My Favorite Herbs for Kidney Health


by Jane Barthelemy, CBP, CRM, DRM, MBA, Author. Your kidneys are a remarkable organ, and deserve loving care. Kidneys have many essential functions in the body, including filtering the blood, controlling metabolism, water balance, producing bone marrow, ruling sexuality and libido. The kidneys are intimately linked to the brain, nervous system, hearing, and the ears. Thick beautiful hair and graying of hair are ruled by the kidneys. The adrenals are part of the kidney system, providing high energy when needed, however they often get overworked and tired. In Chinese medicine, the Kidneys provide Qi or life energy to all the other organs. Do…

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6 Surprising Tricks to Lick Colds & Flu


By Jane Barthelemy. Any change in the weather can shock your immune system. That’s when we get sniffles, colds, and flus. Microbes are everywhere, just waiting for these opportunities. They float in the air, we share them with family and friends, spreading them with our hands. We spend good money on medications, and we lose time from the things we must do.

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Maybe This Isn’t the Kali Yuga After All

In 1895 the highly respected Yogi, Swami Sri Yukteswar (1855 – 1936) wrote an amazing book called The Holy Science, that was clearly ahead of its time. I bought the book it online. It was short and detailed, with crystal clear concepts. The purpose of the book was to remove barriers between all religions, especially Hinduism and Christianity. The book explains the astronomical movements of celestial bodies and it explains their calculation of the Yugas, or ages of man. Pundits have recently recalculated the Yugas, after an error was made several thousand years ago, which mistakenly led some people to…

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