Here are a few of our favorite meditations. We teach a variety of meditation techniques including White Light, Stilling the Mind, Opening the Heart, Cultivating a deep wish, Observing thoughts, Healing the Body, and Removing Obstacles. We practice chanting and visualizations for specific purposes to refine the human system, build virtue, clear darkness, and to harmonize with the real world on a path to ascension and enlightenment. Enjoy!
Rudi’s Double Breath Kundalini Meditation for Spiritual Growth

This is an organic process of spiritual growth, continuously reaching for deeper and deeper states of surrender and openness to the flow of cosmic energy. The more deeply we attain openness and oneness with this higher energy, the more it will lift us up spiritually and the closer it will bring us to the realization of our oneness with God or everything in the universe. Everything in the universe is energy or a manifestation of energy, and the purpose of spiritual work is to become one with that flow of higher creative energy coming from God through the cosmos. To…