NEW VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Interview: “How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick”

I highly recommend this video interview by Tucker Carlson. He asks down-to-earth questions with Stanford-trained surgeon, Casey Means, and her brother Calley, former lobbyist for the Pharma industry. In just a few minutes, it lays out the interrelated problems with rising illness in the USA and the world. I have high hopes for this concept of “A New Biology” to optimize our health now and in the future! Enjoy! 

What if depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, cancer and many other diseases actually have the same root cause? In other words, there is only one sickness, one dis-ease and on health! 

Our ability to prevent and reverse these conditions—and feel incredible today—is under our control and simpler than we think. 

The key is our metabolic function—the most important and least understood factor in our overall health. 

As Dr. Casey and Calley Means explain in their book, which supports the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young in his book, The pH Miracle. Now every health problem we face can be explained by how well the cells in our body create and use energy if we maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids. To live free from frustrating symptoms and life-threatening disease, we need an alkaline interstital fluid environment at a pH of 8.4 in order for blood and body cells to be optimally powered so that they can create new and healthy body cells that have the potential of living forever! In other words YOU decide the quality and quantity of your life by managing the delicate pH balance of YOUR body fluids. In other words, your red blood cells that make up your organs, glands and tissues are only as healthy and energetic as the vascular and interstitial fluids they are bathed in!

This video is also available on YouTube in slightly edited form to remove a few controversial words:

If you are battling minor acidic signals of “bad or low energy” inside your body, it is often a warning sign that more life-threatening illness or health challenges may emerge later in life.

Their book is available anywhere,


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