90-Day Lymphatic Detox

Everyone needs this. Cleansing the LYMPH system means clearing the waters of the body. This 90-Day Program is designed to DETOX and CLEANSE the sacred fluids. Since WATER is the major element of the body, and since WATER has a kind of CONSCIOUSNESS and MEMORY, this is an opportunity to deeply cleanse in your own physical-mental-spiritual path, and to upgrade your holistic wellbeing permanently. This personalized protocol is just for you, not a one-size-fits-all program. What is your most direct path? Are you ready to make a consistent commitment to your health? We focus on detoxing the sacred body fluids,…

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Alternate Nostril Breathing: 2-min Balancing – Nadhi Shodhana

This is the first in a series about OXYGENATION. Are you getting enough oxygen to your cells? If you’re feeling tired or on edge, the first question to ask is: How is your breathing quality? This 2-minute breathing will oxygenate your blood, balance your brain hemispheres, boost brain clarity, and calm your mind. Alternate Nostril Breathing is called Nadhi Shodhana, which means to clean or purify all the nadis, the meridians or energy channels. This is an ancient pranayama exercise you can do by yourself anytime to destress and rebalance. Oxygenation is a fascinating subject. And the most important step…

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DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves over time. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a “Perfect Storm” for Depression.  What are the Causes and Solutions to Depression? DEPRESSION is caused by emotional stress, unconscious anger over time, brain chemistry suppression, and microbiome…

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Top 12 Acupressure Points to Recharge Your Energy in 5-min – VIDEO

  Let’s take five minutes to re-charge your energy! The simple act of pressing these TOP 12 POINTS will reset your body so that Qi, health, and happiness can flow more easily. It’s a quick way to restore balance to physical – emotional issues. It’s even more important during times of big transformation. And it’s FREE!   These are the 12 points universally needed by almost EVERYONE on EARTH. Just a few minutes will unblock your muscles release emotions, and give you mental clarity. Use gentle, firm pressure on each point, for about 10 seconds as you breathe deeply. KD-1, Kidney 1 or Gushing…

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Dissolve Unconscious Beliefs – Zoom Special Price $50 through May 10

Our core beliefs can dramatically impact how we think, how we experience every aspect of life. Discount Price of $50 on SPECIAL through May 10, 2024. (Normal price is $90 for a distance Zoom session.) Deep Unconscious Beliefs Distort Our Experience  The premise of my work is that every human being has a birthright to live in joy authentically and naturally. But deep-seated, unconscious beliefs can distort our experience of life. How can we be free? So, instead of fighting or analyzing these harmful convictions we simply need to have light shed on them, the light of awareness, and instantly they…

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Remove Obstacles – Zoom Healing Session Special Price – $50 through April 15

Spring Equinox is a time to clear away the old to create expanded space for new beginnings. Normally $90 for a Zoom distance session, this Remove Obstacles is my Special Offer for $50, from now through April 15, 2024. To schedule a session, email me: Srijana @ fiveseasonsmedicine.com. Tell me your time zone and what you would like to accomplish. This season is a time for Spring cleaning to release emotions, restore loving relationships, and renew your inner commitment to love yourself. When we we clear out the old, we make room for the new to come in.  To Love Yourself is…

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Walking Into the Light – We Step Into a Powerful New Collective Journey

We live in a hall of mirrors. Life mirrors back to you exactly what you give it.  The old world is slipping away.  Your destiny is already known. Your unique inimitable fate is etched in your DNA.  Turn to Face the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy.  But I Have Plenty of Reasons to be Angry.  Worry about money is a huge mental trap.  The new world is waiting. How can we hasten its arrival?  Lighten your load.  How much passionate joy can you stand? Test your limits.  Reminds me of my favorite story: Shadrach, Mishak, and Abednego walking…

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Are We Already CONNECTED in the CLOUD?

Hello friends, The Global Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is already connected in all of us. Since this issue is of great importance and not widely understood, I am offering several videos. Our objective, of course, is to survive and thrive amidst a globalist attempt to alter our biology, hack our DNA, and transform brain function. Once we understand what is going on, then we can take appropriate steps to defend, protect, and avoid the attack, which is causing sickness and stress worldwide.  For the past 100 years, human beings have been not-so-gradually introduced to digital trans-humanism, with the goal…

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Are You Taking Your Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a key in protecting immunity. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with much higher risk for all inflammatory diseases. Most of us are particularly low in Vitamin D.  “There’s no such thing as flu & cold season. There is only low Vitamin D season.” Every cell in your body has a nucleus, and every nucleus has a receptor for Vitamin D on it. Two thousand genes in your body are controlled by Vitamin D. Five percent of your body’s genome is controlled by Vitamin D. It is the master key to your immune system, the master key. If…

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GROUNDING in 30 Seconds: How to Be a Spot of Calm in the Midst of a Storm

What is Grounding?  This technique is incredibly important for your health, strength, and clarity. Some call it Rooting or Earthing. It just means anchoring yourself energetically into your true home. You can be a pillar of sanity when everyone around you is going crazy.    We see huge CHANGES in the world.  Grounding helps prepare your body for change. This is also called “Earthing”, to connect to the Earth’s natural frequencies. We know that nature has cycles – like day and night. We get Expansion and Contraction. However, some cycles are MUCH LONGER. Like once in a lifetime, or once…

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