What’s the SOURCE of Our Collective THOUGHTS?

It all depends on your tune-in frequency band. 

A fascinating article from the US Naval Institute recently crossed my desk and captured my imagination. It was called “Cognitive Warfare: Maneuvering in the Human Dimension” Although I didn’t buy everything it was saying, it opened my mind to the concept of CW, Cognitive Warfare, which molds the unique and delicate reality in which we are immersed, even trapped, and in which we must learn to function. Our very existence is on the line. Here are my reflections. 

Today’s Takeaway is: 

  1. Many Sources Seed Our Collective Thoughts Every Day. The battle for our cognition is far beyond physical and cyber domains. You are not the Master of Your Own Thoughts
  2. The Hawkins Scale of Consciousness Describes How We Attract Thoughts. 
  3. Your Consciousness Attracts Your Thought Environment. 
    Don’t Blame Others, Everything’s possible in your universe. 
  4. Your Thoughts Magnetize Actions, Your Destiny Path, and the Global Collective. 
  5. The Future is Changeable. Human Beings Cannot Know in this Dimension.
    We are blessed with Free Will, the Ability to Perform Actions, but no discernment.
  6. Your Mindset is Shifting! We can win in the Cognitive War for the world mind.

1. Many Sources Seed Our Collective Thoughts Every Day. You are not the Master of Your Own Thoughts

The battle for our cognition is far beyond physical and cyber domains.
We believe our thoughts come from within us, but they mostly do not. In fact, most people are like complex parrots repeating thoughts from some other source, which we assemble and re-arrange in various permutations  Why is that?

Our thoughts occur in succession. One thought leads to other thoughts in a sequence which is complex and defies logic. Some thoughts lead to actions. Every thought and every action leaves a mark in the cosmic mind forever. This process creates the global collective mind. It is so complex we can never understand it.

Battlefields exist in our global collective that now reach far beyond the physical and cyber domains: An individual’s cognition is the primary target. Advances in cognitive psychology and information communication technology (ICT) enable actors, hackers, and indeed any interested groups to target every individuals’ situational comprehension and free will with great precision. In light of these changes, cognitive warfare (CW) has emerged as a new war-fighting concept. The war is taking place in social media, in the TV news, in movies, in alternative media, in our computers, cell phones, and in every single sensory interaction.

Social networking can manipulate layers of consent manufacture for various sub-groups.
These are incredibly powerful AI intelligence computers all linked. They feed government contracts, but then also sell to private data to private companies. They can sell it to public companies as well rather public governments. A private company can sell to the government to advertise kinds of demographics. They can play with that power coming out of the private sector and the data can be distributed around to manipulate consent, manufacture consent using all of this private sector free market data available to AI.

“All the people you see, all the people you know, all the people you may get to know, are machines, actual machines working solely under the power of external influences.” George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff 1877-1949


Censorship in media? Lara Logan gives This i one of the most truthful and stirring speeches I’ve heard in a long time about censorship and freedom of speech. Lara Logan is one of the great ones! Please take a listen. It’s inspiring how so many other countries around the world have found inspiration in our Constitution.

Sources that SEED Our Collective Consciousness Include:

  • Google, AI, the internet
  • Government agencies
  • Non-government agencies
  • Social Networking 
  • Our parents and family
  • Friends
  • TikTok, YouTube
  • Messages from the universe
  • Facebook suggestions
  • Education, books,
  • Everything we see, hear, perceive, and experience
  • Prayers and power intentions of higher realms
  • Prayers and power intentions of lower realms


2. The Hawkins Scale of Consciousness Describes How We Attract Thoughts

The Hawkins Consciousness Scale Measures Heart Frequency and Emotion. Where are you today on a scale of 1 – 1000? This is a reliable, hypothetical scale based on kinesiology muscle testing.

According to Dr. David Hawkins, philosopher and psychiatrist, every thought, every emotion, every intention and action has a specific energetic frequency. your “magnetic energy field”. Dr. Hawkins noticed his awareness evolving from an ego-based or left brain-focus into a completely heartful state of pure bliss. 

In his book Power vs. Force Hawkins introduced a hypothetical vibration scale of expanding levels consciousness, from one to 1000. You can purchase Dr. Hawkins map of consciousness from Veritas publishing here.

Emotions are Chemicals in the Bloodstream.
Emotions are part of the Hawkins Scale. Originating mostly in the endocrine system, emotions relay chemical signals via the blood stream. How do Emotions give rise to awareness, thoughts, and actions? Some say emotions are our greatest resource as humans, if we can harness our passion into positive action. 

3. Your Consciousness Attracts Your Thought Environment
Don’t Blame Others, Everything’s possible in your universe.

We Are Powerful Beings
When we focus the mind with intention, we can use that power to uplift ourselves. And everything we do affects others in this connected universe. Thus our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space. However if our intention is very divergent from the current pattern of the collective, we can dislocate and cause damage to the very fabric of collective consciousness. 

Many People are Lost in the Labyrinth.
In our current times, the mindset and level of consciousness of woke far-leftists and a certain fraction of self-proclaimed “awake” truthers have become very similar over the past few years. Both are caught in the victim/blame trap and have lost all higher meaning. They have descended into a paranoid labyrinth of their own minds. 

 4. Your Thoughts Magnetize Actions, Your Destiny Path, and the Global Collective

Our thoughts magnetize our experience. 
I have a good friend who loves to criticize. She criticizes everything incessantly in great detail. I accept her actions because I understand she sees the limitations in a current situation, sees how it could be better. So her words are intended to improve the world for her and those around her. But sadly, it has the opposite effect. Her criticisms are strident and hard to accept. So her positive intention brings harm to the people around her. Even worse, her own experience in life is NEGATIVE. Her desire to improve by criticizing creates MORE STRESS for people around her.

There are many ways to change this. This solution might be obvious to some: Instead of criticizing, we change our mindset to ACCEPTANCE. And rather than finding fault, we notice some positive aspect of the situation. We praise it honestly reflecting our truthful observation. Then the chemistry of the situation can radically change. Of course, there are many other ways to address this. It all comes down to our state of mind. 

5. The Future is Changeable.

Human Beings Cannot Know in this Dimension. We are blessed with Free Will and the Ability to Perform Actions, but we have no Discernment.

Our future really depends our collective consciousness. This is not predestination, although there may be some elements of predestination,  

Our future really is something like the ability of a colony of ants who collectively discover how to avoid an obstacle in their path. Individuals within the group may not understand this, but somehow the collective does, so the larger intelligence and good will can somehow summon intelligence to avoid a big storm.

As a human collective, we can change our direction away from focusing on physical outcomes, toward a more spiritual focus. Every individual is able to do that, and this world would immediately shift into a higher set of outcomes. Think about it.



6. Your Mindset is Shifting! We can win in the Cognitive War for the World Mind.


Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy, is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. Srijana has her MBA in financial management and has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of Chinese – Ayurvedic wisdom. She is trained in Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”.  She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are FiveSeasonsMedicine.com and JanesHealthyKitchen.com. Srijana lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D. 


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