Ten Messiahs of Judaea

WHO were the Messiahs of Judaea? What is the true origin of Christ Consciousness? This article traces 10 so-called Messiahs and their stories. Which of these stories are true? I don’t know. What I DO know is that the Roman Empire embraced Christ some 400 years after his crucifixion. And by recognizing this great spiritual being, they kindled a fire in our hearts, an unstoppable force of truth and love that is powerful enough to awaken the world. Perhaps the Roman church unwittingly planted the seeds of its own destruction in modern times. Who knows? Today this unquenchable wave of global love has nothing to do with religion – it exceeds all skin colors, nationalities, and cultures, because it is all about spirit.  

We live in a century of enormous stress and change. But it’s nothing like the violent times in which Jesus Christ lived. I wonder, how are these two millennia inextricably linked? What really happened in 1st century Judaea? Who is the real Messiah? Is the DNA bloodline still alive? I’m innately curious. And I’m always ready to change my opinion when my heart “feels” it is true. I’m not saying that Jesus Christ was a composite created personality. However, after reading the biographies of the “Messiahs” described below, maybe some of the stories were blended together. 

Bible stories are a way of teaching about life. Stories have an important place in our lives, even if they aren’t exactly true. We love and trust the Bible, although we read it with discernment, rather than literal or fundamentalist in our approach. 

Please read with discernment and make up your own mind. Do your own research. Scroll down to see my resources . I love doing this research and hope you enjoy it! Srijana


  1. Judaea was a seething rebellion. Rome conquered Judaea and installed King Herod. The Jews rebelled against tyranny, and Rome responded violently, burning the temple and killing over a million people.
  2. What is a Messiah? It means “anointed one”, a savior, a king, as prophesied in the Bible.
  3. Who was Yeshua Ben Yossef? Jesus was a common name. And he had many names. Maybe his Bible story is allegorical. We must read and listen deeply to glean the true meaning.
  4. Who was Yeshua Melethiel? He was an Essene Rabbi, a well known teacher, and the only crucifixion listed in original Roman records. It is said that his son Bar Abbas (meaning “Son of the Teacher”) was also arrested, and the stories diverge. 
  5. The Thiaoouba Prophecy: A 9th-level civilization of a higher beings placed a special human seed in the womb of Mary, who was a virgin. The young boy demonstrated great wisdom, At 14 years of age he traveled to Asia with his brother and never returned. A different ascended master was brought to Earth by the 9th planet, fully realized, able to perform miracles, heal the sick and raise the dead. He understood his role was to demonstrate to people about love and spirituality, to love one another, to know the truth about reincarnation and eternal life through the crucifixion.
  6. Mary Magdalen, the Bloodline. What happened to Jesus’s wife after the crucifixion? Did his descendants flee to Europe? Is it true that the rare blood type Rh “O” negative is the bloodline of Jesus Christ? Was medieval King Arthur part of the “Sangreal” (Royal blood) lineage of Jesus, known as the Holy Grail? Is this bloodline alive in humanity now?
  7. Simon of Peraea was a Jewish rebel mentioned by historians of the day. He declared himself king, inflicted serious damage. He was beheaded by the Romans. Some evidence indicates they would not allow him to be buried to make sure his body was not stolen and he did not rise from the dead. 
  8. Judas of Galilee was a Jewish Rabbi and leader of resistance to the Roman tax and census. He encouraged Jews not to give their names or register. Judas of Galilee (not to be confused with Judas Iscariot) preached that God alone was the ruler of Israel.
  9. Rabbi Hillel was a wise Jewish teacher and contemporary of Jesus Christ. He taught in the temple of Jerusalem and was the “inventor” of the Golden Rule: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow men.”
  10. Athronges the Shepherd was a Rabbi shepherd who lived in the caves Judaea, declared himself King, Messiah, and was hated by the Romans.
  11. Simon Bar Kochba was a charismatic warrior-messiah who led the 350,000 Jews in a final fight against Rome in 135 CE. He was a political, military, and spiritual leader who offered hope to the Jews. He was a serious challenge for Roman Emperor Hadrian, however the rebellion was squashed and many thousands died in the war. 
  12. Apollonius of Tyana was a well-educated wandering sage, healer, and wise man who traveled to Egypt and India, bringing wisdom of the Mystery Schools and Buddhism. He was widely known in Greece, Rome, Egypt, and lived in Nazareth. Appolonius was hated by Rome and may have been sentenced to death. Is this the “Apostle Paul”, author of 13 books of the New Testament?
  13. Who is the Real Messiah? Here’s my take on it, but I may be wrong. Anyway, Christ Consciousness is winning, and it’s not about religion. It’s about our individual connection to divine Source. Read history with discernment. We may never know ALL the details. Follow the TRUTH. Hold close to the unity of all humanity.

1. Judaea was a seething rebellion against Rome

Judaea had enjoyed 100 years of peace and prosperity under the Hasmonean royal dynasty. They secured independence in 129 BCE and claimed a huge patrimony of rich land. Meanwhile, Romans conquered vast areas of the Middle East. Queen Cleopatra’s liaison with Mark Antony led to the final downfall of Egypt to Rome shortly before the time of Jesus. For a while Rome granted the Hasmonean king limited independence. However, in 37 BCE Herod was appointed King of Judaea by the Romans. Herod the Great soon became one of the most terrible monarchs the world has ever known, with total control over the country’s internal affairs.

The people of Judaea were hostile to the Roman empire and their stringent requirements. Herod’s cruelty inspired fear and trepidation. Herod constructed Roman office buildings over sacred temples, demanded a census to register all people, and is said to have murdered 14,000 innocent baby boys searching for Jesus Christ. Is it true? Violent revolts became commonplace. After Herod’s death, Judaea came under direct Roman rule, and things got even worse. 

This was the seething political “powder keg” into which Jesus was born. The violent chaos continued throughout his life. Many Judaeans hoped for the coming of the “Messiah” prophesized in the Bible. As widespread war and revolt became more intense, many freedom fighters became leaders who rose to fight injustice. They were called “Messiah”. 

In 66 CE a huge revolt broke out against Titus, the Roman commander. Fierce fighting continued for four years, ending in a 7-month siege during which he killed hundreds of thousands of people. Finally, Titus looted all gold and sacred artifacts from the main temple, some fifty tons in gold, silver, and jeweled relics. Where did they go? They made their way somehow to Vatican, Carthage, Constantinople’s hippodrome, and some buried in the Judaea wilderness. Titus destroyed genealogy and legal records, and burned the temple utterly to the ground. Just one wall remained, called the “Wailing Wall”. I’ve been there. For his achievement squashing the rebellion, Titus was awarded a trophy. It was a huge carved stone Arch of Titus, now in Rome, to commemorate his victory and theft of all the relics.  

The final defeat of Judaea was even more cruel. At the Masada fortress in 73 CE, after a siege by 15,000 Roman troops, 960 fighters took their own lives by suicide rather than become slaves. 

The aftermath of the war was brutally painful, and cultural repercussions disastrous. Over 1 million people perished, while many more died of hunger and disease. The legions of Rome took 95,000 captive prisoners to the port in Caesarea to be sold into slavery. Some escaped to Syria. The state of Judaea was wiped from the map. This was 73 CE, a point in time that marks the beginning of the diaspora.

2. What is a “Messiah”?

The word “Messiah” comes from the Hebrew/Aramaic word “Mashiach” meaning “King” or “Anointed One”. Ancient practice of anointing a King with the oil of the sacred crocodile or “Messeh” was the origin of the that the Hebrew verb ’Mashiach’ (to anoint). Some people believed Jesus Christ was the “Messiah” as prophesied in the Hebrew Old Testament, who was to bring peace to the people of Israel. Many leaders and warriors were called “Messiah”

What is a “Christ”?

The word “Christ” comes from the Greek Christós or Χριστός which means ‘the anointed one’. It is a translation of the Aramaic Msheekha מְשִׁיחָא or Messiah. The word “Christ” does not exist in Aramaic or Hebrew. 

Jesus of Nazareth did not claim to be “Christ” or “Messiah”. The concept of “Christianity” did not exist until Rome made it the state religion 350 years after Jesus’ death. Somewhere along the way people began to call him Christós. There were other rebel leaders and kings who protected the Hebrew homeland from Roman tyranny, and many of them were called “Messiah” or “Msheekha” in Aramaic, which is the same as “Christós” in Greek. 

3. Who Was Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth was born c. 6–4 BCE in Bethlehem, and died c. 30 CE in Jerusalem. He is regarded by most Christians as the Incarnation of God, and continues to inspire people all over the world. Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah to come, and through His death and resurrection we are redeemed.

What was Jesus’ name? Ancient people used only one name, sometimes adding the father’s name or home town. So, during his lifetime Jesus was called Yeshua Ben Yossef, meaning Joshua Son of Joseph.

“Jesus” was a popular boy’s name, and it’s no wonder, as it means “One who Saves”. In Aramaic it was Joshua, pronounced Yeshua or Yehoshua, as the letter “J” does not exist. In English this can be Jesus or Joshua. Our English Jesus is a transliteration of Latin Iesus. His Greek name is Iesous (pronounced Y ee sus). Transliterations from Aramaic script to Greek letters to Latin give us even more variations.

He has many names in various languages: Yeshua, Yehoshua, Jehoshua, Isho, Iesous, Iesus, Jesus, Jesu, Joshua, ישוע, Ἰησοῦς, Iēsoûs, ane Jmmanuel”.


It proved challenging for Rome to choose a proper TITLE for Jesus. In 325 AD, many years after Jesus Christ’s death, at the Council of Nicaea, Roman Emperor Constantine brought together world religious leaders and elders to discuss the new church. He wanted to create a new state religion to unify all the people in his empire, and end local religious disputes. He gave the council the important task of choosing a NAME for the new God. The elders considered countless names from many world religions including “Krishna” from the Hindu epic Mahabharata, pronounced “Kristos” in Egypt and India. They also considered the name “Hesus”, a Druid God also known as “Esus” or “Hess”. The Great Hesus was the Sun Savior of the Druid people in the British Isles, associated with Jupiter / Zeus, the King of the Gods in Rome and Greece. After months of debate, the Council said to have chosen the dual name for the new God to be “Hesus Kristos” in order to appeal to a widely divergent population spread across the Roman Empire. And so it was.

From “Essays for The Next Generation: The Whole Truth” by Charles A. Thomas:

Before the New Testament, the written origins of the Jesus Christ story begin with the secret sect of mystery school followers called the Essenes. The Essenes were a brotherhood founded in Palestine by Aryans, the Sumer-arian, Anunnaki brotherhood.  They were a mystical brotherhood who gathered their knowledge from Egypt during the years prior to the Pharaoh Akhenaton. Their traditions were oral but later written down. The word a “Essene” means “secret” and the name was only used by those in the know. They lived in Galilee where his parents were born. Jesus was not a Nazarene and he was not from the lineage of David as the Bible tells.

Nazareth of today came about due to having to come up with a location to satisfy the biblical story. There are no ancient maps to support historical Nazareth. The gentiles of Palestine followed mosaic law trying to fit in, but only in a mystical sense, as ordered by the Egyptians. They were more or less a secret network of mystical believers in the universal laws of nature. Reincarnation was one of these mystical laws and was also recognized by orthodox Jews. Joseph the Essene and the rest of the followers were waiting for a “Messiah”, as it was called, someone born of a virgin birth just like the Osiris – Horus stories in Egypt.

Virgin birth is a mystical concept as well, just like most of the parables talked about by Jesus and his disciples. The modern-day interpretation of the scriptures is often literal, which leaves out the hidden meanings that were meant to be gleaned from the story. In every age, a Messiah is born, and for the new age of Pisces there was an anticipation of the next one. The Jews believed that the great reincarnate would come from the house of David.

Jesus was given the name Joseph at birth. He was born in a cave according to Essene traditions, although that was changed in the biblical account. Other writings say his name was “Yeshai Beth Halachmee”, and others say “Yehoshua Ben Pandara”.

Eusebiius, an African priest brought up the matter of the birthplace at the council of Nicaea, and a temple was built on the side of the cave so that Christians could worship there. According to the story, the 3 Magi were astrologers and mystic students of natural law. But in reality, these three kings were stars in the constellation Orion, because the true Christ story is mythical and cosmic. 

Countless volumes and the entire New Testament have been written about Jesus Christ. The time in which he lived is one the most heavily documented periods in ancient history. We know there were many other “Messiahs” in Galilee, yet there is surprisingly sparse historical evidence of the life of Yeshua Ben Yosef. Our best records of his life and teaching come from a few lines of the Roman historian Josephus, and stories in the New Testament by the 12 apostles. But this book was assembled hundreds of years after his death. We know that Jesus taught with great words of Kindness, Gentleness, and Love:

“Do to others what you would have them do unto you.”

“Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.”

“Ask and you will find.  Knock, and the door will be opened to you.”


4. Who was Yeshua Malathiel?

Andromedan Perspective on the Royal Bloodline from Alex Collier, Andromeda contactee:

Yeshua Malathiel was a Jewish Rabbi, a “blue-blood” connected to extraterrestrial genetics. He came from the line of the House of David, which if you follow the lineage back, you get to Moses, who was a human-extraterrestrial “half-breed”. (In another interview March 29, 2024 Alex Collier said Yeshuah Malathiel was the son of a Jewish woman and a Roman gladiator.)

Many things have been altered in our history. Andromedans have said that the Essene Jews were skilled herbalists and knew how to mix potions to heal, to put one to sleep or to kill. The real secrets about all of this lie in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which the Israeli government and the Roman Church keep locked up. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that “Christianity” and “Judaism” were really one religion. They also tell the true story of Yeshua Malathiel.

Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s a certain Rabbi Wise studied death warrants and certificates of those who were crucified during that period, as the Romans kept excellent records. The only Yeshua listed as being crucified was a man coincidentally named Yeshua Malathiel, who was labeled traitor and a thief. They listed Mary of the house of Magdalena as the wife of Yeshua Malathiel.

Rabbi Yeshua Malathiel was a teacher and Jewish zealot, working for freedom from Roman oppression. The story behind it is that the Romans wanted to arrest him. So, they arrested his son, Bar Abbas, because they knew that his father, Yeshua Malathiel, would come after his son. (The name “Bar Abbas” means “Son of the Teacher”.) It seems a ransom was paid, and his father was well connected so they did a “mock” crucifixion to hide a payoff to the Romans. They knew how to place a wooden shelf to support the victim, so a man could survive if he wasn’t left overnight. A crucifixion on Passover meant the man could not hang overnight. So, it is possible that a different man was “crucified”. And it is possible that nobody died. Some say that Yeshua Malathiel did not leave Judaea, but that he continued to teach and live until 73 AD, when it was said that he died in the siege of Massada.

Massada was a last stand for the Jewish patriots, who were called Sicarii, or Zealots. It is said that 15,000 Roman troops were after Yeshua Malathiel specifically. Their siege lasted for months, as they surrounded the mountain fortress, catapulting red hot stones inside. When Romans finally broke into the fortress, they found all 960 rebels had killed themselves. Since Judaism prohibits suicide, the historian Josephus reported that the men had drawn lots and killed each other in turn, down to the last man, who would be the only one to actually take his own life. They had destroyed everything except the food storage, to show they had plenty to live, but had chosen death over slavery. Did Jesus Malathiel die in 73 CE at Masada? 

We have also heard that Mary Magdalen and the children went to France. This is the account by Andromedan contactee Alex Collier from extraterrestrial knowledge given to him. This is apparently confirmed by a scroll in possession of the Russians that shows that the son, Bar Abbas, was escorted to France with Mary Magdalen and the rest of the family. 

Alex Collier, Andromedan contactee says: “History does not support the idea or the proof the existence of a man with the name Jesus Christ.” Could it have been Yeshua Malathiel?

Additional Pleiadian Perspective from Billy Meier and The Talmud of Jmmanuel:

It is said that Jesus Malathiel was called Jmmanuel by his followers. He was nailed to a pole, passed out and then recuperated. He left Judaea and emigrated to India, where he later married a lady named Aikira with whom he had many children. After Jmmanuel’s death his first born son, Joseph, returned to Jerusalem and hid the scroll of The Talmud of Jmmanuel by his disciple Judas Ischkerioth and two other items in the tomb in which Jmmanuel originally had been left, presumed to be dead.

Perhaps the truth lies in the fusion of these two above off-world accounts. The hero of the world became a martyr, as was his destiny. Yeshua led the Romans to believe he was at Masada, so they believed he died in the group suicide there. The Romans followed their own destiny to martyr him, and 300 years later to invent a world religion around his composite story. His martyrdom had a huge effect on the world, a powerful seed for change of consciousness in the Age of Aquarius that is just now beginning. So, unwittingly, Romans may have done all this to their own detriment, because their chosen “new” God of pure love is now bringing the final fall of Rome. After his “crucifixion”, Yeshua may have enjoyed a long and quiet life in India, offering his offspring to continue the DNA bloodline. What if this great being continues among us here and now to live out a destiny of peace and privacy? You can decide.

5. The Thiaoouba Story – Two Christs   

Higher beings from the 9th level planet Thiaoouba noticed humans were falling from God, focused on money, materiality, and drugs, especially in Egypt under the Pharaoh Seti. These 9th-level beings planned to introduce new teachings to change the course of history and uplift people of Earth. They planted a perfect human embryo in the body of Mary, who was truly a virgin. The birth of Jesus birth was highly acclaimed, and seeded hope for a Messiah in the distraught land. The Thiaooubans protected the family from Herod’s murder of thousands of baby boys in Judaea. As he grew up, Jesus surprised many people with his extraordinary intelligence and teaching ability. He was already wise, and it is true he did shout at the money lenders in the temple. But he was not a miraculous healer. At the age of 14 he left his home to travel to Asia with his brother and never returned. He traveled across Asia to Japan, where he married and had three children. At the end of a long life he died and was buried in Shingo, Japan in the district of Aomori, where his grave exists today. 

A very advanced being from the 9th level planet Thiaoouba took on a human body that was normal in every way. He appeared in Judaea as Jesus, a fully grown man. This explains the gap of time in which there is no word of him in the Bible. This Jesus as a very advanced being and was able to perform miraculous healings. He spoke about pure spiritual principles and inspired many people. This Jesus had some close followers including Peter, Thomas, and he was eventually crucified by the Romans. After his death at the crucifixion, he revived and reappeared fully alive at the right moment, to show that he was immortal and that there is life after death. He taught people that they belong to the Creator, and that each of us possesses a spark of His divinity. All of his miracles were real, because the Hebrews and Romans would never have believed him unless he proved himself.   

Click here for the free book, The Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel DeMarquet.

Christ was brought to Earth by the 9th planet civilization, in order to teach people about love and spirituality, to love one another, to know the truth about reincarnation and eternal life of the soul. Jesus Christ’s miracles were real. Although later on, some of his teachings were distorted by the Roman church. 

6. Mary Magdalene and the Bloodline

A female follower of Jesus Christ? Who was she? Her full name was “Mariamne La Tour du Troupeau Princesse de la Tribu de Be Migdal-Eder”.

The Bible never explicitly states Jesus was married, although this was a requirement to be a Rabbi (“teacher”). Jewish Mishnaic Law says clearly ‘An unmarried man may not be a teacher’.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene were both believed to be descendants of the “Sangreal” Royal Bloodline. Mary Magdalene’s royal lineage and advanced spiritual training made her a high priestess and teacher of the Egyptian Mystery School. Her knowledge is said to be above the status of Jesus, although she would not be credited for this. 

A marriage between Jesus and Mary as a Royal Benjamite would have been of great importance to the bloodline and lineage. 

It is always the woman that carries the bloodline. As the wife of Jesus, Mary would have been, in a very literal sense, “a vessel of the Holy Blood”. Her womb would have been the “vessel”, and her children would have been considered the Holy Blood itself. By extension therefore, the Holy Grail is itself the Holy Bloodline, which goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. According to the First Testament, this is the pure bloodline of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, brother to Cain and Abel. 

After the crucifixion, there are strong indications that Mary Magdalene fled from Jerusalem to France sometime around 35 A.D.  Legends from the 4th century describe Magdalene leaving the Holy Land and landing at Marseilles carrying with her the Holy Grail relics. Not far from Marseilles is the shrine of “Les Saintes Maries” where these relics supposedly reside. Was Mary Magdalene the true Messiah? 

What is the SANGREAL?
DNA Studies show that the rarest blood type known to mankind today is O negative with an Rh negative factor of .075 antigens. It is said to be found in about 7% of the world’s population. Some scientists say that Rh negative has no known human origins. Then how did it come to be? Some say they came from the hybrid mixing of human with the El-lohim or angelic beings mentioned in the Bible. Were these the beings who came down form the skies, and took humans as wives? Nephilim were the giants of olden times who were said to protect and guide humans.

The O negative blood is said to hold certain qualities that other blood types do not possess, including parp cells, enzymes, and special amino condrals traits that are extremely rare. Any blood expert will tell you that transfusions and blood donations of type O- blood must be closely monitored to avoid death. The DNA of Rh- negative individuals is unique. These are sometimes said to be the “blue bloods”. 

What is the Holy Grail?

The Holy Grail is the bloodline of Jesus Christ. The Grail was said to be the cup of the Last Supper at Passover before the Crucifixion, brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, said to be none other than Bar-Abbas, the son of Jesus Christ.

The book HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL-pdf is said to reveal secrets the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar fought hard to hide. The authors believe that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children that birthed the Merovingian bloodline with which the Priory of Sion was once closely entrenched. They also identified many irregularities involved in retelling of the death of Jesus Christ, and that he may have survived his Crucifixion.

The search for the vessel became the principal quest of the Knights of King Arthur. King Arthur believed the Holy Grail to be the symbol of spiritual perfection and ascension that is fundamental to humanity. Sir Galahad, a Knight of the Round Table, was able to find the Holy Grail because of his purity of heart.

The Holy Grail of the bloodline of Jesus is called Sang Real (royal blood), dating back to the lineage of Adam, Eve, Seth, Moses, Noah, and King David. This bloodline is believed to be O- Rh Negative, which is the rarest type of blood, possessed by about 7% of humans. If Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, and Donald Trump have Rh- blood, do they carry the bloodline of Jesus Christ? Are we about to see the exposure of the true heir to Jesus’ bloodline, and the long-awaited global revival of “God Consciousness”?

7. Simon of Peraea

Simon of Peraea was said to have been a former slave of Herod the Great who rebelled and was beheaded by the Romans sometime after Herod’s death in 4 BC. 

The Historian Flavius Josephus wrote:

“In 4 BCE, king Herod the Great died. Immediately, there were several revolts against the rule of his son and successor, Herod Archelaus. One of the rebels was Simon of Peraea, who claimed the kingship for himself. The fact that was a slave, is of no importance: slaves could be highly educated and civilized people.

There was also Simon, who had been a slave of king Herod, but in other respects a comely person, of a tall and robust body; he was one that was much superior to others of his order, and had had great things committed to his care. This man was elevated at the disorderly state of things, and was so bold as to put a diadem on his head, while a certain number of the people stood by him, and by them he was declared to be a king, and he thought himself more worthy of that dignity than any one else.

He burnt down the royal palace at Jericho, and plundered what was left in it. He also set fire to many other of the king’s houses in several places of the country, utterly destroyed them, and permitted those that were with him to take what was left in them for a prey. He would have done greater things, but care was taken to repress him immediately. [The commander of Herod’s infantry] Gratus joined himself to some Roman soldiers, took the forces he had with him, and met Simon. And after a great and a long fight, no small part of those that had come from Peraea (a disordered body of men, fighting rather in a bold than in a skillful manner) were destroyed. Although Simon had saved himself by flying away through a certain valley, Gratus overtook him, and cut off his head.”

The Roman historian Tacitus heard about this incident too, because he writes:

“At Herod’s death, without waiting for imperial decision, a certain Simon usurped the title of king. He was dealt with by the governor of Syria, Quinctilius Varus, while the Jews were divided up into three kingdoms ruled by Herod’s sons.”

Simon of Peraea described on the “Gabriel Stone” found near the Dead Sea
Evidence of as an inspiring Messiah was found in the year 2000, carved in an ancient stone dating back to before the birth of Jesus Christ. The “Gabriel Stone” found near the Dead Sea, was a tablet with 87 lines of Hebrew text containing several prophecies. A rebel named Simon came from Peraea and that his followers thought he was a Messiah. According to the stone, the ‘Prince of Princes was beheaded, who ‘decomposed in a gorge’ because those who killed him did not allow his body to be buried.”

Evidence of Simon of Peraea from Alex Collier, Andromedan contactee.
Alex Collier received information from 5th dimensional beings from the Andromeda galaxy, who are here in our solar system. They said Simon of Peraea was a friend of John the Baptist and that Rome had him beheaded. After his death, the Romans had his body guarded and would not allow him to be buried for seven days, just to make sure no one stole the body, and that he didn’t rise from the dead. Could the story of Simon of Paraea have been enough of a legend that it was included in Bible stories about the real Yeshuah?

8. Judas of Galilee

Judas of Galilee was a Jewish Rabbi and leader and leader of resistance to the Roman tax and census imposed around 6 CE. He encouraged Jews not to register. Judas of Galilee (not to be confused with Judas Iscariot) was said to have originated the “fourth philosophy” which preached that God alone was the ruler of Israel and  that no taxes should be paid to Rome.

Followers of the Fourth Philosophy of Judas the Galilean were known as rebels and bandits. They took from the wealthy in a kind of Robin Hood movement. They even burned financial records to free the poor that were enslaved to the wealthy by debt.

Registration for Land owners.
The new Roman law required everyone to register, or risk losing claim to property. They had to register for taxation in the district where they were born. In the first century, the Jews’ property was linked to their fathers. The Roman census allowed them to lay claim to their family estate and be taxed.

Judas of Galilee was revered as a “wise man” who lived in the mountains and caves. Judas was one of the most celebrated interpreters of the Jewish laws, beloved by the people, and held in great esteem all over the nation. He spoke and carried out defiant rebellions against the Romans. Judas of Galilee had 3 sons, James, Simon, and Menahem. James and Simon were crucified by Romans in 42 AD. Judas himself died during a census revolt of 46, which was crushed by the Romans.

Judas the Galilean’s challenge to Roman rulers was legendary. It is unknown whether Judas was the fighter or the religious leader of the movement, or both. His Kingship in Galilee was solid, and his reputation beyond reproach, especially after his brush with death in the Golden Eagle Temple Cleansing. His rebel movement endured from before the Temple Cleansing in 4 BCE to the last gasp at Masada in 73 CE.  

It is interesting to note that the life of Jesus, as portrayed in the Gospels, had much in common with Judas the Galilean. Judas led a Temple Cleansing, as did Jesus according to the Gospel of John. Judas of Galilee was far more than a political Messiah, but a redeemer for all mankind. Judas called for resistance to alien rulers as religious duty and act of worship. He set an example of zeal and determination that continued unabated for hundreds of years. 

The life of Judas of Galilee can be compared to known information known about Jesus. Could Judas the Galilean be a parallel “Messiah” to Jesus of Nazareth? Judas the Galilean also preached a nationalistic unity against Herod the Great. Judas cleansed the Temple, released prisoners, and led a tax revolt. Is it possible his exploits were absorbed into the story of Jesus, who also cleansed the Temple, released prisoners, and was arrested for refusing to pay taxes to Rome?

On Mary Magdalen’s side, a similarity exists concerning the town of Sepphoris. Mary’s family was said to come from Sepphoris.  It was written that Judas was the son of Sepphoris, or rather from Sepphoris. After being released by Archelaus, Judas went to Sepphoris in Galilee, where he led an uprising against the son of Herod and raided the armory there. Clearly Judas was well acquainted with this town.

At the young age of twelve years, Jesus Christ spent three days at the Temple. Judas of Galilee also taught young men at the same temple. Judas was called “one of the most celebrated interpreters of the Jewish laws and … well beloved by the people”. How many other men also taught at this Temple? Is it possible that Judas’ early career as teacher at the temple was written into legend by placing his wisdom and knowledge within the body of a 12-year old Jesus?  

But the writers of the New Testament couldn’t promote a known terrorist as an icon of peace and love! Perhaps they chose to distance themselves from the warrior Judas of Galilee. By creating a kind and loving Messiah, Rome garnered the alliance of good Christians, who were willing pay taxes to Caesar. Did Christian authorities wish to conceal the fact that Yeshua and Judas the Galilean, were effectively the same man? And in place of the warrior, they inserted a composite peace-loving persona called Jesus of Nazareth?

Our historic records depend largely on Josephus, a historian paid for and censored by Roman rulers. Just wondering – how could this history and parallels with Jesus Christ have been lost for 2,000 years?  How could the life of this powerful rabbi have been reduced to a mere footnote in the list of Messiah’s of Judaea? 

9. Rabbi Hillel the Elder

Rabbi Hillel the Elder (or Hallel) was a Jewish scholar, teacher and contemporary of Jesus Christ during the time of King Herod. The “inventor” of the Golden Rule, Hillel had a reputation for kind philosophy, and an open-hearted approach to interpreting the scriptures.

This statue commemorates Hillel’s saying when accosted by a skeptic asking him to teach the Torah while standing on one foot. Hillel’s famous reply was: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is just explanation”.

Since Hillel lived in Jerusalem at the same time as Jesus Christ, and there are many parallel teachings, there has been speculation that Jesus met or was influenced by Rabbi Hillel. For example, Hillel’s most famous quotes show remarkable similarity to Jesus:

  • Golden Rule: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow.”
  • “Do not judge your fellow until you are in his place.”
  • “A single candle can light a thousand more without diminishing itself.”
  • “In a place where there are no humans, one must strive to be human.”
  • “Whosoever destroys one soul, it is as though he had destroyed the entire world. And whosoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved the entire world.”
  • “My humiliation is my exaltation; my exaltation is my humiliation.”

10. Athronges, a Shepherd Messiah 

Athronges was a Rabbi shepherd who declared himself King and Messiah. He was a tall man, excelled others in the strength of his hands, and he was so bold as to set himself up as King of the Jews.  With his two brothers and their followers he led a rebellion against Roman King Herod Archelaus, son of Herod the Great. According to Josephus historian, their rebellion killed a great many Roman forces. Athronges’s rebellion continued for several years. They used guerilla tactics, raiding Roman army supply trains and making surprise attacks on key targets. After a few years their warriors were reduced in number by Roman legions. Josephus’ account says that two of his brothers were killed in various battles, one was captured and one surrendered when it became clear the cause was lost. The historic record does not tell us what happened to Athronges himself.

11. Simon Bar Kochba

Simon Bar Kochba was a warrior Messiah who led a revolt against the Romans in Jerusalem. After the total destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, Rome established a large Roman military presence in Judaea. They announced the construction of a new Roman Temple to Jupiter over the ruins of the sacred Jewish temple they had destroyed, and a new city on the ruins of Jerusalem.

After these terrible insults, the Jews came together united front against Rome under a single charismatic leader, Simon Bar Kochba. There was a strong and widespread belief that Bar Kochba was the promised messiah. He became not only a political and military leader but also a strongly religious one, powered by intense belief in the coming redemption of Israel.

Simon bar Kokhba was said to be somewhat irrational and angry in character. He was supported by many sages, especially the well-known Rabbi Akiva, who gave him this name meaning “Son of a Star”. Simon bar Kochba’s reputation became so great that even non-Jews came to fight in his army. People saw him as a leader capable of bringing down the entire Roman Empire, which had caused so much suffering. Everyone wanted to join in the revolt and it is said that Bar Kochba mustered an army of almost 350,000 men, an enormous number, even greater than the Romans. However, it is said that Bar Kochba demanded that new recruits prove their valor by each man chopping off one of his own fingers. 

As tensions rose to a peak, Roman Emperor Hadrian prepared for total war. He brought in his best general and troops from around the empire – England, Gaul, Germany, and all provinces of the Roman world. 

In 135 CE Rome finally crushed the rebellion. According to historian Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews were killed in the war, some 50 fortified towns and 985 villages were burned to the ground. Even more people died famine, disease, and fire. After the defeat of the Jews, Emperor Hadrian began a campaign to wipe out all remnants of the Jewish people and any memory that they had ever existed. Hadrian went so far as to permanently change the name of Judaea to Palestina. Hoping to crush the spirit of the Jewish people, he outlawed teaching Judaism on pain of death. Teaching the Torah was the worst “crime” a Jew could commit. Many Rabbis became martyrs (including Rabbi Akiva), killed by the Roman Government amid public brutality and torture, 

Simon Bar Kochba is remembered as a charismatic, courageous, brutal, sometimes tyrannical leader who led his followers to believe that he was a messianic king born to free his people. His failure led to brutally  consequences for the Jews. Bar Kochba is said to have died in the final battle at Beitar.

12. Apollonius of Tyana

Apollonius of Tyana was born February 16, 2 AD in Tyana, Turkey. He is said to be the original founder of the Essene branch of Christianity, which originated in Buddhist India. He was said to have been “replaced” by Jesus, known as Yeshai Beth Halachmee, in writings by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The New Testament may be a revised account of his life and teachings.

Apollonius lived from 4-97 AD. He was a healer and expert in Greek Pythagorean philosophy, who travelled widely around the Mediterranean and into India. He lived in Judaea from c.33-38 CE. at the same time that Jesus Christ was said to be teaching there, but neither man appears in the other’s accounts. How could that be possible? 

Apollonius was the friend of Kings and Emperors. He was at one time the personal adviser of the Emperor Vespasian, and the great Emperor-philosopher Marcus Aurelius admitted that he owed his philosophy to Apollonius. 

“From Apollonius I have learned freedom of will and understanding, steadiness of purpose, and to look to nothing else, not even for a moment, except to reason.” (Marcus Aurelius).

Apollonius was arguably the most famous traveler of his day. He travelled widely through the Holy Land, Italy, Greece, Spain, Africa, Persia, India, and Burma teaching wherever he went. 

Could Apollonius of Tyana be the Apostle Paul of Tarsus ?

  1. A few facts point in this direction. Apollonius is a Greek name, the Latin version is Apollos. Apollos in other languages is Paulos, Pol, or Paolo in Italian. In English it’s Paul.
  2. Apollonius was born in the city of Tyana in Turkey. At the age of twelve he began study at a school in Tarsus, only 140 kilometers away. Tarsus is said to be the birthplace of Paul of Tarsus a/k/a Paul the apostle. Coincidence?
  3. The bible says that Paul the “Apostle” was born “Saul” and later changed his name to Paul.
  4. The authenticity of the Pauline Epistles has been highly debated. Even Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, believed Apollonius to be the true author of this Epistle, and many eminent scholars agree.

Could Apollonius of Tyana have been ALL 12 apostles in the New Testament? The apostles were the most influential leaders of the early Christian church, yet the actual historical records are sparse. Apollonius played a crucial role in spreading the gospel during the first century, as his missionary journeys took him all over the Roman empire.

Paul the apostle started more than a dozen churches. Paul is considered the author of 13 books of the Bible—more than any other biblical writer. Very possibly, “Saint Paul” became one of the most influential people in history, with greater impact than any other except perhaps Jesus, Muhammad, and the Buddha.

The burning of the library at Alexandria may have been an “accidental” attempt to erase all memory of Apollonius of Tyana. Founded by Alexander the Great in the year 283 BCE, the library was one of the greatest attempts to create a storehouse of the history of all knowledge. A few heroic librarians reportedly stole a copy of the famous book “Petronius’s Life of Apollonius” before all books were lost forever in the fire. Incidentally, Rome also confiscated Jerusalem’s library and all geological records before the temple was burned in 70 AD.

While preparing the Bible New Testament in the 4th century, Vatican authorities knew of the great occult healer and magician, Apollonius of Tyana. Some say he was a wandering sage who spoke wise truth and deep inspiration. Although they lived at the exact same time in history, Apollonius was not a follower of Christ. He came from a wealthy family, discoursed with kings and spiritual leaders. He had a large following, traveled the world, lived a long life, and was hailed as a saint after his death. He ended pestilence, healed the sick, and performed miracles to raise the dead. The life works of Apollonius were widely respected in intellectual and royal circles of Rome. Yet he was no friend of Roman governors. Is this why the Vatican chose to make him disappear from history?  A prolific writer, Apollonius was a private man who cared nothing for fame and fortune.  Link to his writings.

Here are a few quotes by Apollonius:

” To speak falsely is the mark of a slave, but the truth is noble.”

“Try to be poor as an individual, but rich as a member of humanity.” 

“I have seen men who inhabit the earth, yet do not live on it, who are protected on all sides though they have no means of defense, and who nevertheless possess only that which all men possess.”

“The gods do not need sacrifices, so what might one do to please them? Acquire wisdom, it seems to me, and do all the good in one’s power for those humans who deserve it.”  

“If anyone offers money to Apollonius, and he considers the donor to be worthy, he will accept it if he is in need. But for his philosophy he will take no reward, even though he may be in want.” 

“Some people ask why I have stopped giving lectures to large audiences. Let all know this: No discourse can be really useful, unless it be also delivered to a single individual. Anyone who discourses in any other manner is motived by vain glory to discourse.” Apollonius of Tyana 

In a channeled meeting with the spirit of Apollonius, he stated the following. Entire transcription at this link.

Channeled Words of Apollonius:

“Let our salutation be, the survival of truth and its conquest of Superstition. I was born, according to the Christian calendar, on the 16th day of February, A. D. 2, of wealthy parents; was educated, until my 26th year, in general philosophy and literature, when I served for six years under Euxenes, of Heracleia, learning the Pythagorean philosophy. After acquiring all I could learn from the teachings of that philosopher, I went to Antioch, and from there to Jerusalem.

On account of some wonderful physical manifestations of spirit power taking place through my then young mediumship, which persons living in Jerusalem had heard of, my entrance to that city was hailed, as it has been alleged the entrance of Jesus of  Nazareth was hailed, with hosannas and songs of praise to one who came in the name of the Lord.  …

Never, during my mortal life, did I desire to be worshipped after death – never did I, as a mortal man, teach such a doctrine. But I was deified after my death. Nine epistles were made a present to me by Phraotes of Taxila, India, or rather between Babylon and India, who was a satrap, in those days.

Those epistles contained all that is embraced in the present epistles claimed to have been written by St. Paul. And from what I have learned, as a spirit, I conclude that I am both the Jesus and St. Paul of the Christian scriptures. Flattering  enough to my vanity, but the ruin of my happiness. It is my duty, here, to confess all I can bring to recollection, in order that spiritual darkness may disperse and the light of truth shine in.

Now and here, I declare that the Christian Gospels were all preached by me – preached at Jerusalem – preached at  Ephesus – preached at Athens – preached at Philippi—preached at Home – preached at Antioch – preached at Alexandria – preached at Babylon. In all those countries I preached, and by manipulations, and certain qualities developed in me, I healed the sick, restored the sight of the blind, and, in the way herein set forth, even raised the dead.”

Stories of Apollonius Abound:
Apollonius showed astonishing gifts for healing and clairvoyance, as well as interest in Hermetic knowledge. Although he came from great wealth, he did not use it. He let his hair grow, healed himself, abstained from animal flesh and wine, walked barefoot, wore only linen, giving up all clothes made of wool. He traveled widely, and learned secrets from holy men all over Asia. He had many powerful friends, and many enemies as he was very active in political circles, always upholding freedom, opposing tyrannical rulers.

Apollonius had no difficulty escaping Emperor Nero’s accusations. When he was brought before the tribunal that put him on trial, he somehow through his Hermetic art, caused his indictment document to be completely erased. When the scroll was unfurled in court, clerks were dumbfounded when there was nothing printed on it. Modern proof of the true origins of the famous “Sermon on the Mount” are said to be found in Greek word for word in a Turkish museum, from a speech by Apollonius of Tyana to the Greek Senate in 64 CE.

Apollonius had a fascinating life, and was said to have lived to one hundred years, yet others claim he lived 130 years. Near the end of his life he was imprisoned by the evil Emperor Domitian in Rome, but unexplainably acquitted by the court. Maybe that’s because he disappeared in the courtroom before their very eyes. He simply vanished and was never seen again. Domitian was astonished by Apollonius’ inexplicable departure. Some say he died and was taken up to heaven. Others say he reappeared in another location and reunited with followers. Who knows? Stories abound. Suffice it to say, Roman authorities would probably NOT have chosen Apollonius to be the “God” of their new religion after his stinging criticism and mysterious legal anomalies. Fortunately, we can simply read the story of his life in pdf here: Life of Apollonius of Tyana_FCC

13. Who is the Real Messiah?

Here’s my take on it, but I might be wrong. I’ll go out on a limb to say ALL these Messiahs are very likely part of the stories assembled in the Bible. Maybe the Thiaoouba story is true. Maybe Yeshua Malathiel was mock-crucified, and he survived. Perhaps as Rome’s MOST WANTED man, he led them to believe he was in the Massada group suicide, so they thought he was dead. Was his wife, Mary Magdalen, the true Messiah? It appears that she went to Europe, achieved her spiritual ascension, and the bloodline flows now in about 7% of humans living today. The rest of us are mixed blood types, which is all good. We’ll never know. What is your opinion?

Christ Consciousness is Winning

In the past 2,000 years, Christ Consciousness has evolved into a true philosophy connected to the Supreme Source. We may not know all the details of the founder’s life. But we can be confident in the Supreme Source and anything that carries us closer to perfect wisdom. Personally, I don’t care what name we choose for it. It can be Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalen, Apollonius, or Krishna.

As I see it, our direct connection to Source is our single greatest gift. This is due to the vast virtue, goodness, and resilience of humankind. It is perhaps NOT due to the wisdom and kindness of the Vatican. Like the Buddha, a few humans have found the path to ascension and lived to help others. Our great challenge in the 21st century is to inspire deeper knowing of the Supreme Source in this multi-dimensional universe, as we rediscover the truth of our origins as brothers and sisters. Thanks for reading!

Sri Jana, aka Jane Barthelemy, is an intuitive medium, energy healer, craniosacral therapist, and author. A practitioner of Kundalini Buddhist meditation for over 50 years, she has an MBA and worked as CFO of Rudi’s Bakery for 10 years. Her life path includes other careers including opera primadonna in Italy and owner/designer of Marco Polo Designs Venetian glass jewelry company. Health challenges led her to teach Qigong, Taichi, and write two wellness cookbooks: “Paleo Desserts”and “Good Morning Paleo published by DaCapo Press/Hatchette Books. Her first website JanesHealthyKitchen.com recently won the 2021 Corp Today Magazine Award for “Best Healthy Food & Lifestyle Blog – North America”. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”. Srijana and her Bhutanese husband Lama D are faculty members of the NewEarth University. They live in Bali where they offer distant healings, classes, and retreats. FiveSeasonsMedicine.com.


  1. Summary of the 8 books: “Life of Apollonius of Tyana” by Philostratus, https://apollonius-iesuschristus.blogspot.com/2016/04/summary-of-8-books-life-of-apollonius.html
  2. “The Text of the New Testament”, by Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, 1987
  3. “The Amplified Bible of 2015”, by the Lockman Foundation, 2015
  4. “Bible Word Count”, by Vaughn Aubuchon, Vaughn’s Summaries, online
  5. “Amplified Bible Version Information”, by the Lockman Foundation, 2015, online
  6. “Perspectives on the ending of Mark: 4 Views”, by David Alan Black, 2008
  7. “A Possible Case of Lukan Authorship”, by Henry J. Cadbury, The Harvard Theological Review, July, 1917
  8. “When God Spoke English: The Making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2011
  9. “Alexander the Corrector: the tormented genius who unwrote the Bible”, by Julia Keay, 2005
  10. Genealogy of Jesus and Mary, http://www.prieure-de-sion.com/4/genealogy_of_jesus_and_mary_860930.html
  11. http://nojesuschrist.com/council.html
  12. Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P Hall, https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/E4/E4AAFF6DAF6863F459A8B4E52DFB9FF4_Manly.P.Hall_The.Secret.Teachings.of.All.Ages.pdf
  13. Yeshua Ben Yosef, THE LINEAGE OF MESSIAH FROM KING DAVID, https://yeshua.org/historical-facts/yeshua-ben-yosef/
  14. Jesus As A Composite Character, https://werdsmith.com/genesology/dJu2TmrDT
  15. Is Apollonius of Tyana – Paul of Tarsus ?http://www.geocities.ws/nephilimnot/apollonius_of_tyanna.html
  16. Is Apollonius of Tyana the actual “Jesus”?, https://apollonius-iesuschristus.blogspot.com/2016/04/is-apollonius-of-tyana-actual-jesus.html
  17. GREAT THEOSOPHISTS, APOLLONIUS OF TYANA, https://blavatsky.net/Wisdomworld/setting/apollonius.html
  18. Apollonius of Tyana, The Youth of Apollonius, https://www.alchemylab.com/apollonius.htm
  19. https://www.themystica.com/apollonius-of-tyana/
  20. https://darkbooks.org/pp.php?v=1000369992
  21. The Christian Fraud; Message from Apollonius of Tyana, by GEORGI STANKOV,  http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2012/04/the-christian-fraud-message-from-apollonius-of-tyana/
  22. Apollonius of Tyana The Real Jesus, https://interfarfacing.com/apollonius.htm
  23. Truths and Inventions in the Christian Bible, https://fiveseasonsmedicine.com/read-between-the-lines-hidden-truths-in-the-bible-pages/
  24. VIDEO: Apollonius Reading.wmv, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuW8GyY9UiU
  25. Mithra: Rome’s Secret Society of Kundalini Ascension,  https://fiveseasonsmedicine.com/mithra-romes-secret-cult-of-kundalini/
  26. Yahweh – LORD, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLrGM26pmM0
  27. Vatican Controlled: The Deception Regarding Our Modern Bible Translations, https://coercioncode.com/2020/01/23/vatican-controlled-the-deception-regarding-our-modern-bible-translations/
  28. Catholic Bibles Blog promotes the Nestle-Aland 28th Critical Text Edition, Catholic Bibles Blog promotes the Nestle-Aland 28th Critical Text  Edition, http://www.catholicbiblesblog.com/2013/09/novum-testamentum-graece-nestle-aland.html
  29. http://www.catholicbiblesblog.com/2013/09/novum-testamentum-graece-nestle-aland.html
  30. The New Versions Are Vatican Corrupted And Controlled Bibles https://safeguardyoursoul.com/the-new-versions-are-vatican-corrupted-and-controlled-bibles/
  31. “Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2003
  32. “Misquoting Jesus: the story behind who changed the Bible and why”, by Bart D. Ehrman, 2005
  33. “Extremely rare Wicked Bible goes on sale”, by Alison Flood, The Guardian, October 21, 2015
  34. “When God Spoke Greek”, by Timothy Michael Law, 2013
  35. “The Bible Doesn’t Say That,” by Dr. Joel M. Hoffmann, 2013
  36. “And God Said: How Translations Conceal the Bible’s Original Meaning”, by Dr. Joel M. Hoffmann, 2009
  37. “When the King Saved God”, by Christopher Hitchens, Vanity Fair, May, 2011
  38. “The Bible in English: history and influence”, by David Daniell, 2003
  39. “God’s Secretaries: the making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2003
  40. “The Real Story Behind the Translation of 2 Timothy 3:16”, by Frank Nelte, nelte.net, November 2008, online
  41. Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? – David W. Daniels
  42. Answers To Your Bible Version Questions – David W. Daniels
  43. To see which words Satan has removed from your Bible version, click on Modern Bible Deception Verse Study.
  44. For further study on the corruption of the Bible, watch the documentaries called “Tares Among the Wheat”
  45. And “A Lamp In The Dark: The Untold History of the Bible”
  46. God’s Word to Women, by Katharine Bushnell
  47. A New Gospel for Women: Katharine Bushnell and the Challenge of Christian Feminism. By Kobes Du Mez’s
  48. http://contradictionsinthebible.com/firstborn-sons-redeemed-or-not/
  49. Gap Theory Creationism: https://creationwiki.org/Gap_theory_creationism
  50. Young Mary vs Virgin Mary: A mistranslation of epic proportions, https://www.komaberribat.com/en/young-mary-vs-virgin-mary-a-mistranslation-of-epic-proportions/
  51. Confessional: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessional
  52. Indulgences, http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/luther/lutherindulgences.html
  53. https://www.wycliffe.sg/blog/septuagint-translation-seventy
  54. https://www.catholic.com/encyclopedia/septuagint-version
  55. The Forged Origins of the New Testament, https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biblianazar/esp_biblianazar_40.htm
  56. Apollonius of Tyana, Identified as the Christian Jesus, https://archive.org/details/apolloniustyana00robegoog
  57. Antiquity unveiled. Ancient voices from the spirit realms disclose the most startling revelations,  https://archive.org/details/antiquityunveile00robeiala
  58. https://www.scribd.com/document/53652384/Antiquity-Unveiled-Roberts#download
  59. https://www.mysteriesofthemessiah.net/2016/01/02-01-19-school-of-hillel/
  60. https://judasthegalilean.weebly.com/judas-the-galilean.html
  61. https://judasthegalilean.weebly.com/judas–jesus.html
  62. http://thejosephusmirrorcode.blogspot.com
  63. Book: James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls Paperback – March 1, 1998, by Robert H. Eisenman
  64. Is Apollonius of Tyana – Paul of Tarsus? http://www.geocities.ws/nephilimnot/apollonius_of_tyanna.html
  65. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holy_Blood_and_the_Holy_Grail
  66. The Messianic Legacy: Startling Evidence About Jesus Christ and a Secret Society Still Influential Today! by Michael Baigent, https://www.amazon.com/Messianic-Legacy-Startling-Evidence-Influential/dp/0440203198
  67. Holy Blood, Holy Grail: The Secret History of Jesus, the Shocking Legacy of the Grail, by Michael Baigent
  68. THE  TALMUD  OF  JMMANUEL, http://www.tjresearch.info
  69. BLOODLINES BY EDDIE PAGE, https://projectcamelotportal.com/2018/07/05/bloodlines-by-eddie-page/
  70. Pandora’s Box, by Alex Christopher, https://muunyayo.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/pandoras-box-alex-christopher-1993.pdf
  71. 1500-year-old Bible Discovered States That Jesus Was Not Crucified – Religion – Nairaland, https://www.nairaland.com/6974623/1500-year-old-bible-discovered-states-jesus
  72. Book: Lloyd Graham, Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, https://openlibrary.org/books/OL4399339M/Deceptions_and_myths_of_the_Bible
  73. https://ingridauerblog-en.com/2018/05/05/in-the-footsteps-of-mary-magdalenes-descendants-in-scotland/
  74. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biblianazar/esp_biblianazar_1.htm#Part%201
  75. God’s gold : a quest for the lost temple treasures of Jerusalem, https://archive.org/details/godsgoldquestfor0000king

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