Once upon a time, the Phoenician capital of Carthage was the richest civilization in the world. The ancient kingdom of Baal, jewel of the Mediterranean coast in modern-day Libya, wasn’t just crushed – it was massacred, burned to the ground, all citizens murdered. This Babylonian bloodline war of the 3rd-century BCE, was a schism between two sides of the most violent lineage that humanity has ever known. And we are still deeply intrenched in this infighting for power.
Rome inflicted a brutal extermination agenda on Phoenicians to erase all memory of their master plan to rule the world. But why is this so important today? Because human history repeats. The biblical Phoenix rose again from the ashes, birthed the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Venetian families, to make brothers and sisters of its former enemy for total power.
Do you share this bloodline? Like a mirror of destiny, lifetime after lifetime, you could be either vicim or perpetrator, caught in a forever revolving door, repeating the same patterns of violence and greed. Until one day humanity UNITES in PEACE. We DECIDE to break the cycle. Carthage is a missing link, a blind spot in our history, a root of our current WWIII spiritual – financial battle. I hope this understanding can help us to LEARN, to collectively CHOOSE our highest human destiny.
Most of us know nothing about Carthage. The tale of Carthage is the story of a wealthy, organized Phoenician bloodline descended from reptilian Babylonian hybrids who planned to dominate the world, and is still bent on it. Blending into every other religion and culture, they became Roman, Venetian, Jewish, British, Christian, American, Russian, Muslim, and Chinese in every industry and every corner of the world, the Phoenician financial network has infused itself into all bloodlines of the planet with their secret worship of Baal. So that after 2,500 years, most humans alive today possess DNA of Phoenicians, Romans, and Hebrews, as well as many other cultures.
In the 3rd century BCE this great city was destroyed and completely erased by Rome. But the bloodline of Carthage lived on to merge with Romans, Popes, and royalty – their stooges and minions penetrate every inch of our world via secret societies. Sadly, the legacy of war, slavery, human trafficking, child abuse, pedophilia, cruelty, and medical tyranny is widespread in our culture. Yet many are completely unaware that this complex issue is the most important battle of our time. In a very real sense, we are all the descendants of Carthage and Rome. We are all part of this circle of violence. We can CHOOSE to end the brutal legacy, when we clear our own confusion, and work together to eliminate inhumane Satanic practices among us.
- How Did Rome Defeat an Empire Larger and Stronger than the Roman Empire? Fierce competition between major dynasties of the Mediterranean all vying to control the best trading centers and resources. Carthage was Rome’s primary rival, and the Punic Wars hung in balance for centuries. If Carthage had won, the history of the world might have been very different.
- Phoenicians Are Descendants of the Babylonian Empire. They migrated from Babylon, the empire of Queen Semiramis and Nimrod, to settle near the city of Tyre in Canaan, or Lebanon. Later they migrated to all cities of Mediterranean and the world. The Phoenician alphabet is almost identical to Hebrew, and is the root of Roman letters. The biggest cover-up and psy-op in history is the so-called “Lost Tribes of Israel”, which can be traced back before the Bible, before Sumeria, in the ancient history of all religions, the Mahabharata, and the Vedas.
- Carthage Controlled Gold trade with Wealthy African Empires, Amassing Mountains of Gold from Glass Trade Beads. Phoenician glassmakers developed skillful techniques using melted sand, which they exchanged for gold. The beadmaking profession later migrated to Venice, and the island of Murano.
- Phoenicians Worship Baal and Practice Child Sacrifice to Him. Like Canaanites they pray to the Canaanite planetary divinities of Kronos, Saturn, and Baal, Moloch, and Lucifer.
- Consummate Phoenician Warriors on Land and Sea. With seasoned army of North African horsemen and Spanish mercenaries, no one could compete with the Phoenician military might. Hannibal gave Rome a taste of defeat they never forgot.
- Phoenicians and Romans became the New World Order, the UN, the Venetian Black Nobility descended from Anunnaki reptilian rulers. These bloodlines are the secret societies of medical-government monopoly striving for world control through DNA modification, Artificial Intelligence, and trans-humanism. These rulers represent violence, cruelty, and dominion over humanity.
- We’re All Mixed DNA. Who Cares How Many Horny Toad Reptilian Ancestors YOU have? Don’t Blame Others. Get Busy Ending the Multi-Generational Cycle. After thousands of years, the Phoenician-Babylonian DNA bloodline is intermingled so that it is shared by the majority of humans on earth, especially Western countries. This is our shared legacy. Our work is to terminate the cycle of violence, protect our genome, and ascend into the light in freedom.
- Addendum – My Past Life in Carthage. I was a man in the 3rd century BCE, a trader of beads for gold, of mixed Phoenician and Berber heritage.
1. How Did Rome Defeat an Empire Larger and Stronger than the Roman Empire?
2,400 years ago, fierce competition between major dynasties of the Mediterranean meant that Greeks, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and Romans were vying for control of the best territories and resources. Carthage was well on its way to take over the Roman Empire and rule the world. It seems after their capital was burned and destroyed, they quietly did just that. They also migrated to build a new island of Venice out of a swamp. Eventually they married into royal families of Rome, Britain and all of Europe. Is this a comeback? A fitting finale after their bitter defeat in Carthage? Think about it. What bloodlines dominate maritime trade, banking, and all industry today? Are we fighting the same war over again?
Perhaps the most contentious part of this whole debate is the phrase: Damnatio memoriae, which is the Roman practice of literally erasing the memory of rival cultures. Carthage was Rome’s primary rival, and the Punic Wars hung in balance for centuries. If Carthage had won, the history of the world might have been very different.
The Final Battle and Fall of Carthage, a Bloody Fire of Death and Destruction
According to Greek historian Appian of Alexandria (c.95-c.165): At the end of the 3rd Punic War, the last survivors, General Hasdrupal, with women and children hid in a temple, fearing the Roman commander Scipio would annihilate them as he had the rest of the city.
“Thereupon Hasdrubal secretly presented himself to Scipio bearing an olive branch. Scipio commanded him to bow down and sit at his feet and there showed him to the deserters, who were also destined to die. When they saw him, they asked silence, and when it was granted, they heaped all manner of reproaches upon Hasdrubal, then set fire to the temple and were consumed in the flames.
It is said that as the fire was lighted the wife of Hasdrubal, in full view of Scipio, arrayed in the best attire possible under such circumstances, and with her children by her side, said in Scipio’s hearing, “For you, Roman, the gods have no cause of indignation, since you exercise the right of war. Upon this Hasdrubal, betrayer of his country and her temples, of me and his children, may the gods of Carthagetake vengeance, and you be their instrument.”
Then turning to her husband Hasdrubal, “Wretch,” she exclaimed, “traitor, most effeminate of men, this fire will entomb me and my children. Will you, the leader of great Carthage, decorate a Roman triumph? Ah, what punishment will you not receive from him at whose feet you are now sitting.”
Having reproached him thus, she slew her children, flung them into the fire, and plunged in after them. Such, they say, was the death of the wife of Hasdrubal, which would have been more becoming to himself.”
2. Phoenicians Are Descendants of the Babylonian Empire
They migrated from Babylon, the empire of Queen Semiramis and Nimrod, to settle near the city of Tyre in Canaan, or Lebanon. Later they migrated to all cities of Mediterranean and the world. Descended from the hybrid Anunnaki Babylonian Kings, the Phoenician maritime empire grew so powerful that they threatened Rome. How did this happen?
In the 8th century BCE Canaan traders from Tyre (modern-day Lebanon) founded Carthage as an important trading city in the Mediterranean. Many centuries earlier this bloodline was said to have migrated West from Babylon in the Persian empire after a devastating earthquake. These were the descendants of the Babylonians, the reptilian Queen Semiramis and the hybrid god-King Nimrod. A recent research team mapped the genome of a 2,500-year-old Phoenician grave, showing that Phoenicians were white-skinned Caucasian-Babylonians that had come from Canaan, and mixed with maternal genetics of Spain.
Canaanites became skilled in shipbuilding, commerce, and glass trade beads. Although the capital city of Tyre was besieged and conquered by Alexander the Great, the city of Carthage remained free. Eventually the empire of Carthage expanded into North Africa and Spain. It was more powerful than the Roman Empire, especially in sea battles. The great warrior Hannibal challenged Rome with a taste of possible defeat, and their response was the brutal Punic wars. For 118 years, Rome besieged and attacked Carthage with full force until they they had killed or enslaved every Carthaginian. At the end of the war in 146 BCE it is said they sowed the land with salt so that nothing could ever grow there again.
In the Middle-East the Edomites descendants of Esau later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars – who are the present occupants of Israel. Many of the Canaanites eventually adopted the name “Sepharvaim”, the Sephardic Jews. After the defeat of the Phoenician empire in Carthage and Spain, the survivors eventually built the maritime city of Venice out of a desolate swamp. Maybe that’s why the Venetian dialect is unique in Italy, and the words are closer to Spanish than to Italian.
The Phoenicians found their way to the Adriatic coast and became known as Venetians. By marrying into European royalty, the “black nobility” or “aristocrazia nera” was born. Today the Venetian lineage controls the US Federal Reserve, the medical industry, world politics, shipping industry, and most of the banks of the world.
The so-called “Lost Tribes” migration theory of Hebrew and Phoenician bloodlines, can be traced back many thousands of years long before Sumeria and the Bible, in ancient history of all cultures of the world including the Mahabharata and the Vedas. The actual reality has been so manipulated, we may never know the truth. Indeed, this is the biggest cover-up psy-op in human history, since ancient Babylonians, Phoenicians, and Jews all lived together in the same areas and shared language characteristics. However, the extent of reptilian blood varied. Perhaps this may be a factor in the inherited determination to brutally rule over humanity.
The Phoenician-Venetian Black Nobility are the core and foundation of the global crime syndicate. They are the owners and controllers of the Vatican, Holy See, Society of Jesus, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Italian Mafia. They are the centralized group within the royal and noble families of Europe, and they are married in with most European royalty. The Black Nobility are the rulers of the former Papal States, and they work closely with the other Italian noble families. They manage the European Monarchies as branches of their corporatized Roman empire.
The Phoenicians built the city of Venice in the 7th century CE. Although in Greek, the real name is Fenicia, meaning Phoenix, the fire bird who rises out of the flames. The word “Phoenix” or φοίνιξ means the color “Purple”.
That’s because Tyrian purple dye was made by the Phoenicians, particularly those of Carthage and Tyre. The dye produced a striking color ranging from lush purple to deep crimson and would not fade in the sunlight. For some reason it was so exorbitantly high-priced, that the dye itself was worth more than its weight in gold! “Twelve thousand snails of Murex brandaris yielded no more than 1.4 grams of pure dye, enough to color only the trim of single garment”. Garments made with the purple cloth could be worn only by kings, queens, and their families. Any non-royal person wearing this color could be punished or disdained.
The Empire of Carthage stretched across North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Cyprus, Malta, and many other Mediterranean islands. They even sought out remote trading opportunities, such as Himilco’s voyage to Britain around 450 BCE and Hanno’s voyage down Africa’s Atlantic coast around 425 BCE.
The new territories generated enormous wealth, especially in mining precious metals, gold and silver from conquered regions.
Phoenician glassmaking and trade beads were renowned worldwide, and they were often used as money. Phoenicians traded beads in exchange for gold with African kingdoms. That’s a very good deal, when you think about it! Beads are made of sand! Glass making means you melt sand and shape it into beads. Their skills became highly refined in Venice and on the nearby island of Murano.
The Phoenician language was a Canaanite Semitic language originally spoken in Tyre, and became a lingua franca throughout the Mediterranean. The Phoenician alphabet is the root of our Roman letters. In fact, it seems Egyptian Hieroglyphs were the origin of the Hebrew, Canaanite, Phoenician, Greek, and Latin letters.
Watch this amazing video on PBS by Orly Goldwasser, Egyptologist:
How Egyptian Hieroglyphs Influenced Modern Alphabets: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/egyptian-hieroglyphs-modern-alphabets/
According to Dr. Orly Goldwasser, Egyptologist, the Canaanites took the hieroglyphs that were meaningful for them. For example they saw the hieroglyph for head of the bull. They could immediately relate to it because this was the head of their own god Baal. They would make the letter much simpler, just a couple of strokes of the brush. Scribes in Phoenicia adopted this drawing of the bull. Later still, Romans turned it upside down and created the Latin letter “A”. So what we have is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph of the bull, interpreted through many cultures, sleeping forever in the letter A, because this is just the bull turned on his horns.
Almost all the letters of the Latin alphabet are ultimately derived from the hieroglyphs that the Canaanites of Serabit chose to represent the sounds of their tongue. Although Roman elites ridiculed Phoenicians for their strange accent in speaking Latin. Yet the diagram shows clearly how Phoenician roots are the root of Latin and all Western alphabets.
3. Carthage Controlled Gold Trade with Wealthy African Empires, Amassing Mountains of Gold from Glass Trade Beads.
The Carthaginians were highly successful traders of gold, silver, tin, glass beads, food, slaves, high-quality cloths and gold jewelry. They developed a reputation for mercantile prowess and ability to sell anything to anyone, but always at a price. Phoenician glassmakers developed skillful techniques using melted sand, which they exchanged for gold. The bead making profession later migrated to Venice, Murano, and the world.

3rd or 4th century BCE Carthage Gold Coin
How Many Tons of Gold Did Carthage Have?
No one knows the contents of the Carthage Gold vaults. Picture it for yourself. Carthage trade was always in gold. Carthage imported gold from West Africa by sea as well as overland trade routes through the desert. Much trading happened in Africa and on the Iberian Peninsula of Spain, an important resource of gold and silver mines.
Carthage mariners exchanged gold and trade beads through the African Sahara and across the sea, until they had amassed the largest depository of gold in the world.
The trade of gold in West Africa goes back to antiquity with one of the earliest examples being the voyage of the Carthaginian explorer Hanno in the 5th century BCE. Thus, West African gold found its way northwards into Europe and Mediterranean cultures for the first time.
How did they trade GOLD without language?
In the fifth century BCE, Greek historian Herodotus told how Carthaginians traded in gold with African people on the coast and inland trade routes via the Sahara to Timbuktu.
“The Carthaginians unload their wares and arrange them on the beach; then they re-board their boats and light a smoky fire. When the native inhabitants see the smoke, they come to the shore and, after setting out gold in exchange for the goods, they withdraw. The Carthaginians disembark and examine what the natives have left there, and if the gold appears to them a worthy price for their wares, they take it with them and depart; if not, they get back on their boats and sit down to wait while the natives approach again and set out more gold, until they satisfy the Carthaginians that the amount is sufficient. Neither side tries to wrong the other, for the Carthaginians do not touch the gold until it equals the value of their goods, nor do the natives touch the goods until the Carthaginians have taken away the gold.
4. Phoenicians Worship Baal and Practice Child Sacrifice to Him
For millenniums, Christianity was an unknown concept. Countless pan-theistic religions existed side-by-side, worshipping many Gods, each city-state having its own deity. There was El in Ugarit, Dagon in Arvad, the Lady of Byblos in Byblos, Eshmun in Sidon, Melkart in Tyre, Zeus in Greece, Serapis the Sun God in Alexandria, Baal in Canaan and Carthage, including many more.
As cultures met through friendship and conquest, often new gods were absorbed into their pantheon. The result was a blend of religious thought and animism in the Middle East so that a tree, a stone, a fish, a bird, a person, or an idea could take on a religious meaning. People from Judaea called themselves “Jews”, regardless of religion, as all these cultures were quite a melting pot. Phoenicians once came from tyre in Canaan, just a short distance up the coast. Long before the terms “Christian” or “Jew” were known, Phoenicians settled along the Mediterranean coast, Egypt, the Holy Land, North Africa, Spain, the British Isles, and even the Americas. It was much later, in 310 CE, 450 years after the fall of Carthage, that Roman Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity the state religion of the Empire, effectively outlawing all other religions as “Pagan”.
Archeological excavations show that Carthage offered lavish sacrifices at ceremonies. The sacrifice of children has been well documented by researchers, and large number of graves found with cremated remains of children with glass beads.
The largest child graveyard in Carthage is the Tophet, and indeed is the largest cemetery of sacrificed humans ever discovered. Child sacrifice took place there almost continuously for a period of nearly 600 years. Although the exact boundaries of the cemetery are unknown as modern villas have been constructed over part of the ancient site, it is estimated the size of the Carthaginian Tophet during the fourth and probably the third centuries B.C. to be at the minimum, between 54,000 and 64,000 square feet. Using the density of urns in our excavated area as a standard, as many as 20,000 urns may have been deposited there between 400 and 200. (Child Sacrifice at Carthage: Source: Religious Rite or Population Control? Biblical Archaeology Review, https://www.academia.edu/2298111/Child_Sacrifice_at_Carthage_Religious_Rite_or_Population_Control._Biblical_Archaeology_Review_10_1_1984_30-%2051_with_Lawrence_E._Stager_

Carthage child sacrifice graves excavated by French researchers.
The Punic religion of Phoenicians in Carthage was a form of the Sabaeism (worship of heavenly bodies) similar to Canaan people in the East. They worshiped the divinities of Kronos or Saturn, generally identified with Moloch of the Canaanites, and sometimes with Baal. Some refer to this god as the planet Saturn, the most malevolent of all gods. To Baal they prayed in the event of difficulties, offering sacrifices of captives taken in war, children, and sometimes even the beloved children of the highest nobility.
Who was Baal?
Baal was an ancient Canaanite deity of agriculture. Baal means “lord” or “master”. The Canaanites believed Baal was the power of nature, principal deity of the land, superseded only by his father, El. In the 10th century BCE, the Babylonian Baal apparently became Bel Marduk. This may be Noah’s great grandson Nimrod, the ancient king who founded Babylon and built the great white Tower of Babel, the temple of Ziggurat. He was worshipped as the god of war. Baal’s other name was Moloch, meaning “king” in Hebrew מלך “melek”. Moloch went by other names such as Ba’al, Apis Bull, Golden Calf, Chemosh, and was widely worshipped in Egyptian, Jewish, Canaanite, Phoenician, and Punic cultures, pictured as a man with the head of a bull.
In the 6th century BCE, the Hebrew word “Ha-satan” meant a general opposition to God. This word became “Satan”, and was later translated into Greek as “Diabolos” or the “Devil”. But the reality is much deeper. The fallen angel of Lucifer is the human being who fails to follow the true light within, and instead looks outside for answers to the great question os ascension and enlightenment. That’s why Satan, the true prince of darkness representing physical flesh and free will would control you if you do not look within to the true light. Control of the mind means the control of the spirit as well as the flesh. These worlds mirror each other, so that the great Laws of Nature “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW” also applies to “AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT”.
Evidence of Human Sacrifice
French-led excavations at Carthage in 1921 and 1923 uncovered a large quantity of urns containing a bones of animals and children sacrificed. In a single child cemetery called the Tophet by archaeologists, an estimated 20,000 urns were deposited each containing the body of a child. In a paper published in the journal “Antiquity,” Dr. Josephine Quinn of Oxford University’s Faculty of Classics and author wrote: “It’s becoming increasingly clear that the stories about Carthaginian human sacrifices are true.” Every important ceremony was accompanied by a sacrifice, an offering of something precious and true.
For example, Greek historian Polybius (208-125 BCE) wrote that Hannibal’s father invited him to join an expedition to Spain in BCE 257 when the boy was nine years old. Hannibal eagerly accepted, but before he was allowed to join, his father “took Hannibal by the hand and led him to the altar. There he commanded Hannibal to lay his hand on the body of the sacrificial victim and to swear that he would never be a friend to Rome” (3:11). Hannibal took the vow gladly – and never forgot it. This is an example of the power of a ceremony that can influence our innermost intent, and even world events.
In 97 BCE. Roman Emperor Pliny the Elder abolished child sacrifice by a senatorial decree. Although the Romans officially called human sacrifice barbaric, there is ample evidence that Roman authorities often looked the other way when child sacrifice was practiced in the empire.
5. Consummate Phoenician Warriors on Land and Sea
With a seasoned army of North African horsemen and Spanish mercenaries, no one in the world could compete with the Phoenician military might. Hannibal gave Rome a taste of defeat they never forgot, and the Punic Wars were a turning point in world history.
At the height of the Phoenician empire, Carthage possessed a larger in area, more gold than Rome, and dominated the Mediterranean on land and sea. At its peak, Carthage had all of Lebanon, Syria, North Africa, the Mediterranean islands, Crete, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, and Spain. Shipbuilding skills from their mother country in Canaan led to supreme sea power of the Carthaginians.
The army of Carthage was comprised of seasoned veterans of war, Numibian horsemen, Berber fighters, and Spanish mercenaries. They sent recruiters through surrounding territories to amass an enormous army. Many of the soldiers came for the spoils of war, to experience the exultation of victory and riches from the spoils of any city. The rules of engagement were simply that after a city was defeated, and the gold secured by the victors, the soldiers were allowed a few days to take anything they wanted, women, children, gold, artifacts.
Hannibal Invades Rome via the Alps with Elephants
Phoenician military leaders were white Carthageans, trained in all the strategies of battle on land and sea. One of the greatest military minds of history was Hannibal Barca, who had vowed to destroy Rome. In his infamous invasion of 216 BCE, Hannibal crossed the Alps from Spain into Italy and was slowly encroaching further into the Roman sphere of influence. Hannibal had beaten most of the Roman generals in head-on combat with his superior cavalry (horses, mostly Numidian riders from Africa) and hardened infantry. But Hannibal was outnumbered with only 50,000 soldiers compared to Roman 86,000. Phoenician warriors were hardened veterans, while the armies of Rome at the time were young inexperienced recruits and slaves.
Just when the Phoenician position looked hopelessly trapped, Hannibal had his men tie torches to the horns of oxen, and set the horde of cattle stampeding towards the river by night. Roman saw a giant slithering line of torches and a huge cloud of dust charging towards the river and assumed Hannibal had decided to escape. The Romans on high ground charged down the mountain towards the river, at which point Hannibal’s men slipped behind them and sidestepped Roman forces to push deeper into Italy.
In the famous Battle of Cannae, the strategy was over, but the slaughter had just begun. In the bloody face-off, Hannibal lost 6,000 men, but the Romans lost upwards of 70,000. The Roman senate was stunned by the loss, and generals for all of history since have tried to replicate the tactic. This gave Hannibal a monumental and brutally efficient victory. Despite the terrible loss of men and equipment, after a second massive defeat later that same year at Silva Litana, the Romans refused to surrender to Hannibal. His offer to ransom survivors was brusquely refused. Hannibal requested reinforcements from Carthage but was refused. The Romans continued to fight Carthage for 14 more years until a victorious Battle of Zama. And the Punic Wars continued until Romans finally destroyed Carthage in 149 BCE, and burned it to the ground.
World-Class Warships in Carthage Used Assembly-line Construction System
Phoenicians excelled not only in navigating and seamanship, but also the quality of ships. To produce their large navy, ships were built using mass-produced pieces marked with numbers for ease of assembly. They used oak, fir, and pine wood. According to the ancient historian Polybius, Carthage had a fleet of 350 warships in 256 BCE.

Phoenician Warship with Bronze Ram to Pierce and Sink Enemy Vessels
The Naval fleet of Carthage was fueled by sail and oars. The ships were designed to ram enemy vessels with a bronze ram mounted on the prow at the front just below the waterline. Other Phoenician ships were built for long distance trading. Romans knew nothing of sailing, and they had to copy Carthaginian warships to build their own navy, which greatly assisted them in the final battles of the Punic War.
6. Phoenicians are the Modern New World Order, the UN, as the Venetian Black Nobility Descended from Anunnaki Reptilian rulers.
The Babylonian and Canaanite people have much in common with Venetians. Too many coincidences and similarities indicate the world’s elite are the true modern descendants of the Phoenician empire. Compare their maritime prowess, shared bloodline of the Anunnaki, shipbuilding expertise, trading and mercantile smarts, determination to rule the world, destiny of power. In government, Venetians preferred oligarchical rulership by a small circle of wealthy families, with a corporate system of collective investment banking, and called it the “Venetian Republic”.
More similarities Phoenicians and Venetians. They both used a network of relatives trading in coastal cities like Rome, Constantinople, London, and Amsterdam. Was it one of their central imperatives to sustain the lineage of power? They located their cities at the intersection points of important trade routes, and displayed impressive maritime skills.
Turning Points:
It seems around AD 1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps: the Ghibellines of the Hohenstaufen family, and the Black Guelphs, or Black Nobility, who supported William III of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England. This eventually resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which would rule the world from the 17th century.
All coup d’états, revolutions, and wars in the 19th and 20th centuries are centered in the battle of the Black Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the New World Order. Many banks are in the Committee of 300 network.
In the secret 1822 Treaty of Verona (between Austria, France, Prussia and Russia) the Jesuits agreed to smash the US Constitution and suppress the freedom of the US through destroying free speech, destroying and suppressing the press, universal censorship, and wars. Although the monarchs who signed this treaty were ultimately deposed these families may be more powerful today than when they sat upon thrones. Known collectively as the Black Nobility, or Aristocrazia Nera, in private, these families refuse to recognize any right to rule except their own.

The “Papal” Bloodline Families are none other than the “Phoenician” “Canaanite” Bloodlines.
In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco and Libya (HASSAN Family) together with the Royal British family. They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Eliminate The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ (DRUZE). Six years later they merged with Skull and Bones Society of Yale.
George H.W. Bush Sr. graduate of Yale Skull and Bones is a distant cousin of the Queen of England, of the Black Guelph Nobility which traces its power back 5,000 years. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands created a group that became known as the Bilderbergers, an important force for the “New World Order.” Believe it or not, Adolph Hitler’s second book was titled “The New World Order.” His dream and that of his predecessors the “Kaisers”, a German translation of “Caesars” – was the revival of the Roman empire, which had been infiltrated by the Phoenicians, who became the Roman rulers.
The Jesuits behind the New World Order love to hide behind a frontman, a boogie man scapegoat to blame for criminal behavior of the Jesuits. So, they put puppet clowns like the Rockefellers (Ashkenazi Khazarian bloodline) in the public, so people won’t know who is actually pulling the strings of the world. The Jesuits either directly or through their other puppet secret society’s (e.g. Freemasonry) or puppet government agents have eliminated many honest leaders and continue to do so anytime they want.

Artificial Intelligence represents the final last-ditch effort by Phoenicians to rule the world. AI lacks the emotional imperfections of humans, and has no human empathy. AI may one day control all humanity.
It was the Jesuits who killed Christ’s Druze bloodline descendants Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy JFK because these presidents and their bloodline stood against the Jesuit agenda. John F. Kennedy expected their shooting in Dallas and had to fake his death with the use of a double.
To describe the current situation, we now have a medical-government monopoly striving for world control through DNA modification, Artificial Intelligence, and transhumanism, via the unholy alliance of Chinese, Catholic, Society of Jesus, Fascist, Nazi, Zionist, Illuminati, Club of Rome, Vatican, Freemason, Jesuits all controlled by the Papal bloodlines of Carthage. They are all to be removed. The war between Dark and Light is the war between Satan and God. Between the reptilian bloodline of Satan and the human bloodline of Jesus. Each person has a role to play. Source: https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism
7. We’re All Mixed DNA. Who Cares How Many Horny Toad Reptilian Ancestors YOU have! Don’t Blame Others. Just Get Busy Ending the Multi-Generational Cycle of Violence and War.
A Legacy of Violence and Suppression by Rulers
Most of the ancient rulers, royalty, and reptilian descendants represent a long tradition of violence, cruelty, and dominion. After thousands of years, the Phoenician-Babylonian DNA genome is so intermixed so that it is shared by the majority of humans on earth, especially in the West. This is our common legacy. Our work is to terminate the cycle of violence, protect our genome, and live in freedom.
How Many Ancestors Did you have in Rome or Carthage? We’re All One Big Family, even the Royals!
We each have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents, 1,024 2,048 4,092 8,184 16,368. Fifteen generations ago 32,736 great, great….. grandparents. Counting back, every generation twice as many ancestors as the generation of descendants.
Given 25 years per generation, 40 generations occur in 1000 years, 80 generations in 2,000 years. We each have one trillion ancestors in the last 1000 years, and double that every 25 years more. Millions and billions, trillions…We have more ancestors than there are stars in the heavens, more than the number of humans in all of time.
We all share the same ancestors! Go back far enough, and AI analysis can tell you that you and I possess the DNA of nearly every culture on the planet!
8. Addendum – My Past Life in Carthage
As it happens, I remember a past life in Carthage. I was a man of mixed blood, part Canaan and part Berber. I was a merchant and traveled by ship to Africa to trade beads for gold. I was comfortable but not wealthy. I was married and had three children who grew up to follow in my footsteps. We were all traders, part of a fleet of ships that went around the Mediterranean and Africa. I grew up in the countryside near Carthage where my parents had vineyards and animals. I lived in the 3rd century BCE, so it seems I missed the siege and burning of the city. I was not a warrior. I lived to 45 years of age and I died in a brawl with a few other traders in the city, some kind of an argument about ownership. So I was gone before the big siege of Carthage. However my children were there and most of them died in the fires. I was slender, olive skinned, and strong. We all spoke Phoenician. I had no education and could not read, but I was skilled at counting. I loved to make new friends and always treated our trading friends with respect. I loved sailing and lived on the ships for months at a time, bringing back large quantities of gold. I was in awe of our rulers, light-skinned, and fixated on wealth. I feared them and I would never cross them. My expeditions were sponsored by our rulers, who owned the ships. I brought the gold back to them, and they gave me my part. I did not engage in human or child sacrifice, which was an activity of the high elite families. Rome was seen as a newcomer on the Mediterranean scene, and we all hated Romans. We had many temples to different gods. My god was Serapis the Sun God.
It appears that the top rulers of Carthage and most of the Senate escaped the final destruction. They had tucked away with much of the gold of the empire.

The Ruins of Carthage Now.
Thanks for joining!
Srijana, aka Jane Barthelemy is a medical intuitive, author, and healer. She has practiced Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over five decades, residing in the Rudrananda Ashram in the USA for 35 years. She practices craniosacral therapy, Acunect, and BodyTalk – an infusion of intuitive Chinese, and Ayurvedic wisdom. She is trained in Qigong, Taichi, Daoist sexuality, and Kundalini activation. Her medical Qigong training is with Mantak Chia, Khamto Lee, Daniel Villasenor, Zhongxian Wu, Dr. Ka’imi Pilipovich, Franco Mescola, Richard Leirer, and Lam Kam Chueng. She has her BS in Italian Opera and MBA in financial management. Her two paradigm-changing cookbooks show how to build health with unprocessed foods. Her upcoming books include: “Heal Your Past Lives”, and “Buddha Speaks – Channeled Passages from the Master”. She is on the faculty of NewEarth University and LearnDesk. Her websites are FiveSeasonsMedicine.com and JanesHealthyKitchen.com. Srijana lives in Bali with her Bhutanese husband, Lama D.
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