My Favorite Anti-Aging Detox Health Tips (REVISED)

Several readers asked me to share my personal health tips and supplements. I’m workin’ it, and feeling quite good. As you probably guessed, we eat mostly unprocessed foods, lots of raw smoothies. It’s a free-form low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet with lots of coconut oil. I try to have a highly diverse microbiome, with lots of of fresh leafy greens, yogurt, fermented foods, a few eggs, very rarely meats, Cooked food is beans, quinoa, dark red or black rice with garlic, turmeric, ginger., and Celtic Salt. We try to eat non-GMO, no flour, no seed oils, mostly organic. We eat our meals at 10am and 4pm and a fruit snack. We do a water fast on Tuesdays.

I try to walk a mile every day. I teach Qigong 3x a week and do Yoga every day. I use the 3 White Light Meditations and the Daoist Microcosmic Orbit to uplift and infuse myself with joy. I enjoy my husband’s love as much as possible. I use hard-wired cable internet and no WiFi in the house. When I keep my cell phone turned off all the time, I feel much better. I use the MMS parasite protocol and take Vitamin C. I do no sugar, coffee, or alcohol. My biggest addiction is 100% Chocolate, and my favorite brand is Pralus Le 100% Heh Heh! Please bring me some right away.

These days I’m taking a proactive approach to detox, due to the many threats in our environment. Dangerous spike proteins are found in every variant of Covid. Spike proteins are produced in the body after COVID-19 shot or from another person who received the shot. The spike proteins can pass through the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and can manipulate the biology of the blood vessel lining, through interaction with ACE2 receptors, which control blood pressure and contraction in the vessels.

Graphene oxide, a poison to humans, has also been found in the shots. Unfortunately it’s in our water, in the air we breathe, and even in our food supply. Graphene oxide interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (“EMF”), specifically the broad range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health.

Although I am not vaxxed, I understand we’ve all been exposed, and that spike proteins circulate anywhere in the body, vaxxed or unvaxxed. Spike proteins can travel to any body site, causing damage to cells and organs. Injected spike proteins can cause inflammation and clotting in any tissue where they accumulate. So far, we see a high percentage of adverse side effects like blood clots, blood thickening, brain fog, Guillain-Barre syndrome, myocarditis, and sudden death. We have all been exposed, since over 70% of the world population has taken the shot.

This is why I am studying detox. I recommend you do that too, as we all have lingering spike proteins inside the body, even the unvaxxed.

The Takeaway: My Favorite Anti-Aging Detox Health Tips (REVISED)

  1. Brain Balancing in 2 minutes, to SuperCharge Intelligence
  2. Chlorella – To Remove Toxic Heavy Metals
  3. Shilajit – Primordial Minerals we ALL Need
  4. Cordyceps – for DNA and “JING” Ancestral Energy
  5. NewEarth ReGenesis – For Anti-Aging Beauty and Radiant Health
  6. MirtoPlus Super Lutein – For Eyes, Anti-Oxidant Superfood
  7. SPIKE from NewEarth Pharmacy for Spike Protein
  8. Moringa – For Squeaky Clean Intestines and Sensual Vitality
  9. Apricot Seeds – Powerful Anti-Cancer Remedy
  10. Baking Soda to Balance body pH
  11. Coffee Enema for High Glutathione, Detox Liver, and Filter Blood
  12. Methylene Blue – to enhance memory, mood, and longevity
  13. Sea Buckthorn Berries – for increased stem cell function
  14. Probiotic for Microbiome Survival – Choose carefully! Here’s my favorite
  15. Mineral Drops with Magnesium and 83 essential minerals 
  16. Lithium – Natural inhibitor of suppression of the hippocampus brain center
  17. NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine, Neutralizes toxins
  18. Cod Liver Oil – Anti-inflammatory for skin, hair, teeth, and gums

1. Brain Balancing in 2 minutes, to SuperCharge Intelligence 

This quick tapping technique integrates left and right hemispheres to work together harmoniously. It balances out-of-sync emotions and reduces stress. I do this every morning to balance, and again at night for sweet sleep. This technique cancels out electronic reactions to WiFi and calms emotions. I can’t emphasize this enough!

Left and Right brain hemispheres have very different functions. Right brain sees the whole picture, the beauty, and what we share. Left brain sees details, numbers, words, and differences. Yikes! That’s a vast expanse of diverse information to integrate. And if either one of your hemispheres is dominant this lowers your intellect. When we merge big-picture awareness on the right with precise logic on the left, we utilize our WHOLE BRAIN to be fully present in the moment. 


By balancing the dual polarities, we tap into our innate higher intelligence and joy. This 2-minute exercise is easy to do, with cumulative benefits each time you do it.

2. Chlorella – to Remove Toxic Heavy Metals

Chlorella is a microscopic single-celled freshwater algae and is a potent superfood that can help nourish the body. I take it to clear heavy metals in the body. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, nickel, aluminum, mercury, and benzene are major health risks causing DNA damage and terrible nervous disorders. I have personally treated patients who were exposed to heavy metal poisoning in toxic dumps, and they were all totally insane. 

Chlorella Tablets are made from chlorella powder. The chlorella is gently dried after harvest, then the cell walls are broken using a chemical-free pressure-and-release technique. This allows for the optimal absorption of this superfood. The broken cell wall chlorella powder is then stamped into easy-to-use tablets. Chlorella tablets are an excellent source of immunity-supporting vitamin D.

Suggested use: Begin by taking 3-4 tablets 3 times per day. I take about 6 tablets 3 times per day. Swallow with water, blend into smoothies or eat out of the bag.

3. Shilajit – Primordial Minerals We All Need

Shilajit is a Sanskrit word meaning “conqueror of the mountains and destroyer of weakness”. This substance formed some fifty million years ago high in the Himalayan mountains earth movements crushed tropical forests between huge rocks, forming an “ooze” of ancient humus, fulvic acid, and animal residue. Scientific analysis shows that it contains 85 different minerals. For this reason I see Shilajit as a source of countless nutrients and minerals.


In Tibetan medicine Shilajit increases longevity, improves memory and brain cognition, decreases allergies and respiratory problems, reduces stress and relieves digestive disorders. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

For thousands of years, Shilajit has been used to help support energy, memory, mood, the absorption of vital nutrients, the power and effectiveness of other nutrients, intelligence, blood sugar balance, detoxification of heavy metals and cell renewal. This substance is also known for its ability to rejuvenate a cell by conducting oxygen and nutrients into the cell and supporting the body’s natural antioxidant activity, so that the body gets rid of free radicals on its own. Shilajit is best known for enhancing male fertility and testosterone levels. This is especially for my husband!

HOW TO TAKE SHILAJIT: The recommended dosage is about 1.2mg per pound of body weight once or twice daily. So, for an average adult, that’s about 4 drops of liquid or half the size of a green pea, or 1 1/3 measuring spoonfuls. Dissolves best in warm water. The best time to take Shilajit is on an empty stomach in the morning, as it can improve absorption. For more info:

Shilajit can assist in healing many chronic diseases, like diabetes, by balancing blood sugar levels. It can improve mood, increase fat metabolism and reduce cravings. In combination with Ashwagandha, Shilajit promotes learning and memory by increasing oxygen, minerals, and nutrition in the brain tissues.
Shilajit is one of the MAIN ingredients in “Wellness Essentials” by Abeytu’ Naturals. So, here’s the link to order.


4. Cordyceps – for DNA and “Jing” Ancestral Energy

Cordyceps mushroom is one of the mainstays of ancient Tibetan and Chinese tonic herbs. Cultured Cordyceps can strengthen the body and mind as a “Jing” DNA ancestral energy tonic of the highest quality. Because it contains both Yin and Yang polarities, it can be consumed by anyone safely over a long period of time.

Cordyceps grow in the Himalayas, especially the mountains of Bhutan. This is a life-enhancing tonic to build sexual and physical power, mental energy and resilient immune system. Cultured Cordyceps have no steroidal properties, and greatly support athletic performance muscle-building capability in normal, healthy people. Cultured Cordyceps can help support the body’s overall immune functions.

Read what Dr. Axe says about the benefits of Cordyceps:

How to Take Cordyceps
You can take Cordyceps capsules. In traditional Tibetan medicine, they are generally cooked in broth or soup. They can be delicious in warm beverages like Golden Milk with turmeric. Or just throw a few mushrooms in your green smoothie every morning.

Cultured Cordyceps are cheaper than Wild Cordyceps, which are hard to find and quite rare. But be cautious, as not all cultured Cordyceps are the same. In the USA, you can buy good quality Cultured Cordyceps from Dragon Herbs. 

5. NewEarth ReGenesis – Anti-Aging Beauty & Radiant Health

I started taking ReGenesis 4 months ago. Since that time, my skin tone has improved, the wrinkles on my face are gone, the dark spots on my arms have faded, and I have significantly more energy. Yesterday I had to wake up for a Zoom call at 2am, and I felt no tiredness at all, however a few months ago I wouldn’t have been able to do it. This amazingly effective product was launched by Abeytu Naturals with Sacha Stone.

A phospholipid, flavonoid, and cannabinoid drive a bioavailable Immune Supportive powerhouse to key cell receptors and body systems. The addition of Bioavailable Policosanol works with our Cannabinoid encapsulated delivery system for Full Spectrum Immune Support. 
Cellular Micronutrients work with the body’s Endocannabinoid system to help deliver total body transformation. Wellness starts at the cellular level and were the first to develop an efficient delivery system to address the four pillars of aging. Patent Pending as a Composition For Improving Health formulation; this all – in- one demonstrates the powerful synergy between plants and Homo sapiens.

How to Take ReGenesis:
Take 5 drops under the tongue once daily; preferably 10 minutes before your biggest meal. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Drops may be distributed throughout the day; ie. 2am + 3pm.

Ingredients in NewEarth ReGenesis:

  • Policosanol
  • Glutathione
  • L-Lysine
  • CBD Isolate
  • Ascorbyl Palmitate(Vit C)
  • Quercetin
  • Selenomethionone
  • Zinc Citrate
  • Organic Virgin Olive Oil
  • Sunflower Lecithin

Link to NewEarthRegenesis Shop

6. MirtoPlus Super Lutein: Healthy Vision, Anti-Oxidant Superfood

Mirto Plus Super Lutein is my very favorite go-to eye supplement, and it does so much more. I started taking Super Lutein in 2016, when my eyes were so tired from computer work that I seriously worried I was going blind. I paid for the capsules at full price for a month, and immediately noticed my eyes were so much better, I joined the multi-level company. After offering the product to a few of my friends, the earnings were generous enough to pay for my monthly dose at member price. This is still the case, so the product is effectively free for me. I pay $178 per month, and my earnings are about the same, so it’s a WIN-WIN for everyone. Some members earn much, much more.

From an intuitive perspective I am getting that Mirto Plus is by far the best lutein product on the market, without comparison. And it is seriously needed by everyone on the planet. It has been produced in such a way to preserve the integrity of the nutrition and be immediately absorbed into the body. If you’re interested, I would be happy to introduce it to you so that you can participate too. 

I highly recommend this product. If you would like to know more, email srijana @ I can arrange a 3-way Zoom presentation for you with me and an expert, so that you can make an informed decision. More info here.


Our world is starving from a lack of nutrients. In just a few generations, globalization of our food supply and corporate price wars have created conditions that deplete the nutritional value of our diet. Lack of nutrients must now be addressed through supplementation which helps promote overall health by supplying the necessary nutrients we need to thrive as we age.


Carotenoids are essential phytonutrients. Lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, α and β carotenes, and β cryptoxanthin are the six that have been carefully selected for this one-of-a-kind formula. Few other products, if any, offer all six plus DHA/EPA and Mirtogenol (extracted from maritime pine bark). Other active nutrients (including bilberry and black currant extracts, palm oil, unshiu mikan also known as satsuma mandarin oranges, Vitamin E, and Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12) help support your diet by supplementing the body’s building blocks providing antioxidant support in order to reduce the effects of free radicals at the cellular level. In our bodies, carotenoids provide antioxidant support.

History of Naturally Plus, a Japanese Multi-Level Company in the USA

In 1999, Naturally Plus launched in Japan with one mission and with one product. To share with the world how to live a better overall quality of life through better health and the option and possibility of better financial stability. We began with Super Lutein, our flagship product that has helped millions of people. We improved upon that formula to bring you MIRTO+. An upgraded nutritional supplement that packs more of an antioxidant punch. 

Synergistic Combination Formula

SUPER LUTEIN MIRTO+ is the synergistic combination of the water-soluble antioxidant MIRTOGENOL® and the fat-soluble antioxidant lutein. MIRTOGENOL® is a combination of PYCNOGENOL® and MIRTOSELECT®. This hails to be a breakthrough in Naturally Plus’ product development.

MIRTOGENOL® is a new ingredient with an international patent*, made from combining French maritime pine bark extract PYCNOGENOL® and standardized bilberry extract MIRTOSELECT®. Their respective pioneers, Horphag Research of Switzerland and Indena of Italy, jointly developed MIRTOGENOL® after dedicated research in the interaction of these two ingredients. Naturally Plus firmly believes in the potential of this ingredient, hence SUPER LUTEIN MIRTO+ was successfully developed.

PYCNOGENOL® is a natural botanical ingredient extracted from the bark of French maritime pine trees that are 30-50 years old. PYCNOGENOL® has 170 times the antioxidant power of vitamin E, 340 times that of vitamin C, and over 40 types of flavonoids including procyanidin, catechin, and taxifolin.

MIRTOSELECT® is a proprietary bilberry extract produced by Indena of Italy from freshly ripened bilberry fruits harvested between July and September. Bilberry is a wild species of blueberry, carefully selected from over 150 blueberry species. It is a fruit-bearing shrub with strong vitality. Fresh bilberries contain about 4 times the anthocyanin (a type of polyphenol) of blueberry.

7. SPIKE from NewEarth Pharmacy, for Spike Protein

This recent release by the NewEarth Farmacy, an Innovative Natural Wellness Solutions company, is a very special over-the-counter compound to help empower the body’s innate systems. The dedicated executive team of NewEarth Farmacy is comprised of passionate activists for humanity, who successfully created an extraordinary and groundbreaking brand. Its mission is to empower individuals across the globe to reclaim their medical independence.


The team and advisory committee have worked long hours making sure the products being presented incorporate the best opportunity for full spectrum immune support.  Every step of implementation has been a carefully choreographed chain of events leading up to our launch.

NewEarth Farmacy is pioneering a movement that empowers individuals to take control of their own health. These remedies are crafted to provide care without causing side effects. Join us in this journey towards holistic well-being, where wellness is not just about treatment, but comprehensive support.

Systemic Support During Viral Expression
One of our most exciting projects uses a patent pending egg protein to support all body systems during acute or chronic viral expressions. Over 95% of adults for instance, experience an Epstein Barr viral expression in their lifetime. 50-80% of the global population experienced CMV viral expression in their lifetime.

NewEarth Farmacy’s approach to health and wellness is unconventional. Innovative. Revolutionary, supporting the body’s ability to heal itself. For more information.

8. Moringa – Squeaky Clean Intestines, Sensual Vitality

Moringa (moringa oleifera) is known by over 100 names in different languages around the world. This easy-to-grow tropical plant is native to the Himalayas, India, Africa, and Indonesia.

Moringa leaves happen to contain most essential nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, minerals, and essential metals like potassium, iron, and zinc.

Studies show that moringa powder is loaded with phytochemicals, protein, calcium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and potassium. Since it provides a concentrated source of vitamin A, it’s given to thousands of children in developing countries that suffer from life-threatening vitamin A deficiency and low immune function.

Moringa contains essential trace minerals, amino acids, and phenolics, with a rare and unique combination of disease-preventing phytonutrients, such as flavonoids, glucosides, glucosinolates, zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. 

Benefits of Moringa Include:

  • Contains Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Compounds
  • Balances Hormones and Slows Aging
  • Boosts Liver Function and Improves Digestive Health
  • Balances Blood Sugar Levels to Prevent inflammation, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
  • Protects and Nourishes the Skin with Anti-Bacterial, And-Fungal, and Anti-Viral Powers
  • Stabilizes Your Mood to Protect Brain Health
  • Cleans the Environment (Water and Topsoil)
  • Moringa leaf is good for libido! A natural aphrodisiac that promotes healthy sensuality.

Watch out! Raw Moringa flavor is slightly sharp and bitter, however I don’t mind, because after just a few bites, I’m wide awake, and have no desire to eat for several hours. Moringa soup is delicious. Cook moringa very lightly (never overcook). The flavor becomes mild and pleasant. Moringa powder is widely available. I just chomp on a few raw leaves every day.

9. Apricot Seeds – Powerful Anti-Cancer Remedy

I chomp on 2-3 apricot seeds every day. A huge debate has been going on about Apricot Seeds, which contain amygdalin, also called Laetrile, or Vitamin B17.  These have enjoyed great success in healing cancer since the 1950s, however it is surrounded by misinformation and warnings. Many cancer centers, especially in Mexico, use apricot seeds. Now Laetrile is legal in more than 20 states. 

The argument against apricot seeds is the very ingredient that makes it effective – cyanide. Yes, it’s true that cyanide can be toxic to our body. However in low doses from a natural food source, cyanide does not make us sick. In fact, most of us eat cyanide-rich food every day, like apricots, pineapples, almonds, and apples. There are thousands of other cyanide-rich foods generously supplied by Mother nature.

Personally, whenever I see the medical money industry vehemently ban a natural food, I raise an eyebrow and take it with a huge grain of salt. Just like when they banned Ivermectin to treat Covid and Cancer, which could have saved thousands of lives inexpensively. The apricot seeds I buy are bitter. However, some varieties are sweet, such as the amaretto flavor in Italy. So you should source them carefully.

You’ll see me chomping on a few apricot seeds every day. I don’t mind the bitter taste. I enjoy the crunchy texture knowing they’re a GREAT anti-cancer tonic. You’ll have to decide for yourself. Click here for more information.

“B-17, found naturally in the kernels of apricot, peaches, and almonds, can selectively target and destroy cancer cells, making it an effective non-toxic anticancer agent.” (Hope4Cancer)

10. Baking Soda for Balanced Body pH

I take a teaspoon baking soda in water every morning, and some days before bed if I feel “acidic”. Bicarbonate of soda is one of the most common items in our homes and it offers many surprising health benefits. In simple words, baking soda reacts with acids in order to clean, lower the acidity in your body, and keep your pH balanced in the blood and lymph.

To maintain an alkaline body pH we want a measure of 7.3 or 7.4 on the pH scale. You can measure it with pH test strips. When we are alkaline, we have level energy, we feel happy and balanced. But when your body is acidic, you feel tired, impatient, and stressed. Almost all disease is accompanied by an acidic pH in the body. Cancer, Diabetes, Inflammation, Arthritis, Dementia, and Heart Disease, and Sepsis all come from an acidic body pH.

What’s the maximum dose for Baking Soda?

The maximum dose is 7 half teaspoons per day. Yikes – that’s a LOT! While taking sodium bicarbonate you should be checking your pH daily and let that guide you in how much to take. Problems with over alkalization can occur if you take too much orally.

If you are 65 or older, the maximum dose is 3 half teaspoons/day. Elderly people metabolize bicarbonate much differently than younger people and so they do not need as much in their system at one time as it can accumulate due to natural slowing down of normal bodily functioning.

How much is the dose to maintain a healthy alkaline pH?

Add 1/4 to 1 teaspoon baking soda to an 8 oz glass of water. The best way to judge how much bicarbonate to take is to go by pH testing. If you’re on the acid side take 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of sodium bicarbonate once or twice a day until the pH gets up to 7.3 or 7.4.  It’s best to eat an alkaline diet, and you won’t need the baking soda. For more info:

Many people can take a regular dose of bicarbonate daily without a problem. It’s best to take a periodic break from baking soda every 2 weeks. It is far better to know your pH, and adjust it naturally with food, lifestyle, and meditation.

11. Coffee Enema to Detox Liver and Filter Blood

Do a coffee enema once a week for anti-aging glutathione. And it’s FREE!

Coffee enemas are a super detoxifier! The process increases your glutathione anti-inflammatory capacity of the liver by 700 times. This speeds all healing because it helps to filter the blood stream and flush the liver and blood of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, fungus, yeast, and chemicals. Glutathione is the master antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body. Dr. Max Gerson made this coffee enema famous, due to his enormous success curing cancer patients. This means using an enema container with tube to insert lukewarm organic coffee into your anus and large intestine. 

Coffee enemas’ primary benefit is supporting the detoxification and function of the liver and gallbladder. When an enema is inserted into the rectum via the anus, it travels through the intestines and colon to the portal vein and then to the liver. Once in the liver, the enema solution dilutes stagnant bile and dilates blood vessels and bile ducts. This results in the almost instantaneous purge of bile and toxins out of the liver into the gallbladder, the small intestine and the bowel where it can be expelled. 

When glutathione levels are high, our immune system functions well. But when the amount of toxic graphene oxide in the body exceeds the amount of glutathione, it triggers the collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm. Graphene oxide can rapidly grow to exceed glutathione, due to electronic excitation. Meaning, EMF’s that bombard the graphene to oxidise it, rapidly triggers disease. But after the age of 65 glutathione levels fall drastically in the body. This can explain why the population most affected by Covid-19 are the elderly. 

Coffee Enema Helps to Eliminate Dead Cancer Cells.

Coffee enemas, although scoffed at today, were part of conventional medicine into the 1960s, and included in the Merck Manual, a handbook for conventional medical treatments,

“They fell out of favor not because they didn’t work, but because the pharmaceutical industry took over medicine, so coffee enemas were laughed at.” 

Drinking coffee tends to suppress your liver function. But when taken rectally as an enema, the caffeine stimulates nerves in your lower bowels, which causes your liver to release toxins as a reflex. 

Even better, coffee enemas make you feel flippin’ amazing! Yo’ll feel hydrated, refreshed and cleared out. 


Do NOT use conventional coffee for enemas. The coffee MUST be organic, natural caffeinated coffee, non-bleached filters, no aluminum, and preferably no plastic, to avoid introducing toxins in the colon.

“Organic coffee is loaded with natural antioxidants,” Dr. Gonzalez says. “In fact, recent studies show that coffee loaded with antioxidants can have an anti-cancer effect ,and that coffee may actually help suppress cancer.

Try the Coffee Enema Yourself. 
I admit I was terrified the first time I did it. Then I got the parts organized in my bathroom, so it is easy and quick. Do your own research, and start with these Gerson links below:
1) Coffee Enema: 8 Things You Need to Know,

2) Coffee Enemas in the Dr. Max Gerson Protocol,

12. Methylene Blue enhances memory, mood, longevity

Methylene Blue (methylthioninium chloride) is a synthetic compound to increase memory, mood and longevity. It improves mitochondria respiration in the brain, positively impacting cognitive function. Methylene Blue is often used to treat neurological disorders such as mild Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It acts as an antioxidant, increases brain cell lifespan, and positively affects neurotransmitters.

Methylene Blue is an over-the-counter substance that’s cheap, safe, and has many uses. Neurological disorders often stem from poor cell mitochondrial function, as your brain’s neurons rely almost entirely on mitochondrial energy. Poor mitochondrial function can affect your whole body, but is particularly detrimental to your brain. For this reason Methylene Blue is possibly one of the most important anti-aging and neurological supplement available today.

As a nootropic (cognitive) supplement, Methylene Blue quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. It improves mitochondrial efficiency and respiration, acts as an antioxidant, and increases brain cell lifespan. The result is improved memory and mood.

Methylene Blue is a standard medication in hospital emergency rooms, as it can be used to reverse septic shock or dangerously low blood pressure, and saves lives. It’s a “feel better” medication as it increases dopamine and serotonin, and helps to lower cortisol. It is also good for chemical poisoning, neuropathy pain, and UTI Urinary Tract Infections. Not only does it kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites, but it also treats intestinal yeast. As the only antiseptic drug known to inhibit excessive production of reactive oxygen species (cytokine storm), it can also be used to treat Covid and malaria.

Where to Find Methylene Blue?
Look for Liquid Methylene Blue 1% drops pharmaceutical grade. 

How to Take it?
Start with the minimum dose at 4 drops in 4 ounces of water and drink it once or twice a day. For normal people the range varies from 4 to 12 drops twice a day. At higher doses it also kills candida if taken at a higher dose. Very high doses can cause toxicity.

There is no true recommended dose for Methylene Blue. Start with the low dose of 0.5 mg/kg and see how you react. A repeat dose may be taken if no effects occur. More info on Methylene Blue

13. Sea Buckthorn Berries – to increase stem cell function

Said to be harvested from the Tibetan Plateau, Sea Buckthorn Berry contains a wealth of unique polyphenols and anthocyanidins that support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow.  The scientific name for sea buckthorn, Hippophae, is derived from the Greek words “hippo” (horse), and “phae” (light) and essentially means “shining horse”. It comes from Alexander the Great after he witnessed the regenerative property of sea buckthorn on a herd of wounded horses.

I just snack on a few dried berries every day. They are pungent and refreshing, slightly bitter and sour, akin to Schizandra berries, which are also very beneficial. You can also buy Sea Buckthorn Berry powder, extract, or oil. Researchers have found that the Sea Buckthorn supports stem cell mobilization and indeed, increases the number of circulating stem cells. This upholds its benefits in traditional Tibetan, Mongolian, and Chinese medicine. Once mobilized by Sea Buckthorn, bone marrow stem cells can carry out tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and optimize overall health.

14. Probiotic for Microbiome Survival – Choose carefully!

Here’s my favorite:

Jarro-Dophilus® EPS – 10 Billion CFU

There are so many probiotics available over the counter, many of them worthless. So, please be careful. For intestinal and immune health, I recommend Jarro-Dophilus EPS®. This is a shelf-stable probiotic product due to its stability at room temperature. It contains an enteric coating to protect the probiotic from stomach acid. Eight (8) different strains of probiotic bacteria are delivered directly into small intestines where probiotic bacteria fully exert their beneficial effects.*

Those seeking to support their intestinal tract health may benefit from using the Jarro-Dophilus EPS® probiotic supplement.

Probiotics support the immune system and normal digestion to optimize absorption of nutrients. The intestines range from a relatively alkaline environment (pH) of the small intestine to an acidic environment in the stomach. No one strain of bacteria can provide all benefits throughout the entire length of the alimentary canal. Jarrow Formulas® Jarro-Dophilus EPS® supplies eight different strains to support probiotic efficacy. The eight different species found in Jarro-Dophilus EPS are representatives of six different genera: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lacticaseibacillus, Lactiplantibacillus, Lactococcus, and Pediococcus.

What’s the Connection between Probiotics and the Immune system?
We know beyond a shadow of doubt that the immune system (our ability to combat disease) is deeply inter-connected with the human microbiome and its 1013–1014 bacteria. However, prebiotics and probiotics are umbrella terms, so different genera, species and even strains of probiotics might have different effects on the immune system. Since the exact mechanisms of the immune effects of prebiotics and probiotics are mostly unknown, and every person’t microbiome is unique, it is very difficult to prove a beneficial effect of a probiotic. It depends on the person, the species, and the strain of the microorganism used.

For this reason, I chose a general probiotic Jarro-Dophilus EPS® as it contains many strains. And I strive to maintain a varied microbiome by eating lots of different veggies and fruits. 

15. Mineral Drops with Magnesium and 83 essential minerals

Everyone on Earth is mineral deficient. Especially folks with chronic diseases. For example, most diabetics are deficient in chromium and zinc. Low magnesium has been linked to heart disease and cancer. Microbiome imbalance is everywhere inside us and around us, due to chemicals in industrial food and depleted soil. Minerals are often a forgotten element, yet they are the fundamental requirements for life. 

Years ago, our soil was rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes. Modern chemical farming kills soil microbes and depletes minerals in our food. To make matters worse, every step of processing and bringing food to market reduces nutritional value in our food even more. Minerals are necessary for strong bones, teeth, blood vessels, muscles, and brain function.

Look for Anderson’s Sea M.D. Concentrated Trace Mineral Drops, Ionic Electrolyte Magnesium Supplement.

ICMD Ionic Concentrated Mineral Drops come from Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. It has 99% of its sodium content removed and then is evaporated in sunlight. These drops contain 83 essential elements that are natural, balanced, and ionic so that they are easily absorbed by the body.

Ionic Concentrated Mineral Drops can optimize the function of enzymes in the body, especially energy-producing enzymes, responsiveness of muscles, glands, nerve tissue, blood clotting, and help remove toxins, strengthen of bones, joints, and teeth. They maintain the body’s metabolism and balance of minerals and ionic electrolytes in the body. The original product was developed by the Anderson family since 1969.

How Much to Take?

20 drops once or twice daily in food or water can provide the body with a wide range of health benefits including increased energy and vitality. The taste is rather bitter, so I use it in my drinking water glass. Other folks put a few drops on their food after it is cooked and served.

Magnesium in Mineral Drops!

Magnesium is needed in almost every cell in the body, the majority of it stored in the bones. Magnesium is a helper molecule, called a cofactor, and is necessary in more than 300 enzyme reactions, to coordinate vital biochemical processes in the body.

Benefits of Concentrated Mineral Drops (ICMD)

  • Provides 83 essential minerals deficient in our diet.
  • Balances pH acids and bases in the body, macro and micro nutrients.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Aids absorption of food nutrients to all body organs.

16. Lithium

The natural inhibitor of suppression of the hippocampus is Lithium. Even 1 mg of Lithium supplement per day can stop Alzheimer’s. Fish from ocean, mussels, etc. have 100 times more lithium than fresh water. Omega 3 fatty acids from fish. Lithium is an essential trace element with no side effects that activates new neuron growth, promotes autophage or getting rid of old cells in the brain. Lithium is a natural antidote to depression, and it is needed for mental health. Lithium helpful for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and for depression.

Lithium – 1 mg (1000 mcg) per day stops hippocampus shrinkage
According to Dr. Michael Nehls, Lithium is the best natural inhibitor of suppression in the hippocampus organ of the brain. Even 1 mg of Lithium supplement per day can stop Alzheimer’s. Seafood Fish from ocean, mussels, etc. have 100 times more lithium than freshwater seafood. Omega 3 fatty acids from fish are excellent. Lithium is an essential trace element with no side effects that activates new neuron growth, promotes autophage or getting rid of old cells in the brain.

Lithium is a natural antidote to depression, and it is recommended for mental health. Lithium helpful for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and for depression.

17. NAC – N-acetyl cysteine

NAC, also known as N-acetyl cysteine, is a super nutrient with many benefits.  In our clinics in Perth and across Australia we use NAC regularly to assist in detoxification and to support a range of functions in patients.  NAC is made from L-cysteine, an amino acid and has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it has the potential to:

  • reduce thyroid antibodies
  • support liver function
  • clear out heavy metals
  • promote intestinal health
  • eliminate pathogenic bacteria
  • help asthma and lung related symptoms
  • enhance bone formation
  • reduce free radical damage
  • prevent oxidative stress and chronic inflammation

NAC acts as a powerful antioxidant

Being an antioxidant, NAC can help to prevent cell damage and inflammation. It works powerfully against free radicals and supports the body’s natural defence system by preventing oxidative stress in the body. This is vital to your overall health, as oxidative stress has been linked to a wide range of diseases and dysfunctions such as cancer and heart disease.

NAC also helps your body make other antioxidants, most importantly, glutathione, which is considered the master antioxidant. When consumed, NAC gets absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, sent to the liver, and converted to cysteine. The liver uses cysteine to produce glutathione, which then enters the bloodstream and gets distributed throughout the body. [2]

NAC reduces chronic inflammation

As an antioxidant, NAC has also demonstrated strong anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the activity of inflammatory cytokines and macrophages whilst also increasing the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) which fights against reactive damaging oxidative molecules, glutathione, and glutathione S-transferase (GST).

NAC offers protection from heavy metals

The use of NAC as a chelator of heavy metals is a promising area of medical research. With the high antioxidant content of NAC, and the fact that it stimulates glutathione production it will help to detox heavy metals and other environmental contaminants. [3] It also has homocysteine-lowering properties.

NAC protects the liver and kidneys  

NAC neutralises toxins and pollutants including heavy metals that accumulate in the liver, kidneys, brain and fatty parts of the body. Restoring glutathione levels with NAC supplements makes liver cells more able to protect themselves from ongoing damage caused by fatty accumulation (fatty liver), viral infections, drug induced damage, alcohol excess or autoimmune inflammation.

NAC can help to protect the kidneys against contrast dyes by acting as an antioxidant in the kidneys, dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow. Taking an NAC supplement before and after having a diagnostic scan can help to minimize harm to your kidneys.

18. Cod Liver Oil – Anti-inflammatory for skin, hair, teeth, and gums

  • Cod liver oil is an excellent dietary source of vitamin D for the inhabitants of the world’s colder regions that do not get enough sunlight to synthesize vitamin D from it. Vitamin D is essential for our healthy bones and teeth as it also increases calcium absorption from our gut. Its anti-inflammatory property helps reduce chronic inflammation in our bodies that can lead to heart ailments and other diseases.
  • Cod Liver oil helps reduce inflammation that causes plaque to buildup in your arteries, eventually leading to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Cod liver oil helps repair your damaged teeth, hair, nails, and skin.
  • It helps alleviate joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation and improving stiffness. This also helps reduce your dependence on pain relievers.
  • Cod liver oil accelerates the healing of your wounds, stomach and gut ulcers, and minor rashes and burns.
  • For Gums – Cod liver oil helps maintain healthy gums and teeth. Anti-inflammatory properties of the fatty acids present in cod liver oil help reduce inflammation in the gums. Gum disease left untreated can also lead to the loss of your teeth.
  • For Cavities – Rather than plain cod liver oil, fermented cod liver oil along with butter oil, has proven to be effective in preventing tooth decay and cavities.
  • Studies show that Cod Liver Oil can reduce the rate of cavities by as much as 90%. This finding is the result of research conducted by dentist Weston Price. Cavities in your teeth occur due to the eroding action of acids produced by bacteria that feed on the sugars on your teeth after a meal. Aging also causes demineralization of your teeth. Hence your damaged teeth need the calcium present in your saliva to be remineralized. Vitamin D and A, along with vitamin K2 in cod liver oil, help your body absorb calcium to rebuild bone and teeth. However, be cautious and buy only the FDA approved fermented cod liver oil from reputed health food stores.
  • Fermented cod liver oil and butter oil are available separately or as a pre-blended mixture. It is also available in capsule form.

How to take it: 
Take ¼ to ½ teaspoon 2 or 3 times daily. For children, half of the above dosage is sufficient. Adding cod liver oil to your diet can not only protect your teeth but have a positive impact on your overall health.


That’s it! Now you know all my favorite Superhuman health tips!
Any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks for reading! Srijana

Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. She has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices craniosacral therapy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of Chinese, and Ayurvedic wisdom. She is trained in Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA in financial management. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”.  She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are and Srijana lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D.


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