How NOT to Surf the Web – Tips for Survival in the Cyber Jungle

The link between human DNA and the digital world is heating up. Today our 3D movie is all about the election, AI expansion, our Sun’s activity, and the Wireless Body Area Network WBAN which now links humans and our microbiome to electronic media devices via self-assembled nano bots. Yes, the biological body network is ALIVE.  If you got the vax, then you have a new inner friend – your MAC address, an 8-digit self-assembled tracking device in your blood. It’s not a chip. It’s BETTER than a chip. Find out how to test it below. On the other end of…

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Ten Messiahs of Judaea

Which Messiah was the true Yeshua who seeded Christ Consciousness in the world? This article traces 10 so-called Messiahs. Which of these stories are real? I don’t know. I DO know that the Roman church embraced Christ some 400 years after his crucifixion. By recognizing this great spiritual being, they kindled a fire in our hearts, an unstoppable force of truth and love that is powerful enough to awaken the world. Perhaps the Roman church unwittingly planted the seeds of its own destruction in modern times. Who knows? Today this unquenchable wave of global love has nothing to do with…

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The Culprit in Bone Disease is Sugars and Refined Carbs (are we surprised?)

Millions of people suffer from bone ailments like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. What’s the main culprit?  Yep. Acidic body ph and high blood sugar – which cause calcium loss and bone disease. Sugar and refined carbs are the #1 contributor to body acidity, which increases the risk for all disease. This article explains the specific link between sugars, body acidity, and bone maladies. Arthritis affects 1 in 5 adults. Bone loss, or osteoporosis affects approximately 54 million Americans. Studies show that both these bone diseases are directly linked to chronic acidic body pH.  That’s caused by mainly SUGAR. This article highlights the…

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The Four Harmonious Friends, Buddha’s Lesson for Modern Times

2,600 years ago the Buddha told this story as a lesson in cooperation and respect, after some of his students showed disrespect for the wise Śāriputra, senior disciple of the lineage. Several hundred years later, monks transcribed it onto palm leaves in the Pali language, and many paintings have been made about it. Now the story is a classic legend loved by all people. The image displayed in temples and public places of Bhutan as a blessing to help people remember.  The Story of the Four Harmonious Friends:  Long Ago in the jungles of Asia, all the animals lived like brothers…

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Hidden Saying of Jesus Christ: The Advanced Spiritual Teachings

What did Jesus Christ really say? What sayings reveal the true teachings of Jesus Christ and his deep spiritual practices? Many of his quotes do not appear in the Bible. Recently discovered lost manuscripts reveal there is more to learn about him. Jesus Christ’s newly discovered sayings sometimes seem esoteric and other-worldly. He often spoke in parables, multiple meanings, and metaphors that might be unintelligible to many. For example, “He that has ears, let him hear.” is an invitation to those followers who have some higher understanding to listen carefully. Spiritual wisdom and multi-dimensional meanings are perilous to translate into…

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Sunlight vs. Blue Light – New Science to Reverse Chronic Disease

If you haven’t yet heard about Dr. Jack Kruse, you’re in for a big surprise. Brilliant neurosurgeon, longevity expert, and mitochondrial guru with vast experience, Jack Kruse sports 90 years but looks only 55. Dr. Jack explains the science of how light affects our biology; and he is decades, possibly even centuries ahead of his time. He does his podcasts in shorts, stripped to the waist, in his home which has no walls, allowing copious direct and indirect sunlight to penetrate his skin mitochondria. Jack’s “science” is not straight-line linear one-dimensional thinking; instead it reflects the intricate cellular complexity found…

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Who Was Christ? Traveler from Thiaoouba?

What really happened 2,000 years ago?  The Bible story of Jesus Christ contains much truth. However there is more. Behind the scenes, hidden hands are said to have orchestrated his arrival on Earth, his miracles, and his martyrdom, in order to inspire humanity’s spiritual path. The book Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel DesMarquet clarifies practically all myths and mysteries on Earth and reveals clear logic, beauty and majesty of the Universe, in which everyone of us has important role to play.  Takeaway:  The Thiaoouban’s Story of Jesus Christ:    Higher beings from the 9th level planet Thiaoouba noticed humans were falling from God, focused…

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The First GREAT RESET: Rome Creates a New God

In 4th century Rome, Emperor Constantine faced uncountable challenges. By this time, 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Roman empire encompassed hundreds of diverse cultures across three continents. There were problems in every zone. Local religious leaders rejected Roman rule. People refused to register property for taxes. Rebellions and terrorist events depleted his ranks of soldiers. How could he keep the lid on troubles? How could he collect taxes in a territory spanning all of Europe, Middle East, and North Africa? How could he control chaotic rebellion in all territories at the same time? Even worse, Constantine’s political…

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The HEART is the Center of the MIND in Chinese Medicine

In the West we believe our THOUGHTS come from the brain.  We think the MIND INTELLIGENCE is poised somewhere inside the BRAIN. Ha Ha! However, maybe this is untrue. (Where do your thoughts come from anyway?) Chinese medicine holds that the MIND resides in the HEART. The Huangdi Neijing, the Yellow Emperor’s earliest book of Chinese Medicine from 4.500 years ago clearly states: “The heart is the emperor of all organs, even of the brain. The heart stores Spirit or Shen, therefore it is the center of the mind and consciousness.”  Takeaway:  The HEART is the emperor of all organs,…

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Formula for ASCENSION

Hello dear friends. Can we talk about ASCENSION? We hope to penetrate the layers of consciousness in the magnetosphere. We attempt to make sense of the holograph of this reality. We try to navigate a changing world of duality and stress, where reality shifts infinitely every day, and all of time is one. But ASCENSION means we must release our concepts, all words, and our very selves in the process. Ha Ha!  Fortunately, there is a formula.  Takeaway: We love to measure things, and ASCENSION is no different. PURE HEART WISH. To measure your HEART LEVEL, we can use the…

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