The Bladder Meridian: Fear and Sensuality

The bladder is called the ‘Minister of the Reservoir’ and is responsible for storing and excreting the urinary waste fluids passed down from the kidneys.  It is the Yang partner of the Yin Kidneys, associated with the element of Water. As an organ the bladder has only this one function. However as an energy system the bladder channel is intimately related to the autonomous nervous system. That’s because the bladder meridian runs along the back of the body from eyes to little toe, with two parallel branches flowing along each side of the spine. These four branches of the bladder meridian directly…

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The Pericardium Channel, Self Love and Relationships

What are the Pericardium Channel Functions? The name Pericardium comes from Latin Peri (around) and Cardium (heart). Often translated from Chinese as “Heart Protector”, “Spirit Protector”, or “Circulation/Sex” the Pericardium is associated with the Fire element and the Heart. The Pericardium protects the Heart from emotional trauma, constricts the chest to protect the Heart, and helps to express the Joy of the Heart. The pericardium helps regulate circulation in the major blood vessels running in and out of the heart. The network of the Pericardium includes the pericardial sac, the Pericardium meridian, the small intestine, and parts of the brain associated with…

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The Triple Burner, Your Crystalline Communication Matrix is Body-Wide Fascia

What is the Triple Burner? In Chinese medicine San Jiao is sometimes translated as “Triple Heater,” Triple Warmer” or “Triple Energizer”. Sanjiao refers to the three origins of everything: heaven, earth, and water. The upper jiao receives ethereal influences likened to heaven. The middle jiao is associated with the earth element. The lower jiao is associated with draining of water. SO, this system is body-wide. One could say the triple burner is a passageway along the primary Yin Yang vertical axis between the kidney and heart fire. The triple burner can be seen as a matrix of connective tissue, or membranes…

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The Gallbladder Meridian, Discernment and Decision Making

The Gallbladder rules choosing between options, decision making, and good judgement. What course is right for me? It helps us find our life direction anytime we are wallowing in procrastination or indecision. On a physical level, the Gallbladder assists digestion to keep it moving, controls sinews, body flexibility, and tendon strength. It carries out the plans of the Liver, providing courage and initiative to keep our life moving, including emotions. The Gall Bladder influences the sides of head and body. It transforms Kidney vitality into action. The Gallbladder rules sleep, as it is associated with the deep sleep point from 11 pm to…

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