Taichi Class – Beijing 24 form with Srijana

Hello friends, we are preparing for an opening of Bali for visitors. This is a sample Taichi class of 24 movements, which I’ll teach to anyone who comes to learn. 

Qigong vs. Taichi? What’s the difference?

Taichi is a series of movements of a specific number in a poetic sequence. Taichi requires more skill than Qigong, however anyone can learn it and benefit from it it at any level. Good Taichi is a continuous flow of seamless, graceful, grounded, movement.

Qigong is mostly symmetrical movements, usually short movements that repeat in a more varied practice. Each Qigong movement may have a name and a purpose. Qigong is sometimes used for Taichi and Kung Fu warm-ups.

Both Qigong and Taichi can be done at any age. They both help improve balance, breathing, flexibility, and wellbeing. Both are designed to enliven meridians, purify the body, and activate the higher spirit.

The roots of Daoism and Taichi are found in ancient shamanic traditions. 

The Wu, or shamans were said to communicate with spirits of the land, plants, and animals. In meditation, they traveled to distant galaxies, and deep into the earth, to commune between human and supernatural realms. These practices were shared in rituals, ceremonies, and eventually became Qigong, meditation, and Internal Alchemy practices of many lineages. Movements with awareness are the roots of Taichi.

  • Benefits of Taichi for Physical Health
  • Regulate the breath
  • Quiet the mind
  • Increase bone density
  • Heightened body awareness
  • Promotes healing and rehabilitation from many
    medical conditions.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Relieves moods and depression
  • Greater aerobic capacity and muscle strength
  • More energy and stamina.
  • Enhanced flexibility and agility
  • Lower blood pressure and improved heart health
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Better balance, fewer falls

Thanks for checking in!
Warmest regards, Srijana

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