A Time for SHAKPA, Atonement on a Global Scale

What is SHAKPA? How do we ATTONE for our wrongs? How do we acknowledge and dissolve the wrongs of the world? SHAKPA simply means we realize our mistake and apologize with firm resolve not to repeat the mistake. We can remove negative marks from our soul with the sincere emotion of regret. In Tibetan this purification process is called SHAKPA, meaning “to change direction”.  Follow the video below.  Takeaway:  The Practice of Shakpa consists of Four Steps.  ATONEMENT in Every Culture and Religion.  We Are ALL Directly & Indirectly Responsible.  We Create Our Own Destiny. How do Past Karmic Errors…

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Five Seasons University

Welcome to Five Seasons University. This special school integrates a wide variety of subjects, so you can design your own curriculum. We have so much to learn and UN-learn! Choose from over 60 classes in major topics such as Spirit, Body Wisdom, Frequency Medicine, Wealth, Indigenous Medicine, Time, Mind, Transformation, Physical Medicine, and Quantum Science. These broad topics are intended to integrate Left-Right brain hemispheres and East-West philosophies. After years of research and writing, my BLOG became a SCHOOL! True education comes from Nature, and it should be given away whenever possible. This system saves time and energy. All my…

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The WEB of CAUSE & EFFECT in Our Reality

It’s not a simple “CHAIN” of Cause and Effect.   It is more a “WEB” of infinite interconnected consciousness pulsing through time, space, and the multiverse. Buddhism calls this concept “Dependent Co-Arising”, meaning things don’t just happen independently. They’re all intimately connected in the larger reality. Ha Ha! Events don’t come into existence by themselves. Everything that happens in the world is a result of complex interrelationships to other conditions and causes. There are no coincidences. Our multiverse is alive and in constant motion. How can we understand it better? Then we can begin to live harmoniously, and perhaps even guide our…

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Kindred Souls Kindred Sayings

By Srijana (Jane Barthelemy) janebar108@live.com MS-Kindred-Souls-3-8-25 Kindred sayings in 12 chapters: They Came to Change the World Golden Rule Impermanence Lifestyle: Food, Body, Clothes Entitlement, Privilege, Money Web of Consciousness, Karma  Generosity True Power of Integrity and Virtue Seven Deadly Sins Discipline, Inner Strength, Tolerance Secret Teachings of Enlightenment  Last Days, Don’t Wait for Tomorrow Introduction Yeshua  planted powerful seeds of Christ Consciousness and spiritual awakening through his words and actions and words. He lived a very short life, less than 35 years. Yeshua’s sayings, probably in Aramaic, were written down by his followers in various codices. These sayings of Yeshua come…

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Alternate Nostril Breathing: 2-min Balancing – Nadhi Shodhana

This is the first in a series about OXYGENATION. Are you getting enough oxygen to your cells? If you’re feeling tired or on edge, the first question to ask is: How is your breathing quality? This 2-minute breathing will oxygenate your blood, balance your brain hemispheres, boost brain clarity, and calm your mind. Alternate Nostril Breathing is called Nadhi Shodhana, which means to clean or purify all the nadis, the meridians or energy channels. This is an ancient pranayama exercise you can do by yourself anytime to destress and rebalance. Oxygenation is a fascinating subject. And the most important step…

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The 9 Faces of Reality – How to Exit the 3D Matrix ALIVE

Is life anything like a “Hall of Mirrors”? Here’s a video of our Zoom Discussion.  The 9 Faces of Reality appear to be separate facets, but they are all ONE universe, and it is OURS.  Maybe if we examine each face of our reality one at a time, we can embrace them all to make sense, and integrate them into our lives.  To claim possession of our world, we need to ask ourselves: What’s My Heart Level? Brainwave Frequency? Density? Parallel Worlds? What is your Bloodline? Soul Lineage? Time? Physical Space? Can we assimilate this awareness in the Sweet Spot in the…

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Vitalize your DNA for Long Life

Living in this wild world of transition and challenge, it is essential to protect our DNA. We can build resilience, strength, and longevity using time-tested techniques. I always eat an early dinner at 4pm, because I feel stronger and sleep better. Now I have even MORE EVIDENCE – I found an authentic quote of the Buddha’s words recommending the very same eating schedule! Check this out!   The Buddha said 2,500 years ago: “I abstain from the night-time meal. As I am abstaining from the night-time meal, I sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding. Come…

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Planet of Gold: Biggest Gold Heists in Galactic History

It was ALWAYS about the GOLD. For thousands of years the hoarding of gold has been a contest between dynasties. At first I couldn’t believe the gold wealth that still exists on our planet. Now it feels strangely comforting that our money system will be based on gold and assets, rather than thin air. What are the biggest heists in galactic history? Oh, and if I’ve forgotten any, please let me know where it is stashed.  Takeaway:  Why do we love GOLD? Why is it synonymous with WEALTH? How much did the Anunakki take away from Earth? What are World’s…

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The Biggest GOLD HEIST That Lasted 10,000 Years

No one knows how long it lasted. The history of the planet earth is synonymous with the history of GOLD. Come join me for a fascinating journey. WHO introduced the concept of MONEY as POWER? How did NANO-GOLD dust spawn our money system?  Perhaps our value for GOLD came from the “Divine Right of Kings” long ago. The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Celts remembered the not-so-mythical Zeus, Thor, and Athena. The “Gods” mined GOLD, and they were crazed for GOLD. Why? New indications point to a form of GOLD DUST they used for pleasure, health, and psychic powers.  What is the origin…

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Monatomic ORMUS Gold: Ancestral Medicine for Life Extension?

WHAT’s Monatomic GOLD?  Historic records show it was used by ancient Kings, Queens, and Pharaohs as a medical elixir for longevity, pleasure, and super-human powers. This White Powder Nano-Dust is a very high purity gold elixir. ORMUS Nano-gold has an unknown crystalline structure not found in our 3D periodic table of elements, and some scientists dispute its existence. ORMUS means “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”, and is said to have mutable, multi-dimensional qualities under different temperature conditions. What is behind this?  How was Monatomic GOLD Dust used by Egyptian Pharaohs? Did David Hudson Accidentally Discover the Secret Alchemy of Enlightenment? Tibetans have used Gold…

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