Tharpi Sabuen “Seeds for Paradise” Bhutan Activities, Spring 2024

Hello friends, Lama D just returned from several months in Bhutan. This video is a compilation of so many events that took place there between April and August, 2024. Enjoy!  

Lama D, also known in Bhutan as D. Thinley, has a Buddhism study group called “Tharpi Sabuen”. The name means “Seeds for Paradise” in the Dzongkha language. The Buddhist concept is that when we plant “Seeds for Paradise” through our thoughts, words, and actions, we are creating a better world for ourselves and all living beings, both now and in the future. The study practice includes thoughts, chanting, visualizations, and actions. We are training the mind to function in ways that benefit all sentient beings, because it is our thoughts, words, and actions that create the physical reality that we live in.

Lama D now has over 30,000 members in his WeChat groups online. He shares the higher teachings of Buddhism in Dzongkha, the common language of Bhutan. This helps people to understand, because these concepts are usually discussed only in Chokey, an advanced spiritual language used by the high Khempos, Rinpoches, Lamas, and Monks. Lama D is not an ordained monk, yet he is appreciated and respected by the Khempos because he is able to communicate these concepts to common people. 

Soon we will be moving to Bhutan to continue this work. Stay tuned for more information!  Enjoy the video!


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