxic overload and prompting bad reaction – if we can clump and mop up then we lessen the damage and clear the toxins quicker.
Proteolytic Enzymes to Remove Biofilms
Cancer cells have a protein matrix on their outer layer, and proteolytic enzymes can help to metabolize this:
Enzymes are considered catalysts of biochemical processes. This simply means they assist chemical processes in the body by allowing them to occur much faster.
Proteolytic enzymes assist the body in breaking down proteins and can be very effective at dissolving biofilms. Particularly serratiopeptidase and trypsin have been studied for the ability to mitigate the formation of biofilms after orthopedic surgery, a potentially dangerous complication.
Chlorine Dioxide, MMS – Miracle Mineral Solution of Jim Humble
MMS – Not only can chlorine dioxide prevent the creation of biofilm, but it can also destroy and eradicate even the thickest and most established biofilm deposits.
MMS is a broad spectrum detoxifier which is effective against heavy metals and chemicals, pathogens including viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, mucous, biofilm, tumors and cancers.
MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) was designed by aerospace engineer Jim Humble, who tested his MMS protocol for malaria, AIDS, herpes, tuberculosis, and cancer.
DOSE of MMS Chlorine Dioxide with DMSO for COPD, Lung Disease
It is vital that COPD patients begin using chlorine dioxide by following The Starting Procedure recommended by Jim Humble. It isn’t unusual for COPD patients to begin with this procedure and immediately experience nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms of a strong detoxification reaction. If you take chlorine dioxide for COPD, it’s possible that this medicine will uncover biofilm and infection in the lungs that simply cannot be treated using antibiotics that your doctor would prescribe.
Patients with COPD should begin with The Starting Procedure and then, once they’ve completed this procedure, move on to Protocol 1000 Plus. This protocol uses the powerful and extremely broad spectrum action of chlorine dioxide against pathogens to eliminate biofilm in the lungs combined with DMSO’s ability to seek out pathogens with targeted precision in the body (via its chemical charge) combined with DMSO’s trojan warfare skills that make it able to penetrate easily through pathogen cell membranes with chlorine dioxide attached to it.
Be prepared to experience a detoxification reaction when using chlorine dioxide solution and DMSO. If you have been suffering from COPD for quite some time, it is likely that the Protocol 1000 Plus or even The Starting Procedure will cause you to develop what feels like a sinus infection or even the flu. But don’t be fooled, the flu-like symptoms that develop are your body’s reaction to pathogens being removed from the body. Drink a lot of water and use molecular hydrogen, hypertonic saline, and NAC.
Novel Pharmaceuticals and Standard Medical Solutions for Biofilm
StaphOff Biotech, Inc. is developing a TOTALLY UNIQUE approach to fighting Staph infections using a first in class molecule termed CEN-101 and its analog CEN-103. Unlike antibiotics, CEN-101 & CEN-103 do not kill the bacteria; rather they weaken their ability to resist the body’s immune system defenses and the killing power of traditional antibiotics. These molecules cause the bacteria not to communicate with one another, not to form biofilms, not to produce flesh eating toxins, and thus allow the body’s own immune system or traditional antibiotics to more effectively combat the infection.
Biofilms are a serious threat to health, which is why doctors utilize aggressive treatments in the fight against them. Such treatments include surgically removing the area that is infected with a biofilm or using high-velocity water sprays to physically disrupt the biofilm, often in combination with antibiotics.
Pharmaceuticals for Biofilm include: rifabutin, rifapentine, and rifaximin with activity against both the planktonic and biofilm states of rifampin-susceptible staphylococci infections.
54 Natural Ways to Inhibit Biofilms:
Foods to Dissolve Biofilm
- Linoleic acid (omega-6) [8, 9]
- Oleic Acid/Olive Oil [8]
- Honey [10]
- Propolis (candida biofilm) [11]
- Apple Cider Vinegar [12] -physiologically tolerable concentrations of acetic acid can completely eradicate bacteria in mature biofilms vitro.
- Caprylic acid (G+,-, fungal) [13]
- Stevia [14]
- Xylitol [15]
- Garlic [16, 17]
- Manuka [18]
- Ginger [19] (G+,-)
- Cranberry [20]
Non-Herbal Biofilm Disruptors
- Ozone [21, 22]
- Chitosan [23, 24, 9]
- NAC [25]
- Lactoferrin [15, 26]
- EDTA [27] – EDTA likely exerts antimicrobial activity by chelating magnesium and calcium – minerals necessary for growth and membrane stability and may also display anti-biofilm activity by reducing biofilm material (EPS) production and/or enhancing the detachment of bacterial cells from the biofilm. Magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and manganese appear to stabilize the biofilm matrix of a variety of organisms by enhancing structural integrity through electrostatic interactions that serve to cross-link the matrix [5].
- Zinc [28]
- Iron (29)
- Manganese [5]
- High alkalinity (magnesium?) [30]
- Monolaurin [31] (G+)
- Colloidal Silver [32]
- Zeolite (Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans) [33]
- L Reuteri [34]
- Citrate? [35] – Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate
- Norspermidine (found in chlorella) [3]
Enzymes to Dissolve Biofilm
- Trypsin [36]
- Serratiopeptidase [37]
- Nattokinase [38]
Herbal Biofilm Disruptors
- Andrographis [39]
- Curcumin [40, 9]
- Berberine [41, 9]
- Cinnamon/Cinnamaldehyde [42, 43] and Cinnamon essential oil [43]
- Black cumin oil/Thymoquinone [44]
- Boswellia [45]
- Vanilla
- Ginkgo
- Oregano Oil (carvacrol+thymol) [46]
- Quercetin [47]
- Apigenin [48]
- Naringenin [48]
- St John’s Wort [49]
- Kaempferol [48]
- Rosmarinic acid (higher concentrations) [50]
- Baicalein [31]
- Neem [11, 51]
- Gentian violet [52]
- Mangosteen (streptococcus) [53]
- Alfalfa [54]
- Eugenol [42, 9, 43] – found in Tulsi, clove essential oil and cinnamon essential oil
Other Biofilm Disruptors
6. Conclusion: WAKE-UP Call! It is all about the Terrain.
BIOFILMS have existed for billions of years. So don’t blame the bugs. They’re just living their lives. It is our responsibility to choose our own personal healthy lifestyle to cultivate a healthy terrain. Then they’ll never get a foothold. Our independent spirit and open-minded approach is essential to our health, since BIOFILM is an emerging new field, and no one has all the answers. Microbes are well-evolved to survive, and biofilm-associated infections account for over 80% of human bacterial infections.
Sadly, traditional antibiotics has been greatly compromised in recent years by over-use, and antibiotic resistance in biofilm-embedded microbial pathogens. Healing chronic biofilm disease does not happen overnight, however with the proper multifaceted and holistic approach, you can liberate yourself from the nagging health issues compromising your quality of life and regain full vitality.
Meanwhile, practice a clean, organic diet and lifestyle. Avoid stress, processed foods, toxic substances, harmful electro-smog and WiFi, as radiation stimulates microbial activity. Choose fresh food, blended smoothies, and try some of these BIOFILM DISRUPTORS!
Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. She has her MBA in financial management and has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of Chinese – Ayurvedic wisdom. She teaches Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”. She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are and Srijana lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D.
- Reboot Your Gut, Optimizing Health and Preventing Infectious Disease, Opinion by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD,
- Combating Biofilms: Why Your Antibiotics and Antifungals Fail: Solutions for Lyme Disease, Chronic Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Yeast Infections, Wounds, Ear … Bad Breath, Cystic Fibrosis and Implants,
- 7 Natural Agents That Disrupt Biofilms,
- List of Biofilm Chronic Diseases,
- The Effects of Sugars on the Biofilm Formation of E. coli
- Biofilm – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim,
- Dr. Wilmore Webley on Chlamydia Pneumoniae & Biofilms,
- Dr. Ettinger’s Biofilm Protocol for Lyme and Gut Pathogens,
- Cancer and Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS as Chlorine Dioxide,
- *Natural & Advanced 3D Precise Therapy Successfully Treats Various Chronic Inflammatory Diseases,
- Biofilm-related disease,
- Bacterial biofilm and associated infections,
- Bacterial Biofilm and its Role in the Pathogenesis of Disease,
- Biofilm: A Missing Link In the Treatment & Prevention of Chronic Disease,
- Biofilm Disruptors – How You Can Eradicate SIBO, Biofilm Disruptors – How You Can Eradicate SIBO
- Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO as a Cure for COPD,
- Does Gum Disease Cause Alzheimer’s Disease? (RESEARCH FINDS POTENTIAL LINK),
- Brave Scientists Dr. Herbert Allen – Spirochetes and Alzheimer’s Disease,
- Why Am I Still Sick? The Silent Role of Biofilms in Chronic Disease (Full Movie),
- Not Getting Better with Treatment? Time to Target Biofilms,
- The Link Between Biofilms and Your Chronic Health Issues: What You Need to Know,
- Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Lyme Disease Treatment Protocol,
or - Biofilms in Rheumatoid Arthritis Nodules: A Novel Clue Relating to Microbial Origin,
- Oral Biofilms from Symbiotic to Pathogenic Interactions and Associated Disease –Connection of Periodontitis and Rheumatic Arthritis by Peptidylarginine Deiminase
- Immunometabolism in biofilm infection: lessons from cancer,,
- Microscopy Methods for Biofilm Imaging: Focus on SEM and VP-SEM Pros and Cons,
- Who put the film in biofilm? The migration of a term from wastewater engineering to medicine and beyond,
- Book Excerpt: New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment, Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD,
- Anti-spirochete herbs to treat Lyme disease,
- Enzymatic dispersion of biofilms: An emerging biocatalytic avenue to combat biofilm-mediated microbial infections,
- Biofilm-Mediated Diseases of the Heart and Lungs,
- Biofilms in Human Disease,
- Biofilm formation in the lung contributes to virulence and drug tolerance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
- Biofilm Formation and its Association with Gram Negative Sepsis Pathogenicity,
- The Bidirectional Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes Mellitus—A Review,
- The systemic oral health connection: Biofilms,
- Bacterial Biofilm and its Role in the Pathogenesis of Disease,
- OBM Geriatrics Alzheimer’s Disease Parsing the Pathways Leading to the Disease Based on the Spirochete/Biofilm Hypothesis,’s_Disease_Parsing_the_Pathways_Leading_to_the_Disease_Based_on_the_SpirocheteBiofilm_Hypothesis
- UNH Research Confirms Lyme Disease Bacteria Biofilm in Human Body,
- 54 Natural Ways to Inhibit Biofilms,
- A short history of microbial biofilms and biofilm infections,