Hi everybody, I didn’t want to miss the blog this week. But I’m not sure what to say. I am fine, that is sure. I am in an undisclosed location, working on an undisclosed project. All pieces are in the air. Maybe they’re permanently in orbit, I’m not sure. Details will follow. Please don’t worry. My temporary mental shift is indicated by the images below as best I can explain. I repeat – I am quite fine. I send you my warmest regards, and promise to be in touch when the moving pieces come to rest in somewhat recognizable positions. So much love,
Srijana / Jane
Artist Doug Savage says: “When I was a kid, I wanted more than anything to be a cartoonist. I loved drawing and I loved making up jokes.”
Grand spiral galaxy NGC 1232, captured in detail by one of the Very Large Telescopes, is a good example of what it feels like when all moving parts are still in relation to each other, but in constant motion.
This is fascinating not only for what is visible, but for what is invisible. The visible is dominated by millions of bright stars and dark dust, caught up in a gravitational swirl of spiral arms revolving about the center. Open clusters containing bright blue stars can be seen sprinkled along these spiral arms, while dark lanes of dense interstellar dust can be seen sprinkled between them.
Less visible indications are that even greater amounts of invisible matter are present, however, in a form we don’t yet know. This pervasive dark matter can help to explain the motion of the visible matter in the outer regions of galaxies.
“Like a lot of people do, I lost track of that childhood dream somewhere along the way, and I found myself working in an office instead, doing decidedly uncreative things. Under the glaring fluorescents, my penmanship deteriorated and I forgot how to draw. A few more years passed, and I started getting migraines.”
“Lucky for me, creativity is a bit like a stubborn weed that won’t die: the roots run deep enough that it will keep growing back under the right conditions. One day, when I was sick of working overtime and I’d had one migraine too many, I drew two chickens on a sticky note. Quickly I learned how important it is to have a creative outlet in life. I haven’t had a migraine since 2006 (knock wood) and I’ve got the best work-life balance I’ve ever had.” Doug Savage, cartoonist
The Swirling Arms of the M100 Galaxy
M100 is a grand-design spiral galaxy. This detailed Hubble image reveals individual stars within the galaxy’s spiral arms. Dusty structures swirl around the galaxy’s nucleus and are marked by a flurry of brightly colored star formations. M100’s arms also hold many mysterious black holes that are said to suck somethingness into nothingness. This galaxy sports the youngest black hole ever observed in our cosmic neighborhood.
Thanks for stopping by. Please be well. I hope to see you again next week.
Srijana / Jane