
Here are a few of our favorite meditations. We teach a variety of meditation techniques including White Light, Stilling the Mind, Opening the Heart, Cultivating a deep wish, Observing thoughts, Healing the Body, and Removing Obstacles. We practice chanting and visualizations for specific purposes to refine the human system, build virtue, clear darkness, and to harmonize with the real world on a path to ascension and enlightenment. Enjoy!

Rudi’s Double Breath Kundalini Meditation for Spiritual Growth

This is an organic process of spiritual growth, continuously reaching for deeper and deeper states of surrender and openness to the flow of cosmic energy. The more deeply we attain openness and oneness with this higher energy, the more it will lift us up spiritually and the closer it will bring us to the realization of our oneness with God or everything in the universe. Everything in the universe is energy or a manifestation of energy, and the purpose of spiritual work is to become one with that flow of higher creative energy coming from God through the cosmos. To…

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St. Germain Meditation

The following meditation is simple and powerful. It is the words of St. Germain taken from a book Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King, 1939 by Saint Germain Press. Godfre tells his story of visitations by Saint Germain. “I say to the students in all sincerity, there is no possible way of attaining a quality or a desired attribute without claiming it.”  – St. Germain, from the “I am” discourses. “The first step to the control of yourself is the stilling of all outer activity of both mind and body. Fifteen to thirty minutes at night before retiring and in the morning…

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X-Meridian Meditation, 12-Breaths to Enlightenment

By Srijana. This is an advanced Daoist meditation to activate the Extraordinary Meridians and to reinforce protective Wei Qi. The Extraordinary Meridians rule our destiny and ancestral inheritance, therefore this is a very powerful exercise that can deeply nourish your life. This meditation is for experienced practitioners already familiar with the energy gates. It requires relaxed concentration and focus, so please take your time. It is best done using the Daoist Reverse Breathing Technique Described Here. Scroll down to view the image of meridians for each of the 12 breaths. Governing Vessel (Du Mai) – From relaxed Huiyin (perineum), inhale up the entire…

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16-Point Meridian Activation of the Qi Jing Ba Mai

This is an advanced activation technique to exponentially raise your level of functioning, give you more energy, and align your body to your spiritual destiny. It uses 16 acupuncture points, touching and tapping in a specific order. The exercise takes about 2 minutes. This can be done on waking in the morning, anytime during the day, or in moments of confusion or tiredness as needed. Scroll down to see diagrams and instructions.  What are the Extraordinary Meridians? The Qi Jing Ba Mai, called the Extraordinary Conduits, or the Eight Marvelous Ones are the deepest pathways of energy or Qi deep…

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