To Heal the BODY, First Harmonize the MIND to SPIRIT

This channeled message from the Buddha describes how to align the MIND to SPIRIT when you experience PAIN in the physical senses.  “When shot by an arrow of pain, A stupid person makes matters worse By piling mental anguish on top of it, As if shot by two arrows. However, a wise person feels the sting Of one arrow alone.” Direct words of the Buddha from the Pali Canon, Samyutta Nikaya 36.6, Sallatha Sutta “My friends, it is painful to have a body. Pain and suffering in the body is inevitable. It may surprise you when I say that the cause…

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My Favorite Anti-Aging Detox Health Tips (REVISED)

Several readers asked me to share my personal health tips and supplements. I’m workin’ it, and feeling quite good. As you probably guessed, we eat mostly unprocessed foods, lots of raw smoothies. It’s a free-form low-carb, high-fat, keto-inspired diet with lots of coconut oil. I try to have a highly diverse microbiome, with lots of of fresh leafy greens, yogurt, fermented foods, a few eggs, very rarely meats, Cooked food is beans, quinoa, dark red or black rice with garlic, turmeric, ginger., and Celtic Salt. We try to eat non-GMO, no flour, no seed oils, mostly organic. We eat our…

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DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves over time. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a “Perfect Storm” for Depression.  What are the Causes and Solutions to Depression? DEPRESSION is caused by emotional stress, unconscious anger over time, brain chemistry suppression, and microbiome…

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Now you can move out of numbness and anger forever. Many people live in a constant state of Flight-Flight. Our entire nervous system can become a roller-coaster of constant ups and downs. Continuous tension creates great suffering in the mind, emotions, and body. How wonderful would it be to drain your stress every day? This simple technique allows you to release all stress in the body and mind. It’s a great way to raise your vibration and enjoy better health. I do this every night before sleeping.    We live in a world of constant low-level stresses that accumulate inside…

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Five Seasons University

Welcome to Five Seasons University. This special school integrates a wide variety of subjects, so you can design your own curriculum. We have so much to learn and UN-learn! Choose from over 60 classes in major topics such as Spirit, Body Wisdom, Frequency Medicine, Wealth, Indigenous Medicine, Time, Mind, Transformation, Physical Medicine, and Quantum Science. These broad topics are intended to integrate Left-Right brain hemispheres and East-West philosophies. After years of research and writing, my BLOG became a SCHOOL! True education comes from Nature, and it should be given away whenever possible. This system saves time and energy. All my…

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QUIZ: What are the Best Cooking Oils for Long Life?

Rising chronic disease is a global pandemic. What is causing the continuous increase heart disease, cancer, and diabetes? Could the refined oils we eat be a factor in rising disease and accelerated aging? These new oils were recently developed and marketed to the world. Ever since their introduction, we see rising disease incidence. and lower healthy living expectancy. Do you trust your life and your family’s health to the global food industry? Could money and selfish interest drive marketing worldwide? We have the power to learn, to understand, and to make our own healthy choices. Summary Takeaway: Choosing your FAT…

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How to give up ANGER: An Urgent Message from the Buddha

A message from Sakyamuni Buddha: “My friends, anger is the one thing to give up,  And you will be assured of freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Those enraged with anger End up in a grueling existence. Those with insight let it go, Never to return to this world again.” Words of the Buddha, Pali Canon, Khuddaka Nikaya, Itivuttaka #4 Takeaway, A Channeled Message from the Buddha: What is Anger? Anger Can Make You Sick. Anger Can Be Beneficial. Method to Transform Anger. Heal Anger Once and for All. Angry thoughts, actions, words can never be taken back.…

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What’s the SOURCE of Our Collective THOUGHTS?

It all depends on your tune-in frequency band.  A fascinating article from the US Naval Institute recently crossed my desk and captured my imagination. It was called “Cognitive Warfare: Maneuvering in the Human Dimension” Although I didn’t buy everything it was saying, it opened my mind to the concept of CW, Cognitive Warfare, which molds the unique and delicate reality in which we are immersed, even trapped, and in which we must learn to function. Our very existence is on the line. Here are my reflections.  Today’s Takeaway is:  Many Sources Seed Our Collective Thoughts Every Day. The battle for our…

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The I-Ching: Does it Hold the Secrets to DNA and Enlightenment?

Does the I-Ching hold the secrets to DNA and Enlightenment? Does this ancient divination tool represent an elegant and perfectly condensed map of the cosmos? Could its binary logic encode the greatest universal wisdom expressed in higher bio-mathematics? Could this be a key to unraveling the global genetic engineering by the dragons of an evil empire? Can the I-Ching show us how to unlock the blood-cult strategy to hijack and mind-control humanity? Or is it just another AI spell designed to replicate synthetic nano-biology inside our bodies? This is a fervent spiritual call to any awakened individual who can decode the message…

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Suggested Bedtime Reading: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love to read this book before bed because it calms my mind and uplifts my mood. It confirms that there are Natural laws in the universe that must be followed.  I am delighted to be alive and participate in such a world. I can’t guarantee this book is true, but I believe it is certainly possible. This gives me great hope. Enjoy reading!!    Click here for a free archive e-book of The Thiaoouba Prophecy.  Or get the free PDF here.  Buy it on Amazon here.   I like this book because there are no theories in it. No wishful thinking,…

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