Hello friends! Here’s a series of videos to cultivate a deeper appreciation of our complex world situation from various vantage points. Have we gathered enough “FACTS” to see that FACTS alone do not bring understanding? To focus on PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS wishing to improve the world, simply doesn’t work We end up running around in a 2-D MIND maze. What we label “PROBLEMS” are always complex threads – not just one thought. To try to THINK your way out of an entangled situation after thousands of years is like trying to like clear the Karma you’ve been creating for lifetimes. Eeek!
Or at least they represent a choice between the lesser of evils. Myriad good solutions exist. However, some are far beyond our field of human vision in this multidimensional world. We can’t SEE everything from just FACTS or from our logical mind. What to do?
Living in Asia has taught me that we Westerners are trained to think in straight lines.
In school we learned what we call left-brain logical thinking. Westerners tend to pinpoint a single problem, and then find a single solution to resolve it( Ex: BAD vs. GOOD, LEFT vs. RIGHT) However, traditional Asians tend to be more right-brained and holistic in their thoughts, although that’s now mixed and evolving. Westerners need to learn LIFE doesn’t work in straight lines. Our REALITY is much more complex and oooooh! far more interesting.
Personally, my new approach is to BE more and THINK less. To MEDITATE more and WORRY less. Maybe it’s enough to just FIND the BALANCE each day, instead of forcing my way through the logical steps to change my reality or try to untangle complex “problems”. Ha Ha!
What is a PROBLEM?
Maybe “PROBLEMS” are an outdated concept, a negative thought-form we can now release. A “problem” can often be a blessing in disguise, a benefit in the long term.
Every experience exists for your benefit, including PROBLEMS. A PROBLEM can represent a beneficial experience we needed to gain.
So, Here we are at One Minute to Midnight. Will we “GET IT”??
How Can we “Connect the Dots” when the DOTS are complex interconnected multidimensional threads? We CANNOT do it with the MiND. True UNDERSTANDING comes on reflection of the complex relationships. Understanding is part of ACCEPTANCE. This article presents a few surprising tidbits and connections that help me see and accept. We are now entering a period of great confusion and expansion, I leave it for you to decide. Keep an open mind. Enjoy!
One Minute to Midnight – The Takeaway:
- The Blue Light Connects Everything. A rare video with Dr. Jack Kruse, neurosurgeon and proponent of Decentralized Medicine. He describes the entangled history of our current challenges. Everything is linked. This video changed my life.
- Control and the Transhumanist Agenda, the EndGame, a brief talk by Laura Abodi.
- Can Genetic Alteration of the “God Gene” Remove Religious Passion?
- Can DNA Hold Information? Can we remote control neural functions in bacteria, mice, and humans electronically?
- Is the Ukraine War a Secret Operation to Remove Biotech and GMO Crops from the World? Will Russia and Putin emerges as HEROES?
- Project Looking Glass and other Black Ops to See the Future. Ex Navy Seal Bill Wood with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot.
- Pfizer Patent for Track-and Track everyone who has the shot, to connect us to the WBAN “internet of things”.
- Superficial Talking Points vs. the Real Issues to Discuss. As the Iceberg Melts, the Truth Comes out.
- Everyone Wants Peace and Unity. If two sides are controlled by the same invisible group on a global agenda, how can we create our best future?
1. The Blue Light Connects Everything. This video changed my life.
A rare video with Dr. Jack Kruse, neurosurgeon.
He describes the entangled history of our current challenges. Everything is linked.
Often at odds with mainstream medical practices, Kruse challenges established norms and promotes a holistic approach to healthcare. In this captivating talk, Dr. Jack Kruse, discusses his experiences and thought-provoking topics that interconnect politics, medicine, and technology. Sharing anecdotes from his career, Dr. Kruse delves into a wide range of topics. He emphasizes the importance of decentralized medicine and medical freedom to protect public health and individual liberties.
Dr. Kruse connects our past history and current issues in a new way.
How can we connect all these pressing issues of Autism, Declining Circadian biology, Addiction to blue light of computer screens, Google AI, RFK, Wireless mind control, RFID chips, Blue Light, JFK assassination, DNA, murder of Fidel Castro, the Polio Vaccine, Rise in Cancer, Richard Nixon, Dr. Fauci, mRNA vaccines, SV40 in the Saulk vaccine, Viruses, Lee Harvey Oswald, FDA, Bay of Pigs, Turbo Cancer, Wars, Bitcoin, Gain-of Function, Covid, Medical Freedom, Decentralized Medicine, Danger of cell phones, the FBI, CIA, and of course our number one Profit Center being soft tissue cancers in Americans.
2. Control and the Transhumanist Agenda, the EndGame, a brief talk by Laura Abodi.
Laura Aboli spoke at the World Council for Health Better Way Conference 2023 in Bath, UK, on AI & Transhumanism to Being Human. Talk was titled: Transhumanism: The End Game.
“Transhumanism is simply the transitional stage between humanism and post-humanism. Make no mistake, the final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it.” ~ Laura Aboli
Laura Aboli was the co-founder of World-Check, a risk identification database, and later Wealth-X in 2010, focusing on ultra-wealthy individuals. With a critical view on metaphysics and psychology, she founded the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom (UDIMAF) in May 2020, aiming to address the impacts of the global ‘pandemic‘ on society, exposing globalist agendas and proposing new strategies for freedom.
3. Can Genetic Alteration of the “God Gene” Remove Religious Passion?
Back in 2005, Dean Hamer, author of “The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired Into Our Genes”, spoke to Department of Defense officials inside the Pentagon. He theorized the existence of a “God Gene”, and outlined a plan to genetically alter the “God Gene” in the Middle Easter Population in order to end terrorism.
Dean Hamer hypothesizes a genetic basis for spiritual or religious experiences in humans, in which a specific gene called VMAT2 (vesicular monoamine transporter 2), regulates neurotransmitters in the brain. He hypothesized that variations in this gene might influence an individual’s propensity toward spiritual or religious experiences.
A study was actually done by genetic scientists on citizens of Tabriz, Iran. The research concluded there is no single gene responsible for religious or spiritual experiences is highly controversial and not widely accepted within the scientific community. The relationship between genetics and complex human behaviors, beliefs, or experiences like spirituality is multifaceted and influenced by numerous factors, including cultural, environmental, and personal experiences.
4. Can DNA Hold Information? Can we remote control neural functions in animals and humans electronically?
Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan’s neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress. The event was organized and hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.
5. Is the Ukraine War a White-Hat Operation to Remove Biotech and GMO Crops from the World?
Will Russia and Putin Emerge as the Good Guys?
In August 2011, WikiLeaks released US diplomatic cables from 2005-2009 showing that the US State Department had been lobbying worldwide for Monsanto and other biotech corporations like DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow, to create PR campaigns to improve the image of biotech, in opposition to commonsense safeguards and rules, and opposing laws requiring the labeling of genetically-engineered (GE) foods
In July 2014, World Bank and IMF International Monetary Fund secretly opened Ukraine to GMO and GM crops under hidden terms inside their $17 billion loan to Ukraine. Previously Ukraine had no GMO crops, but soon the undercover market began to circulate and ship GMO grain under American control.
President Putin had already designated GMO food as agricultural terrorism i.e. “food as a weapon”, including GMO sunflower oil, barley, corn, and wheat. Cleaning up Ukrainian agriculture has been a top priority for Putin and the white hats. But in September 2023, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy signed a law legalizing the production of GMO products in Ukraine.
In summary, all the media news about the Grain deal, problems in Russian and Ukrainian ports, bridge sabotage, Black Sea blockages, and imports to Africa have been deceptive and unreliable, a part of the war, and hidden from the media. In truth, Russian forces actually sabotaged their own bridge for tactical and strategic purposes as part of the effort to destroy the Khazarian stronghold and the Global Cabal’s logistics, infrastructure, and supply chain for GMO food.
The 2022 Grain Deal was going to be Ukraine’s key source of hard currency revenues.
Ukraine tried to export GMO grain. But unbeknownst to the world, the Russian navy secretly replaced Ukrainian GMO grain with the best Russian grain while on board the ships to ensure only organic, high quality food was exported!
When Putin pulled out of the Grain deal, US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, called Russia’s cancellation of the Grain Deal an “act of cruelty“.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres described the original 2022 Grain Deal as “a lifeline for global food security“.
But the reality is that it was a cover story for white hats to blockade and destroy GMO production and exports as well as to setup GRAIN2, where the true heroes — the Russians — will emerge on the scene to usher in a new age of agricultural abundance and prosperity and to unleash new powerful technologies for farming, security, freedom, and GESARA.
So, the Undercover Truth of the “War with Ukraine” is that Russia has single-handedly taken it upon herself to:
- Replace the UN’s WFP (World Food Program promoting GMO food) by supplying FREE organic, high-quality grain to Africa.
- Destroy Ukraine’s GMO production, storage, and supply chain.
- Dismantle the Biotech poisonous agricultural matrix and their hold over governments.
- Neutralize and restore Ukraine’s shrinking arable land due to contamination by radioactive and chemical toxins from depleted uranium munitions from NATO and the West.
- Replace Ukrainian grain, both commercially and as free aid to needy countries.
6. Project Looking Glass and other Black Ops to See the Future:
Interview with Ex Navy Seal Bill Wood with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot.
He discusses a top-secret program called “Project Looking Glass.” Perhaps US intelligence agencies had several devices they built using instructions found in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian tombs. One such device, dubbed the “Yellow Cube,” was used by global leaders to look into the future. In return for favors, the CIA handed the cube around from country to country, allowing elites to see into their own potential futures so they could gain an advantage.
The elites discovered that the future isn’t set in stone. Instead, it’s a vast field of probabilities, the results of which are determined by present actions. So they did what anyone else would do in their situation: They attempted to use this knowledge to manipulate the timeline in their favor. But as Bill Wood explains, after 2012, the timeline is fixed and humanity is going to wake up and become free.
7. Pfizer Patent for Track-and Track everyone who has the shot, to connect them to the “internet of things”.
8. Superficial Talking Points vs. the Real Issues to Discuss.
As the Iceberg Melts, the Truth Comes out.

9. Everyone Wants Peace and Unity.
If two sides are controlled by the same invisible group on a global agenda, how can we create our best future?
Become an Inner Self-Observer.
We are indeed entering new times, which requires new understandings and transformation. Our ability to notice the subtle changes within will be extremely important. We need this vital feedback and validation to measure our progress.
Be Watchful and Aware.
The next few months we will endure a huge onslaught of lies and control tricks. Some people will be fearful. Others will be provoked into negative actions and violence.The globalists are frightened as more and more people find out the truth, that their dream of a totalitarian state might be slipping away. Their response is always the same – to double down on control to destroy hope by collapsing society and blaming others. Be observant and aware.
Yep. It’s One Minute to Midnight. Will the people “GET” it?
Thanks for reading.
Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. She has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices cranial osteopathy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of intuitive Chinese, and Ayurvedic wisdom. She is trained in Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA in financial management. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”. She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are FiveSeasonsMedicine.com and JanesHealthyKitchen.com. Srijana lives in Bali and Bhutan with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D.