Winter Self-Care Tips for the Kidney Meridian

Winter is the season of the Kidney. The Kidney energy is the most essential root of your life force. Maybe the hibernating bears are smart to put the wisdom of the ages into practice, and humans should do the same. Wintertime for bears is time to snuggle together to conserve your JING life force. Be quiet, sleep more, eat warming foods, wrap yourself in full insulation of natural fabrics, stimulate the Kidney meridian with accu-tapping points and use warming breathing exercises. When your kidneys are overworked, you risk fatigue, adrenal failure, and lower back pain. Kidney stress is even worse when…

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What are the Functions of the Liver Meridian? 

In Chinese Medicine the Liver is like the Prime Minister that coordinates all the activities and organs of your body, something like the orchestra conductor. To do this the Liver has many jobs: it filters, detoxifies, stores blood, and regulates blood volume.  The Liver is responsible for planning, and it oversees our true path in life. The Liver Meridian rules the season of Spring, Rising Emotions, New Projects. The Liver relates to passionate emotions and generates anger as a clearing force to keep things moving and flowing. When anger dissolves, this passionate energy transforms into balanced faith, optimism, and wisdom. …

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The 6 Extraordinary Organs: Rulers of Human Destiny?

At this moment in time we are traveling through a momentous period for humanity. Our days are marked by metamorphosis as the global reality melts before our eyes, dissolving into something quite unknown. It is understandable that we feel afraid, uncertain, and vulnerable. Most of us feel we’re living in a surreal situation. We search for truth in facts, details, and even “science”, which we attempt to link into a coherent pattern amid an endless flood of data. This sometimes helps, however it is often counterproductive. We are left exhausted, addicted to a cliff-hanger narrative, living each day in a state of…

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The 20 Meridians and their Consciousness

What are the Meridians? Ancient Chinese medicine thousands of years ago described the meridians in the body that carry Qi or life force through special channels that connect the various organs and functions. These meridians are designed to work together so that the body, mind, and spirit work together as an organic whole. A meridian, 经络 jīngluò, is a path through which Qi or life energy flows. There are a total of 20 meridians in the body, which are seen in two classes. 1) The twelve organ meridians connect the various physical functions. 2) The Eight Extraordinary meridians precede and give rise to the organ meridians, and…

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The Lung Meridian, How to Strengthen and Clear it

What is the Function of the Lungs? The Lungs regulate Qi that we absorb from the natural world and distribute it through the body. The Lungs control breathing, distributing oxygen to the blood, helping circulate blood and Wei Qi. The Lungs are a detox organ, eliminating stale Qi. Lungs help Qi and fluids descend into intestines, so with Kidneys they regulate water metabolism. The lung meridian rules the skin and sweat glands, which are all important detox organs. The Lung system also regulates protective Wei Qi, sinuses, bronchia, nose, throat, voice, the ability to smell and to speak with a clear voice.…

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The Large Intestine Channel, Letting Go of What’s Not Needed

What are the Functions of Large Intestine Meridian? The Large Intestine is the Yang organ paired with the Yin Lungs in the Metal Element. According to the Huangdi Neijing medical text written in 2,700 BCE, its function is to “Transport all turbidity. All waste products go through it”. The Large Intestine is closely associated with the lungs and skin, which are other important detox organs. It absorbs liquid and releases anything that is no longer needed in the way of food, toxins, emotions, thereby cleansing the body, mind, and spirit. The Source Point of the LI meridian is LI-4, Hegu, in the web of the hand…

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The Stomach Meridian, Receiving New Ideas, Nurturing the Self

Stomach Meridian Functions: The stomach is one of the longest meridians, with 45 points. The Stomach is the Yang partner of the Yin Spleen. The stomach is called the ‘Minister of the Mill’, the ‘Sea of Nourishment’, and the ‘Root of Postnatal Life’, because it is responsible for providing the entire body with energy from the digestion of food and fluids. In addition to digesting foods and liquids and moving them to the small intestine for extraction and assimilation, the stomach also has an important energetic job. It extracts energy from foods and fluids, and coordinates with spleen to transport that…

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The Spleen Meridian, Sweet Flavors and Balanced BioRhythms

The Spleen has a wide range of functions, from digestion to muscle tone to sensuality. The Spleen manufactures Qi from our food. The Spleen’s role is to transform and move foods, liquids, and thoughts in the body (i.e. digestion). For this reason the Spleen is called the source of postnatal energy (acquired Qi). It has a primary role in the lymphatic and immune systems. It keeps our tissues, muscles, and thoughts moist, supple, adaptable. The Spleen governs taste and true nourishment. It regulates bio-rhythms including menstruation. The Spleen stores Yi, consciousness of potentials, the ability to focus the mind sharply and keenly. A healthy spleen requires…

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The Heart Meridian, The Emperor Over All Organs

To quote from the ancient Chinese text, the Huang Di Nei Jing written 4,700 years ago: “The heart is the sovereign of all organs and represents the consciousness of one’s being. It is responsible for intelligence, wisdom, and spiritual transformation.” Functions of the Heart: The Heart is the Emperor of all organs, ruling over the entire being, physical, emotional, mental, and subtle. It is responsible for blood and circulating it through the vessels to nourish the cells. The Heart houses the Shen, or Spirit of the Heart, which radiates and shines from a person’s eyes and face. Your mental ability and consciousness are found…

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The Small Intestine Channel: Discernment, Sorting, Mental clarity

Functions of Small Intestine Meridian? The Small Intestine is the Fire Element Yang organ paired with the Yin Heart. The human small intestine is about 6 meters or 20 feet long. A semi-permeable barrier that sorts solids and liquids into useful nutrients or waste to be eliminated, the small intestine absorbs nutrients from food into the blood. Its surface is a mucous layer containing beneficial bacteria and essential parts of the immune system. Mental & Emotional Functions of the Small Intestine: In modern times a common pathology that weighs heavily on the small intestine is excessive sorting of poor-nutrient foods. Empty…

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