When you’re forced to CHOOSE between MONEY and LIFE, then you know it’s a spiritual battle. That tells us that humanity is on the cusp of an important collective choice in this “War for our Minds”. Please forgive my humorous images that tell a story.   

Today’s Takeaway: 

  1. Our Society is at a Crossroads, What do we Value? Money vs. your Life?
  2. Consolidation of Power, What Happens when All Databases MERGE into ONE GLOBAL CONTROL SYSTEM?
  3. You can VOTE your way into TYRANNY.  But you might need a MILITARY to reclaim your SOVEREIGNTY.
  4. Vision for a Transparent American Government.
  5. Looking Deeper: A Personal and Collective Choice. What do we Value Most?
  6. Conclusion: A Message from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama on His Mother.

1. Our Society is at a Crossroads. What do we Value MOST?
Our global life and communities are at a crossroads, in which our deepest traditional beliefs and values CLASH with economic growth and modernization designed to benefit a few. 


The Choices are Clear:

  • Life vs. Money
  • Spirit vs. Physical
  • Sovereignty vs. Slavery
  • Good vs. Evil
  • Freedom vs. Tyranny
  • Generosity vs. Me Me Me
  • Courage vs. Fear

What will we Choose? Money vs. Life?
What is money anyway? Money is an energy, a hypothetical shared value system. It’s not real, we made it up. So, Money and Spirit are energetic, not physical. Money and spirit are interconnected. If we take an enlightened view of money as a fuel, money can help us to be of service without being drained physically, financially, or spiritually. But if the money system is misused, there will be trouble.

You can give up your Life for Money, and most people are doing just that. Or you can give up your Money to have more Life. That’s exactly where we are now.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Yeshua Jesus Christ

2. Consolidation of Power

What Happens when ALL Databases MERGE into ONE GLOBAL CONTROL SYSTEM?

What if Government, Banking, Medicine, Science, Internet, Legal, Police, Military, Politics, Corporations, Education, Social Networking, Media, Entertainment, NGO’s, United Nations, Transportation, Religion, Biological Internet of Living things, and even the underworld all become ONE WORLDWIDE System? It’s the perfect consolidation of impenetrable power. 

Unchecked power, if allowed increase without oversight or accountability, can have devastating with far-reaching consequences for humanity and our society. It can permeate every layer of our lives. It can become a web of influence that distorts the fundamental principles of truth, democracy, and justice. It can distort and twist our very reality. When corporations, government agencies, and other organizations operate without checks and balances, the potential for abuse and corruption increases exponentially. 

It’s an especially tricky situation when the central consolidated power wishes to mandate health regulations. What is the intended goal? And who benefits? For example, I favor personal freedom and sovereignty over my own God-given DNA, rather than rigid medical rules, which open the door for myriad hidden nefarious practices that boggle the mind. So, I tend to favor decentralized medicine and decentralized government, with most decisions initiating from the local level. What are your thoughts? 

3. You can VOTE your way into TYRANNY.  But you might need a MILITARY to reclaim your SOVEREIGNTY.

Ha Ha!

The unchecked accumulation of power on a global level can lead to a society where the rich and powerful dictate terms, leaving ordinary citizens vulnerable and excluded. The unforeseen consequences of such unchecked power are devastating. It ultimately leads to the erosion of public trust in institutions. It creates painful poverty and economic disparities. It fosters environments where illegal activities can proliferate without any control. And it creates the necessity for good citizens to overthrow (or outwit) the tyrants. Ha Ha!  This is the trend we now face. How to reverse the trend? We live in interesting times!

4. Vision for a Transparent American Government

My vision for the future is one of transparency, justice, and ethical governance. It is a society where the individual is sovereign, where corporations and nonprofits operate with integrity, small businesses thrive, and public institutions serve the common good. This vision can only be achieved through decentralized community action, sustained vigilance, and a steadfast commitment to the values that define the American spirit.


5. Looking Deeper, A Personal and Collective Choice.

What will we Choose? Money vs. Life? 

Our journey toward a healthy relationship with money will take some time. In fact, the very concept of OWNERSHIP is a new, a modern invention in the recent few thousand years. Some historians hold that disease and shorter lifespan in modern times are related to our misunderstanding of personal power, our selfishness, lack of generosity, and no awareness of sharing in service to others. Some say that our money system is indeed the root cause of disease, because it promotes greed and financial power over others by the wealthy. This in turn causes widespread misunderstanding of our true inner power and connection to Spirit. Aha! Does this ring true to you?

Hmmmm: A confusion between Financial Power and Spiritual Power?

Do we really believe that Money is Power? Ha Ha!

Well, maybe that’s the Problem!


What do we Value MOST of ALL?
(please circle one on each line)


Sovereignty vs. Slavery?

Life vs. Money?

Spirit vs. Physical?

Good vs. Evil?

Freedom vs. Tyranny?

Generosity vs. Me Me Me?

Courage vs. Fear?



“To defeat a sovereign nation, just undermine sovereign individuals, make them feel isolated, alone, useless, and broken, ultimately stripping away the very concept of sovereignty and freedom.”


6. Conclusion: A Message from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, on his Mother.


“Only one who dedicates himself to the wholeness of the world
is fit to tend the world.
Only one who relinquishes the self can be entrusted 
with responsibility for the life of the world.”

Tao Te Ching #13 by Lao Tzu – sage 6th-century BC 
Translated by Ni Hua-Ching


Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy, is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. Srijana has her MBA in financial management and has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of Chinese – Ayurvedic wisdom. She is trained in Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”.  She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are and Srijana lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D. 

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