The First GREAT RESET: Rome Creates a New God

In 4th century Rome, Emperor Constantine faced uncountable challenges. By this time, 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Roman empire encompassed hundreds of diverse cultures across three continents. There were problems in every zone. Local religious leaders rejected Roman rule. People refused to register property for taxes. Rebellions and terrorist events depleted his ranks of soldiers. How could he keep the lid on troubles? How could he collect taxes in a territory spanning all of Europe, Middle East, and North Africa? How could he control chaotic rebellion in all territories at the same time? Even worse, Constantine’s political rivals in Rome threatened his right to the throne. 

How could he control the wily Druids and Teutons in the North, secret societies of Mithra the Sun God, worshippers of Cybele the Mother Goddess in Rome, and Zoroastrians in Persia? He also had to consider defiant Orthodox Christians in Greece, Mystery Schools of Egypt, Mani followers in Alexandria, Nestorian Christians in Baghdad, Phoenician Baal worshippers in Canaan, Gnostic renunciates in Abyssinia, and millions of angry displaced tribes of Judaea sold as slaves everywhere after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. 

The only way to control diverse ethnic groups was to manage them all under a single law. His brilliant strategy was to create a religious – cultural coalition to unite and bring peace. Emperor Constantine believed a new religious law of the land was the only way to bring about passive acceptance and willingness to pay taxes. His brand new religion was fashioned from bits and pieces of every other pre-existing belief of the subjugated groups. He ridiculed traditional local beliefs, calling them “pagano”, meaning “illiterate and countryfied”. With cunning, imagination, and power, Constantine created an entirely new religion, with himself as the head. 

However, dominion came at a high price for humanity. He had to invent a myth, make it REAL, stick to the story, destroy all other traditions, and threaten death to anyone who disobeyed. More importantly, he had to conceal a great deal of the truth FOREVER. 

To accomplish his task, Constantine needed a new God. Who could he find as a clear and REAL personage? Someone who embodied peace and goodness, around which to create a powerful institution? Christianity was his choice. But this was over three hundred years after Yeshua’s death in faraway Judaea, and few people in Rome had ever heard of Jesus Christ. Early Christians had been persecuted for centuries. Who could find any evidence about his life? Constantine sent his mother Helena to the Holy Land in search of information about the hero of Judaea that Romans had crucified. She returned a few years later with fragments of a cross, nails, a tunic, and a few scraps of rope. What to do? 

Incredible as it seems, Constantine’s plan WORKED! His strategy to grasp supreme power for Rome has survived in secrecy for many centuries. Perhaps now is the time for us to unravel and dissolve the terrible roots of greed and fear seeded in the human psyche by Constantine and his Roman rulers.

The new church was designed to keep many traditional celebration dates, while adding new names and idols. In the end, all the old traditions were outlawed. They received in return a generic imperial rulebook or face death. The compromise was agreed by many religious leaders at Nicaea, enabling Constantine to expand his empire, collect taxes, and secure the throne. Those who disagreed were eliminated. Soon Constantine declared himself sacred dynastic ruler of the religion, undisputed God of the Roman Empire, and he named the central city of Constantinople after HIMSELF! 

Constantine Creates a Brand New Religion

Christianity is unlike any other world religion because it is a “created” institution. Imagine the challenge of creating an entirely new faith from scratch based on a supposed saint that had lived some 350 years ago. Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic, but he did not leave writings. His followers remembered his words, and a few were written down. But to create a new religion you need religious writings. Where to find them?

The Bible Old Testament had existed for centuries before Christ and was always accepted as Hebrew sacred history. The Old Testament roots came from many Mesopotamian sources from Sumeria to Babylon. Early versions of the Old Testament were in Hebrew, and much later Greek. The earliest and most reliable translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew is considered the Septuagint. This famous translation dates from around the 3rd to 2nd century BCE, well before the Council of Nicaea and any Roman adoption of Christianity.

The Roman Catholic church relied on the Septuagint to translate the First Testament into Latin, called Vulgate, meaning “common Latin language”. However, there were some notable books omitted in the Roman Vulgate Bible, such as the Apocrypha texts about the life of Jesus, the Gnostic Bible, the Nag Hammadi, The Talmud of Jmmanuel and many others. These texts were called “noncanonical” and were abandoned, hidden. or destroyed.

A “New Testament” was born at the Council of Nicaea: a Black Hole of Vatican History

Constantine ordered the compilation of new and old sacred writings from all over the world into a uniform collection that became the New Testament.

At the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, the historic record of Christianity slips into one of the biggest black holes in history. Maybe there’s a reason why the Bible New Testament didn’t exist until the fourth century: That’s because most of it was not written until later. Here we see evidence of perhaps one of the the greatest misrepresentations of all time. The New Testament was a brand new invention, and was written with precious little real information about Jesus Christ. 

In Constantine’s time Christianity as a religion did not exist, except for a few renegade believers. The Church has admitted that the tale of the Enperor’s “conversion” and “deathbed baptism” are “entirely legendary”. Perhaps Constantine saw in this confused mayhem of fragmented dogmas an opportunity to create a completely new and state religion, a coalition of beliefs, and to protect it by law.

Constantine began by issuing a decree inviting and commanding all church elders and their subordinates “be mounted on asses, mules and horses belonging to the public, and travel to the city of Nicaea”, which is in today’s Turkey near Constantinople. They were instructed to bring with them the testimonies they taught, “bound in leather” for protection during the long journey, and to surrender them to Constantine upon arrival in Nicaea. Their writings totaled, “in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one scrolls and legendary tales of gods and saviors, together with a record of the doctrines orated by them”.

Council of Nicaea Chooses a New God and Creates a New Religion: 325 AD

The first ecclesiastical gathering provides a picture of early clerical thinking and intellectual climate at the time. At this gathering, Christianity was birthed, and the ramifications of the decisions made are impossible to measure.

Groups of church elders from numerous religious sects were present, each with differing doctrines. The clerics compared and debated over the qualities of their various gods. “Altar was set against altar” to compete for the allegiance of all believers in the Roman Empire.

A total of 318 “bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes and exorcists” gathered to debate and decide upon a belief system that encompassed a single God. The huge assortment of “wild texts” circulated among them supported many Eastern and Western Gods and Goddesses. The lineup of deities consisted of Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Indian Gods including: Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Isis, Ra, El, Krishna, Horus, Yahweh, Cybele, Theo, Isis, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla, and Phernes.

Before the Council of Nicaea, Roman aristocracy had primarily worshipped two Gods – Apollo and Zeus. Many Roman soldiers followed the cult of Mithra. Common people often idolized either Mithras a Sun God, or Julius Caesar, who had been deified as “Savior” after his death.

The Council Had to Decide: What is the Name of the New God?
Constantine asked the Council of Nicaea to choose a name for the one God to unite all religious factions in his empire. He invited them to debate and decide who their new God would be. Delegates argued among themselves, and the names of 53 Gods were mentioned in discussion. Months passed, however after seventeen months they still could not decide. Eventually with some prodding from Constantine, it is said they voted it down to a short list of six contestants:

  1. Caesar – Roman Emperor
  2. Krishna – Hindu God
  3. Mithra – Sun God
  4. Horus – Egyptian God
  5. Zeus – Greek King of Gods
  6. Hesus – Druid God

We are told they finally settled on the great Druid God, Hesus, in combination with the name Krishna, the Sanskrit Christ and Greek Christos meaning “the anointed one”. Thus, the official name of the new Roman god was finally agreed to be Hesus Krishna. 

Finally, all agreed with a majority show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities were to become one single God. Following longstanding Roman custom, Constantine used the official gathering and the regal apotheosis power decree to legally deify two gods as one, with democratic consent. This political act of deification effectively and legally placed Hesus Krishna among the Roman gods as a single individual composite. But since there was no letter “J” in alphabets until around 800 CE, the name evolved into “Jesus Christ” much later.

How Were New Testament Gospels Assembled?

Constantine then instructed his assistant Eusebius to organize the collection of new writings submitted at the council. His instructions were: “Search ye these books, and whatever is good in them, that retain; but whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite ye with that which is good in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together shall be called The Book of Books. And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall be no more war for religions’ sake.”

Constantine believed that the amalgamated collection of myths would unite various opposing religious factions under one creed. Merging the supernatural “god” stories of Mithra and Krishna with British Culdean beliefs effectively joined the Council of Eastern and Western leaders. Eusebius then arranged scribes to produce, “fifty sumptuous copies … to be written on parchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient portable form”

These were to be the “New Testimonies”. He then ordered all the earlier manuscripts and the records of the council “burnt” and declared that “any man found concealing writings should be beheaded.”

By eliminating all opposition, Constantine actually succeeded in uniting diverse religious groups under a new “deity”. Since the Roman Emperors were in charge of appointing church Bishops, it happened they were literally charged with re-writing history as the Emperors wished!

Constantine died in 337 with the satisfaction of knowing that his merging of many pagan beliefs into a new religion brought many converts. Historical records reveal it was practical self-interest that led him to create Christianity. However, it wasn’t called “Christianity” until the 15th century

In Roman areas, all temples to the Pagan gods became Catholic churches. Rebirth and reincarnation were removed from the Christian teachings. Astrology was removed from the schools and ridiculed as heretical. Cosmic knowledge was officially reserved for secret societies and the Emperor.

After the Rome fell in the 6th century CE, the empire was transformed into the global Vatican church, Emperors became Popes, eventually infusing every part of our lives in the West and the colonies. While the Bible is a sacred document and it is very real, we must also acknowledge that the scriptures may have been carefully edited for consistency and control. There have been some translation changes and many original scriptures omitted. Christianity and the New Testament were created essentially as an entirely new religion,  assembling all the elements from existing folk traditions and other religions.

The day before the battle, Constantine saw the Chi-Rho symbol superimposed over the sun, with the words “in this sign conquer”. Constantine said he saw Jesus in a dream, and learned that he and his soldiers would beat Maxentius if they carried the Chi-Rho symbol into the battle. So they did, and they won the battle, heartened by having God behind them. This 15th century painting of the scene, show a different cross in the sky.

Creating the Symbols of Christianity

The Fish was the first symbol of Christianity.

In the first three centuries after the Jesus’ death, Christians were persecuted by the Romans, and travelers needed a way to find other kindred souls. The fish symbol was used as secret code for Christians to meet. 

Most people spoke Greek, and these five letters were an acronym for Jesus. Literally, these letters meant “Jesus, Anointed one, Son of God, Savior.” 

  • Iota (i), Iēsoûs (Ἰησοῦς), “Jesus”
  • Chi (ch), Khrīstós (Χρῑστός), “anointed”
  • Theta (th), Theoû (Θεοῦ), “of God”, the genitive singular of Θεóς, Theós, “God”
  • Upsilon (y or u), (h)uiós (Yἱός), “Son”
  • Sigma (s), sōtḗr (Σωτήρ), “Savior”

When two strangers met, a Christian could draw a half circle in the sand. If the other person drew the other half of the fish correctly, they both knew they could be friends. If not, it just looked like someone drawing a half-circle in the sand. Later people used the fish symbol to mark sacred places and tombs,

When did the Cross become symbol for Christianity ?

It seems the crucifix of Jesus Christ as a badge of Christianity came into use much later, long after the Councils of Nicaea. Before the 7th century CE, early versions of the cross show a lamb crucified on it. Over time, the New Testament was created, new churches were built, and the icons of Christianity were developed. But thousands of years before that, the cross was a sacred symbol all over the world. 

Maybe this is why the cross was an effective icon for Constantine, to unite many diverse believers in his vast kingdom. 

The earliest depiction of the cross can be found in Tibetan Bön Buddhism from c. 18,000 years ago, called the “Yungdrung Bön”, meaning Everlasting Truth. The Chinese Yin Yang is a depiction of cosmic polarity and the four directions sacred medicine wheel. The ancient Ankh of Egypt was the symbol of ISIS, the great goddess of Eternal Life. The Swastika is a many-thousands-of-years-old symbol of goodness, prosperity,and purification among Hindu people. The Sun cross was associated with Norse and Viking God Odin. The Chi-Rho image overlays the Greek letters Chi and Ro on the Sun. This was perhaps the first symbol of Constantine’s new Christian religion, carried on Roman shields. Emperor Constantine identified himself as the Sun God with a cross over his head on gold coins. The Celtic ringed cross has been revered for thousands of years in Ireland and Scotland. The modern Christian crucifix is seen all over the world as an icon of peace, love, and hope for eternal life.

It seems the English word “cross” comes from Old Irish “cros “, the instrument of Christ’s crucifixion. This is “crux” in Latin. But the New Testament was written in Greek. It used the word “stauros”, meaning a vertical stake, a tree, or a tall, round pole on which criminals were impaled or hanged. The Bible was later translated into Latin and English using the word Latin “crux”, meaning “cross”.

There are many stories and very little concrete evidence about Roman methods of crucifixion. A very few graves have been found indicating they could us a single pole, a tree, or a crossbar mounted on the pole. Other methods of execution were flogging, stoning, and beheading. All were brutal ways to die, however perhaps crucifixion the most humiliating, due the victim hanging naked on public display for several hours until death came.

Virgin birth is a cornerstone of Christianity. 

Could “Virgin” be a simple mistranslation from Hebrew? The crucifixion was first described in the new Testament, which was written in Greek. Maybe it could be a simple substitution of the word “Almah” meaning “Young woman of childbearing age” with the Greek word “Parthenos” meaning “Virgin”. Maybe the Vatican knew about it, but did nothing to correct it, preferring the miracle of “virgin birth”. Some claim that immaculate conception can occur in rare cases, such as the union of a human female with an elemental being, like a fairy or a God. 

OK. Maybe Rome tried to keep us in the dark.

Perhaps Rome stretched a few details of history. They made owning a Bible illegal for more than 1,000 years. Is it true that Romans “accidentally” burned the libraries of Antioch and Alexandrea to hide the knowledge in the ancient books? We have centuries of evidence that upper-level cardinals and bishops dedicated themselves to protect Constantine’s deification of his own bloodline at Nicaea from reaching new priests, in a code of silence reserved by the “Incardinatus”. Only when they were eligible to enter the elite status of ‘Cardinal’, after swearing a vow of secrecy, were they enlightened as to the invented nature of the Christian God.

Rome’s Little Miscalculation Comes Back to Bite Them in the Butt.

What’s wrong with re-writing the Bible for billions of people? The sacred books are full of allegorical lessons, numbers, and cosmic relationships that we need to study for many years. Rome’s new God inspired all of humanity with love, as Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with embellishing a few stories to show people what is love and truth? What’s wrong with doing good actions with a motive of selfish control? Well, it turns your soul against you – eventually.

The Vatican created their own’ STING’ scenario. Maybe Rome’s only miscalculation was to underestimate power of their own story of LOVE. They shot themselves in the foot. Now they’re being discovered and repudiated. The Vatican is showing us now that a stinging payback for selfish manipulation eventually comes right back to the perpetrator. When lies are revealed, it doesn’t turn anybody away from Jesus or God. Instead it reinforces our passion for Christ Consciousness, which is God Consciousness. It’s an invitation to cultivate love for our fellow humans and our own personal relationship with Creator. 
Thanks for reading!

Sri Jana, aka Jane Barthelemy, is an intuitive medium, energy healer, craniosacral therapist, and author. A practitioner of Kundalini Buddhist meditation for over 50 years, she has an MBA and worked as CFO of Rudi’s Bakery for 10 years. Her life path includes other careers including opera primadonna in Italy and owner/designer of Marco Polo Designs Venetian glass jewelry company. Health challenges led her to teach Qigong, Taichi, and write two wellness cookbooks: “Paleo Desserts”and “Good Morning Paleo published by DaCapo Press/Hatchette Books. Her first website recently won the 2021 Corp Today Magazine Award for “Best Healthy Food & Lifestyle Blog – North America”. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”. Srijana and her Bhutanese husband Lama D are faculty members of the NewEarth University. They live in Bali where they offer distant healings, classes, and retreats.


  1. “Antiquity Unveiled” by Jonathan M. Roberts
  2. “Amplified Bible Version Information”, by the Lockman Foundation, 2015, online
  3. “Perspectives on the ending of Mark: 4 Views”, by David Alan Black, 2008
  4. “A Possible Case of Lukan Authorship”, by Henry J. Cadbury, The Harvard Theological Review, July, 1917
  5. “When God Spoke English: The Making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2011
  6. Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P Hall,
  9. Truths and Inventions in the Christian Bible,
  10. Mithra: Rome’s Secret Society of Kundalini Ascension,
  11. Yahweh – LORD,
  12. Vatican Controlled: The Deception Regarding Our Modern Bible Translations,
  13. Catholic Bibles Blog promotes the Nestle-Aland 28th Critical Text Edition, Catholic Bibles Blog promotes the Nestle-Aland 28th Critical Text  Edition,
  14. New Versions Are Vatican Corrupted And Controlled Bibles
  15. “The Text of the New Testament”, by Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, 1987
  16. “The Amplified Bible of 2015”, by the Lockman Foundation, 2015
  17. “Bible Word Count”, by Vaughn Aubuchon, Vaughn’s Summaries, online
  18. “Amplified Bible Version Information”, by the Lockman Foundation, 2015, online
  19. “Perspectives on the ending of Mark: 4 Views”, by David Alan Black, 2008
  20. “A Possible Case of Lukan Authorship”, by Henry J. Cadbury, The Harvard Theological Review, July, 1917
  21. “When God Spoke English: The Making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2011
  22. “Alexander the Corrector: the tormented genius who unwrote the Bible”, by Julia Keay, 2005
  23. “Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2003
  24. “Misquoting Jesus: the story behind who changed the Bible and why”, by Bart D. Ehrman, 2005
  25. “Extremely rare Wicked Bible goes on sale”, by Alison Flood, The Guardian, October 21, 2015
  26. “When God Spoke Greek”, by Timothy Michael Law, 2013
  27. “The Bible Doesn’t Say That,” by Dr. Joel M. Hoffmann, 2013
  28. “And God Said: How Translations Conceal the Bible’s Original Meaning”, by Dr. Joel M. Hoffmann, 2009
  29. “When the King Saved God”, by Christopher Hitchens, Vanity Fair, May, 2011
  30. “The Bible in English: history and influence”, by David Daniell, 2003
  31. “God’s Secretaries: the making of the King James Bible”, by Adam Nicolson, 2003
  32. “The Real Story Behind the Translation of 2 Timothy 3:16”, by Frank Nelte,, November 2008, online
  33. Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? – David W. Daniels
  34. Answers To Your Bible Version Questions – David W. Daniels
  35. To see which words Satan has removed from your Bible version, click on Modern Bible Deception Verse Study.
  36. For further study on the corruption of the Bible, watch the documentaries called “Tares Among the Wheat”
  37. And “A Lamp In The Dark: The Untold History of the Bible”
  38. God’s Word to Women, by Katharine Bushnell
  39. A New Gospel for Women: Katharine Bushnell and the Challenge of Christian Feminism. By Kobes Du Mez’s
  41. Gap Theory Creationism:
  42. Young Mary vs Virgin Mary: A mistranslation of epic proportions,
  43. Confessional:
  44. Indulgences,
  47. The Forged Origins of the New Testament,
  48. Apollonius of Tyana, Identified as the Christian Jesus,
  49. Antiquity unveiled. Ancient voices from the spirit realms disclose the most startling revelations,
  55. Book: James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls Paperback – March 1, 1998, by Robert H. Eisenman
  57. The Messianic Legacy: Startling Evidence About Jesus Christ and a Secret Society Still Influential Today! by Michael Baigent,
  58. Holy Blood, Holy Grail: The Secret History of Jesus, the Shocking Legacy of the Grail, by Michael Baigent
  61. Pandora’s Box, by Alex Christopher,
  62. 1500-year-old Bible Discovered States That Jesus Was Not Crucified – Religion – Nairaland,
  63. Book: Lloyd Graham, Deceptions and Myths of the Bible,
  67. Holy Blood Holy Grail pdf, HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL-book

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