The Tale of Two Spiders – How two enlightened spiders taught me the secrets of life

If you’re lucky, the universe offers you signs to guide your highest path. When we can listen to the synchronicities around us, our natural path opens before us.  Sometimes these lessons are so perfectly direct and profound, it’s beyond belief. A case is point is the Tale of the Two Enlightened Spiders, who brilliantly and generously gave their lives for my benefit, and perhaps even for yours. A few years ago, I became deeply exhausted and was diagnosed with total adrenal failure. My home business was so successful that I could hardly carry on to manage its many intricate parts.…

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Spinal Bones Link Every Organ and Body Function

My first Qigong Master used to describe each spinal bone and its function in class. But since we couldn’t write it down, we didn’t remember after the class. When we see how each spinal bone and descending nerve from the spinal cord has a specific ending point, we can see how it links the whole body and relates to any specific pathology. This information is a very useful diagnostic tool for healing, especially in Craniosacral therapy. This article is for those of us who study the spinal bones.

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The BIG Blind Spot – What is the top carcinogenic food worldwide?

A great big blind spot worldwide is carcinogenic cooking oils: Soybean, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Safflower, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Rice Bran, and Peanut oil. These toxic seed oils, sometimes innocently marketed as “vegetable” or “refined oils”, are some of the most poisonous ingredients in the modern human diet, increasing your risk of Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease. The problem is, these inexpensive oils are used in almost all restaurants and prepared foods, but few people understand the danger. This article by Dr. Joseph Mercola gives it to us straight. Excerpts from the article and Dr. Mercola’s words follow: “Many people think it’s sugar, but…

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90-Day Lymphatic Detox

Cleansing the LYMPH system means clearing the waters of the body. This 90-Day Program is designed to DETOX and CLEANSE the sacred fluids. Since WATER is the major element of the body, and since WATER has a kind of CONSCIOUSNESS and MEMORY, this is an opportunity to deeply cleanse in your own physical-mental-spiritual path, and to upgrade your holistic wellbeing permanently. This personalized protocol is just for you, not a one-size-fits-all program. What is your most direct path? Are you ready to make a consistent commitment to your health? We focus on detoxing the sacred body fluids, because Water, Blood,…

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Gender Dysphoria Caused by Pesticides?

Three critical articles crossed my desk this week and I made a synapse connection. ZAP! It doesn’t take a genius to see that gender identity confusion and chemical exposure are two growing issues for our society today. Are these two issues interrelated? I know that industrial chemicals disrupt our digestion, our nutrition, emotional state, microbiome, and ALL body functions. It’s more than the new pharma gender benders.  Could growing gender fluidity related to chemical exposure from herbicides and pesticides? Further research is urgently needed. This is just a hunch, not my area of expertise. Here in Bali I try to avoid…

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Dissolve Unconscious Beliefs – Zoom Special Price $50 through May 10

Our core beliefs can dramatically impact how we think, how we experience every aspect of life. Discount Price of $50 on SPECIAL through May 10, 2024. (Normal price is $90 for a distance Zoom session.) Deep Unconscious Beliefs Distort Our Experience  The premise of my work is that every human being has a birthright to live in joy authentically and naturally. But deep-seated, unconscious beliefs can distort our experience of life. How can we be free? So, instead of fighting or analyzing these harmful convictions we simply need to have light shed on them, the light of awareness, and instantly they…

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Remove Obstacles – Zoom Healing Session Special Price – $50 through April 15

Spring Equinox is a time to clear away the old to create expanded space for new beginnings. Normally $90 for a Zoom distance session, this Remove Obstacles is my Special Offer for $50, from now through April 15, 2024. To schedule a session, email me: Srijana @ Tell me your time zone and what you would like to accomplish. This season is a time for Spring cleaning to release emotions, restore loving relationships, and renew your inner commitment to love yourself. When we we clear out the old, we make room for the new to come in.  To Love Yourself is…

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Are We Already CONNECTED in the CLOUD?

Hello friends, The Global Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is already connected in all of us. Since this issue is of great importance and not widely understood, I am offering several videos. Our objective, of course, is to survive and thrive amidst a globalist attempt to alter our biology, hack our DNA, and transform brain function. Once we understand what is going on, then we can take appropriate steps to defend, protect, and avoid the attack, which is causing sickness and stress worldwide.  For the past 100 years, human beings have been not-so-gradually introduced to digital trans-humanism, with the goal…

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Avoid Common Processed Foods due to Hidden Insects, Worms, Parasites, Nano Bots, Graphene, and Glyphosate

A few days ago a friend sent me a video of instant noodles under a microscope. What I saw shocked me to the core and opened my eyes to our brave new world, in which our food, air, water, even our bodies, blood and DNA are weaponized against us without our consent. The videos I’m sharing below outline the challenges we face. I’ve always cautioned folks against eating processed foods, however now the situation is more serious. I see clear evidence of toxic nano particles, graphene oxide, insects, insect wings, parasites, glyphosate, and carcinogens in our food. Vaxxed or unvaxxed,…

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Spiritual Sun Tzu: The Art of War Classic Principles

Strategic thinking for evolving minds. What should you do if you suddenly find yourself immersed in a SPIRITUAL WAR?  You’re getting crossfire in a clash of the ages between Dark vs. Light, Good vs. Evil? What are the rules of the game? What’s your modus operandi? Your map?  The goal of this Sun Tzu training is to seed a new generation of WARRIORS of the HEART, with a clear spiritual principles of “Yin Yang”, which some call “Emptiness vs. Fullness”.  What are the essential skills of a spiritual warrior? These qualities include mental resilience, courage, passion, and a sense of higher destiny. …

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