Are You Ready for the Wood Dragon Year?

The year of the Wood Dragon is already a positive, majestic, and formidable year indeed. In the Chinese zodiac, the Dragon is the most powerful and auspicious animal that is not from this earth. The Wood Dragon adds a quality of strength, wisdom, luck, and prosperity. Get ready for big changes and a big energy shift arriving with the Dragon year at the New Moon February 10th.

Are You Ready for the Wood Dragon Year?

The Dragon year comes every 12 years in the Chinese Zodiac, each time with a new Element or personality. People born in a Dragon year are charismatic, ambitious, adventurous, and fearless. They have confidence, independence, and vision. They are fearless in pursuing their dreams and goals. 

REVELATION – The Wood Dragon is the most creative and visionary of the Dragons.
This happens every 60 years (think 12 x 5). Wood dragons are optimistic, ambitious, adventurous. They are generous, compassionate and loyal to family and friends. They love to explore new ideas and challenge themselves.

Therefore, the Year of the Dragon in 2024 is expected to be a time for visionary leaders, innovators and problem solvers. 2024 will be a great year to start new projects, explore new opportunities, and create lasting value for yourself and others.

Tips for Navigating the Wood Dragon Year

Imagine yourself moving from a small energy timeline to the most expansive energy flow by far! So, it’s essential to do your deep inner-work to clear old energies to be ready to take advantage of the opportunity for a big expansion in awareness and vision. Release all old stuck patterns, old relationships, anything that doesn’t belong in your highest future.

Dragon years are very positive and auspicious, symbolizing power, inner strength and courage. This is a year to actively step into your unique power and nobility, to offer your special gifts, talents, and true medicine to shine out for the benefit of the world. Authenticity is key to the highest vibration.

  • WOOD DRAGON is about creativity, wisdom, vitality, vision, growth, learning, organization, inventiveness, cooperation, moving forward, having clear direction, choosing priorities, authenticity to be the author of your own life in a dynamic force of innovation and adaptability.
Wood Dragon people may become aggressive and volatile when challenged. So, it is essential to balance emotions and search out the hidden positive lesson in every difficulty, in order to realize your highest spiritual nature.
The organs of the Wood Dragon are the liver and gall bladder. By controlling your temper and avoiding exposure to toxic substances, the Wood Dragon can protect these vital organs to achieve balanced health.


Daily Checklist for a Wood Dragon Year

  • AUTHENTICITY, grounded, adaptable, resilient.
  • SELF-CARE especially for gut microbiome, intestines, digestion.
  • PLAY is the path forward, to seize the opportunity for becoming your true self.
  • RELEASE all trauma and scarcity.
  • SELF-SOURCE to become your own best resource.
  • COURAGE to face the unknown, to step out of your comfort zone.
  • STRENGTH – physically, emotionally, and mentally.
  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION of what you know, don’t just talk about it.
  • SHOW UP when you feel called to do something.
  • FIRE UP your highest potential cultivating your best personal assets.


Wood Dragons are the most creative and visionary of the dragons. They are optimistic, ambitious and adventurous. They like to explore new ideas and challenge themselves. They are generous, compassionate and loyal to their friends. 

Therefore, the Year of the Dragon in 2024 is expected to be a time of visionary leaders, innovators and problem solvers. A great year to start new projects, explore new opportunities and create value for yourself and others.


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