WiFi Disrupts Natural Sleep Cycles & Brain Biorhythms

Why do many people sleep poorly and don’t know why?  But when they turn the WiFi OFF before bed, they enjoy refreshing deep sleep? Aha!  That’s because WiFi tells your brain that it is DAYTIME!  WiFi stimulates your pineal gland, brain, and endocrine system to WAKE UP!  Poor sleep always leads to accelerated aging. Are you getting all five stages of sleep at night?  Damaged sleep cycles due to WiFi can increase your risk of disease.  It all starts with poor sleep.  Over time WiFi has been linked to Brain fog, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Hypertension, and Heart Disease.  After you…

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Planting Seeds for Enlightenment at PowerDharma.com

Lama D’s daily classes in Buddhism now reach 12,000 members via WeChat and Telegram. His website is PowerDharma.com.  His group is called  “Tharpi Sabuen”, which means  “Seeds for Enlightenment”.  He teaches members how to plant seeds in every word and action, in order to build virtue, so that upon death you can graduate beyond the realms of Samsara, illusion, and impermanence.  Lama D teaches practical skills including meditation, how to balance the mind, and how to live in the modern world without creating Karma.  The Tharpi Sabuen members are online every day. The group sponsors many activities and blessings in Bhutan.…

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Makanan Berserat Tinggi Menjaga Usus Anda Tetap Bersih!

High Fiber Foods Keep Your Intestines Clean and Lower High Blood Pressure!  Makanan Berserat Tinggi Menjaga Usus Anda Tetap Bersih, dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan kesehatan Anda setiap hari. Supaya (And So) benar-benar (really really) sehat, sangat penting untuk menjaga kebersihan pencernaan Anda. Usus halus Anda memiliki panjang sekitar 6 meter, dan usus besar memiliki panjang sekitar 1,5 meter. Usus yang sehat meningkatkan penyerapan (absorption) nutrisi, kadar gula darah, tekanan darah, fungsi otak, dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Serat sangat penting dan ENAK! Hari ini kita akan membahas makanan TERBAIK dan TERBURUK untuk serat makanan. 2.…

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Life in Bali, Photos from Behind the Scenes

We have been in Bali for 3 1/2 years. Who would have thought we’d be here so long? We are so happy and comfortable at Keramas Sacred River Village, in Gianyar on the East Coast of Bali. Ketut Arjana is the owner of the retreat center and our good friend. His birth name “Ketut” means “fourth born”. A Balinese person’s first name always indicates the family line-up of children.  Our beautiful friend and retreat center manager, Eka Sri Wedayanti, is elegantly dressed in leaves and flowers for blessings. Today is Tumpek Pengatag, which is the Hindu day to bless the grass, trees,…

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The Venetian – Phoenician Bloodline: How the Phoenix Draco Rose from the Ashes of War

Once upon a time, the Phoenician capital of Carthage was the richest civilization in the world. The ancient kingdom of Baal, jewel of the Mediterranean coast in modern-day Libya, wasn’t just crushed – it was massacred, burned to the ground, all citizens murdered. This Babylonian bloodline war of the 3rd-century BCE, was a schism between two sides of the most violent lineage that humanity has ever known. And we are still deeply intrenched in this infighting for power. Rome inflicted a brutal extermination agenda on Phoenicians to erase all memory of their master plan to rule the world. But why…

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Comparing Spiritual Traditions: Chakras and Daoist Gates

How are the Daoist Energy gates similar to Yogic chakras? Did these two traditions arise from a common origin in Tibet? And do these subtle body centers correspond to points on our physical anatomy?  If you practice Yoga or Qigong, you already know the energy body is a powerful tool to activate the spirit. As I practice both systems, striking similarities and critical differences stand out. My innate curiosity invites me to compare them. Which system is best? Which one do YOU prefer? Was there a common source of both systems? Which one will best carry you to the flowering of your awareness efficiently and elegantly? That’s the question!…

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12 Steps to Keep Joints Flexible

Are we destined to have stiff and painful joints as we age? I don’t think so. With diet and movement, we can sidestep joint trouble altogether for years. Doctors may say it’s “old age” or your joints “just wore out”, but that’s no answer to these important questions: What are the top 12 causes of stiff joints? What are the 12 steps to heal our joints right now? How can we have healthy joints at any age?  A. Causes of Stiff Joints: Poor Lymph circulation, Lack of interstitial fluid hydration.  Osteoarthritis due to Sugar (Glucose and Fructose) in diet,  Liver Qi…

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To SURF or NOT to SURF? How to Fearlessly Navigate All 7 Layers of the Web? (Warning: Rabbit Hole)

Do any of us really GET the power of the Worldwide Web? Our search engines touch only a fraction of its vast labyrinths, which include the Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web, Internet of Things, Bio-Internet of Nano things, the World Bio-Internet of DNA Data, and the Universal Digital Hive Mind. Please know the internet and cell phones are playing a CENTRAL role in the battle for the human mind. Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself.  When I started to research this topic with my usual innate curiosity, I had no concept of the revelations I would uncover. My surprising discoveries below…

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Penyebab Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, dan Penggumpalan Darah

Causes of Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Blood Clots.  Penyebab Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, dan Penggumpalan DarahSistem Darah 1. Hari ini saya sedih sekali, karena kita kehilangan teman kita Duglug. Dia punya serangan jantung, karena penyumbatan pumbuluh darah. Maka dari itu, kita akan berbicara tentang bagaimana menjaga pembuluh darah, tetap bersih dan sehat. Darah mengalir (flowing) melalui pembuluh darah Anda, ke seluruh tubuh. Tubuh Anda mengandung sekitar 80.000 (delapan pulu ribu) kilometer pembuluh darah. Darah memiliki dua pekerjaan penting, dalam tubuh Anda, 1) membawa oksigen dan nutrisi ke setiap sel, 2) Juga membawa racun untuk membersihkan tubuh Anda. 2. Sangat…

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Monatomic ORMUS Gold: Ancestral Medicine for Life Extension?

WHAT’s Monatomic GOLD?  Historic records show it was used by ancient Kings, Queens, and Pharaohs as a medical elixir for longevity, pleasure, and super-human powers. This White Powder Nano-Dust is a very high purity gold elixir. ORMUS Nano-gold has an unknown crystalline structure not found in our 3D periodic table of elements, and some scientists dispute its existence. ORMUS means “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”, and is said to have mutable, multi-dimensional qualities under different temperature conditions. What is behind this?  How was Monatomic GOLD Dust used by Egyptian Pharaohs? Did David Hudson Accidentally Discover the Secret Alchemy of Enlightenment? Tibetans have used Gold…

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