Small Heavenly Circuit Meditation

The Small Heavenly Circuit is the oldest and most powerful technique for enlightenment in the Daoist tradition. It has been practiced for thousands of years to improve health and raise spiritual awareness. Also called the Microcosmic Orbit, in ancient times, it was the main meditation technique for serious practitioners. Chinese Imperial families learned if from enlightened sages. Legend says that Lao Tzu, author of the “Tao Te Chng”, achieved immortality by practicing Small Heavenly Circuit.  Mediation with Breath Connects Two Meridians The Small Heavenly Circuit is a meditation and breath practice that links two energy pathways that run along the…

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Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue? Six Natural Solutions to a Global Epidemic

The Short Story:  Possible Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Include:  Exhaustion, Insomnia, Weakness, Poor immune system, Poor Blood Circulation, Allergies, Depression, Hair loss, Food cravings, Mood imbalance, Skin problems, Autoimmune disorders, PMS or menopausal symptoms, Low libido, Lightheaded when getting up, Can’t handle stress, Mentally distracted, Hard to concentrate.  Here are 6 Natural Solutions to a Global Epidemic:   Reduce Stress and Rebalance the Kidney Meridian: Chinese medicine says Adrenal exhaustion is related to STRESS and some form of FEAR. That’s why Fear, Cortisol, Insomnia, and Depression are like 4 peas in a pod. When you rebalance your kidney meridian, you will…

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Permainan Ingatan Untuk Kesehatan (Memory Game for Health)

Halo, Selamat Pagi. Hari ini Ketut minta rapat special untuk meningat kembali semua yang sudah kita diskusikan. Mohon di maklumi. Saya masih belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Kita akan bermain game. Disini ada banyak kartu dengan pertanyaan. Apa bisa kamu menjawab pertanyaannya? Kalian bisa lihat sekarang semua jawaban ada di HP kalian. Ayo mulai. Silakan pilih tiket. Jika tidak tahu jawabanya, kamu boleh melihat nomer pertanyaan di HP Anda. Pertanyaan Kenapa Vitamin C bagus untuk Kesehatan? Kenapa Tetes mineral bagus untuk Kesehatan? 2. Bagaima cara minum tetes mineral? Kenapa baking soda bagus untuk Kesehatan untuk sel tubuh? 3. Bagaimana cara minum Baking…

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Commandments of the Six Gods: Compare World Religions. Which is Best?

I do not believe the cliché that all religions are “basically the same”. Compare the Commandments of the six major religions. Why do they differ so vastly? What is the nature of each God? We will compare Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Egyptian Mystery School, Judaism, and Christianity. The differences are shocking. Each religion contributes a unique path to unity and healing mankind. However, there are some very big questions. Read below and make your own conclusions.  Humanity is on the awakening path to an inevitable expansion of consciousness. Everyone knows that different cultural and beliefs and upbringing will produce a unique perspective.…

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The Libido Diet: Asian Medicine Secrets

Your sensuality is one of your most powerful resources. Passionate emotion is a strength, not a weakness. I believe “Libido” is not exactly a desire for physical sex. Maybe it’s much more vast. Libido is our desire to be ALIVE. It is our roots in the oceans of time, our link to the past and future. It is the source of fruitful imagination and JOY. Sensuality is part of our path to freedom. What are we doing to nourish it? Now’s the time for us to support our own balanced health alongside our libido and sensuality. We come from S.E.X. We…

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Penyakit: Penyebab, Mencegah, atau Menyembuhkannya? Disease Causes and Ways to Heal

Hello friends. This is a game in Indonesian for our healing group in Bali. We are choosing pictures of foods and activities that cause, prevent, or heal diseases.  Halo, hari ini saya akan berbicara tentang apa penyebab penyakit, dan bagaimana cara mencegah (prevent) atau menyembuhkannya (Heal it). Mohon di maklumi. Saya masih belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Kita akan berbicara tentang lima penyakit: Kanker, Diabetes, Tekanan Darah Tinggi (sama seperti penyakit jantung), Lupa Ingatan, dan Radang sendi. Berapa banyak orang yang Anda tahu, punya penyakit ini?  Penyakit-penyakit ini ada di mana-mana di seluruh dunia. Lima penyakit itu punya penyebab yang hampir sama.…

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The Biggest GOLD HEIST That Lasted 10,000 Years

No one knows how long it lasted. The history of the planet earth is synonymous with the history of GOLD. Come join me for a fascinating journey. WHO introduced the concept of MONEY as POWER? How did NANO-GOLD dust spawn our money system?  Perhaps our value for GOLD came from the “Divine Right of Kings” long ago. The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Celts remembered the not-so-mythical Zeus, Thor, and Athena. The “Gods” mined GOLD, and they were crazed for GOLD. Why? New indications point to a form of GOLD DUST they used for pleasure, health, and psychic powers.  What is the origin…

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Makanan Apa yang Sehat? Which Foods Are Healthy?

This is a game to sort food pictures into healthy and unhealthy categories for my Indonesian friends. Makanan Apa yang Sehat? Halo, saya sangat senang berada di sini hari ini, karena ini akan menjadi kelas yang sangat unik. Ini akan sangat berbeda dari kelas apa pun yang pernah kita diskusikan. Kelompok ini adalah tentang bagaimana kita bisa tetap sehat. Orang-orang di sekitar kita sering sakit. Kelompok ini belajar bagaimana membangun kesehatan kita setiap hari, agar kita tidak pernah sakit. Sebenarnya, penyakit tidak buruk, dan kadang kadang bisa untuk menyembuhkan Anda. Tapi penyakit tidak nyaman (comfortable), dan kita berusaha (working) untuk…

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The Bhagavad Gita: 20-Video Course

The BHAGAVAD GITA Course is available online to watch anytime. Each video includes a clear explanation of the chapter contents in the light of modern events and Q&A for easy retention of spiritual concepts. The Bhagavad Gita online course is available as a playlist on my YouTube Channel. We cover 18 chapters in 20 videos. Making these videos changed my life forever. Here’s an introduction: This Epic of Wisdom Pre-Dates Western Written History!  The course delves into the authentic ancient teachings of the Mahabharata. I bring each concept into clear focus in the light of modern events, asking tough questions. The…

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Enlightenment – How did the Buddha Achieve His Awakening?

This is the Buddha’s first sermon after enlightenment, word for word. The Buddha summoned his focus and deep concentration to bust out of the matrix. How did he do it? Called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, it means “Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion”. With the power of his pure contemplation and very few words, he effectively set the “Wheel of the Doctrine” (and Destiny) in motion in such a way that it changed the world and could never be turned back. There’s so much complex writing and analysis on Buddhism throughout history. We’re looking for utter clarity by going back to his direct teachings.…

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