Search Results for: gall bladder

Acupuncture Meridians and the Mind

What is the psychology of each meridian? What emotions are associated with each organ? How does the mind link to disease? Each meridian and each organ has a set of emotional qualities and key focus points. This is a series of 14 articles about the meridians. Click on any one of them for details. The 6 Extraordinary Organs: Rulers of Human Destiny?  This first article addresses the 6 Extraordinary Organs, which give rise to all the other organs in the body at conception. And they rule the other organs’ well-being throughout our life. Therefore, these FIRST organs are a huge…

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The 6 Extraordinary Organs: Rulers of Human Destiny?

At this moment in time we are traveling through a momentous period for humanity. Our days are marked by metamorphosis as the global reality melts before our eyes, dissolving into something quite unknown. It is understandable that we feel afraid, uncertain, and vulnerable. Most of us feel we’re living in a surreal situation. We search for truth in facts, details, and even “science”, which we attempt to link into a coherent pattern amid an endless flood of data. This sometimes helps, however it is often counterproductive. We are left exhausted, addicted to a cliff-hanger narrative, living each day in a state of…

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When to Eat, Sleep & Exercise by the CHINESE CLOCK

The Chinese Clock defines the human circadian rhythm. It’s a simple tool that tells us the best times to sleep, eat, exercise, and even when to have sex. When our stress is high, life needs to become very simple. We may need to pay more attention to our physical needs. Thousands of years old, the Chinese Clock has always been a reliable guide to keeping body and soul together, to help you build health every day. Our ideal biorhythms are based on movements of the Earth, Sun, and cosmos in Nature. It’s like a gold standard, a smart way to live. If…

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Images of the Internal Sacred Anatomy

Ancient traditions have left us artistic images of the internal sacred body. Perhaps these representations can help us visualize what’s going on inside our energy body as we cultivate higher awareness. This article shows several images of the internal body from Daoist, Chinese, Yogic, Greek and Egyptian sources. Which images resonate most strongly in your inner experience? A Sapta Cakra is a depiction of the seven chakras. This comes from a Yoga manuscript in Braj Bhasa language. 1899 British Library. This modern Tibetan medical drawing shows the cosmic gates located at Huiyin, Dantien, Heart, Throat, and Forehead.   Two wood block diagrams show the development of the “immortal fetus” in the dantien, and the flowering of consciousness…

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Feeding Intelligence

By Jane Barthelemy. What is your most valuable personal asset? Most people would agree that intelligence is right up at the top of the list. We spend time and effort building our appearance, and our physical assets. But how can we stimulate healthy brain function? What can we do to build intelligence? Surprisingly, scientists are now saying you’ll find intelligence in the gut. Recent studies show that a high-functioning brain is dependent upon two essential factors: a balanced nervous system, and a healthy intestinal environment. Yep, the brain and the gut are intimately connected. And both these factors are determined by the foods we eat. Certain foods cultivate a tranquil nervous system and balanced intestinal micro-biome. Other foods can stress our nerves or challenge gut bacteria. We’ve all experienced it – you eat a low-nutrient lunch, your mood…

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The 20 Meridians and their Consciousness

What are the Meridians? Ancient Chinese medicine thousands of years ago described the meridians in the body that carry Qi or life force through special channels that connect the various organs and functions. These meridians are designed to work together so that the body, mind, and spirit work together as an organic whole. A meridian, 经络 jīngluò, is a path through which Qi or life energy flows. There are a total of 20 meridians in the body, which are seen in two classes. 1) The twelve organ meridians connect the various physical functions. 2) The Eight Extraordinary meridians precede and give rise to the organ meridians, and…

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What’s Protective Wei Qi? How Can I Build it?

By Jane Barthelemy. Wei Qi is an invisible energy, an electro magnetic field referred to in Chinese medicine. Wei Qi is critically important especially in current times, as we are bombarded by energies and electro-magnetic radiation all around us. They come from cell phones, Wifi, radio, power lines, microwaves, Bluetooth devices, computers, smart meters, the air we breathe, and even other people’s thoughts which create a field of positive or negative energy. If you are highly sensitive, or if you live in a populated urban area, these energies can penetrate your body and weaken it. Many people are lacking in Wei Qi, and find that…

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Medical Qigong Walking – Nature’s Powerful Healing Tool

By Jane Barthelemy Would you like to bring more energy into your body? Feel more alive? Heal more quickly? Walking is powerful medicine that activates your deepest meridians and energies. In fact, waking is essential for health, and it can be used to heal serious internal diseases. Walking just 30 to 60 minutes a day can dissolve stress and improve brain function. Walking tones your muscles, boosts metabolism, builds bone density, lowers blood pressure, helps circulation, improves lymphatic function, builds the immune system, stimulates intestinal health and lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s. Walking also renews the spirit. How does it do…

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6 Surprising Tricks to Lick Colds & Flu


By Jane Barthelemy. Any change in the weather can shock your immune system. That’s when we get sniffles, colds, and flus. Microbes are everywhere, just waiting for these opportunities. They float in the air, we share them with family and friends, spreading them with our hands. We spend good money on medications, and we lose time from the things we must do.

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90-Day Lymphatic Detox

Everyone needs this. Cleansing the LYMPH system means clearing the waters of the body. This 90-Day Program is designed to DETOX and CLEANSE the sacred fluids. Since WATER is the major element of the body, and since WATER has a kind of CONSCIOUSNESS and MEMORY, this is an opportunity to deeply cleanse in your own physical-mental-spiritual path, and to upgrade your holistic wellbeing permanently. This personalized protocol is just for you, not a one-size-fits-all program. What is your most direct path? Are you ready to make a consistent commitment to your health? We focus on detoxing the sacred body fluids,…

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