WHY do so many people eat a “healthy” diet yet have high cholesterol? What exactly is cholesterol, anyway? Is it BAD, BAD, BAD like we hear?  Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by every cell of the body. It holds our cell walls firm. In fact, without cholesterol we would be soft and fall apart. One of cholesterol’s roles in the body is to travel to inflamed areas to repair tiny breaks or lesions that irritate tissues, internal or external. For example, cholesterol makes a hard scab on your knee to allow a scrape to heal. Cholesterol is not the…

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Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty – A Frequency Balancing for New Times

This is a Frequency Balancing practice to help you raise your vibration, adapt to new energies, and find your human heart. It’s a 15-minute practice to reset your nervous system, so you can be at ease in in the middle of what seems to be total chaos. We live in a wild world of continually shifting energies. Living in the midst of the storm, every day feels different, because it IS DIFFERENT. Many of the new frequencies you will meet are beneficial. And some are not. What if your ONLY job is to reclaim your inner sovereignty each day and walk your personal…

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Will AI Be the Genesis of our New Earth Reality? DEEPSEEK vs. GOOGLE?

What just happened? DeepSeek, a small upstart AI company in China just upset Google and high tech, offering a BETTER AI research tool for FREE. And it is Open Source, so anyone can copy the code, edit, and recompile into new software, a free gift to the world, including America. As we observe the foundations of our controlled corporate reality crumbling before our eyes, maybe this is a milestone. I downloaded the free app DeepSeek App and used it to research this article. I asked a lot of questions about Google – DeepSeek’s replies are below. Perhaps decentralized Open AI…

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Who Was Christ? Traveler from Thiaoouba?

What really happened 2,000 years ago?  The Bible story of Jesus Christ contains much truth. However there is more. Behind the scenes, hidden hands are said to have orchestrated his arrival on Earth, his miracles, and his martyrdom, in order to inspire humanity’s spiritual path. The book Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel DesMarquet clarifies practically all myths and mysteries on Earth and reveals clear logic, beauty and majesty of the Universe, in which everyone of us has important role to play.  Takeaway:  The Thiaoouban’s Story of Jesus Christ:    Higher beings from the 9th level planet Thiaoouba noticed humans were falling from God, focused…

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Detox & Vitalize Your Body Lymphatics: VIDEO

The best way to optimize your health is to watch the water! Why? Because your body fluids are your key to wellness. Our bodies are 70 – 90% water. So, it’s no surprise that a clean lymphatic system is a top priority for good health. The techniques described below will make you look and feel younger at any age. If you wish to be truly alive and ascend to higher states of consciousness, then these detox tips for a healthy lymph system become even more essential. Your life force is electric. So, you’ll feel more energy and have a stronger…

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We Step Into the NEW EARTH – A Collective Journey to Multi-Dimensional Reality

The entire EARTH is moving into another dimension. In a sense we already have multiple realities existing on the planet. Yes, it seems we can potentially have two completely separate realities, where there is barely any interaction between the two.   THE TAKEAWAY:  We live in a hall of mirrors. Life mirrors back to you exactly what you give it.  The old world is slipping away.  Your destiny is already known. Your unique inimitable fate is etched in your DNA.  Turn to Face the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy.  But I Have Plenty of Reasons to be Angry. …

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3 Big Causes of Rising Disease, 3 Antidotes in Your Kitchen Now

THREE PRIMARY FOODS are the roots of almost all chronic disease. These are the 3 BIG BAD FOODS that kill us. Fortunately, their ANTIDOTES are right in front of us. Today I’m looking for a way to describe whole food nutrition in a few words for all people of the world using pictures and infographics. Let me know your thoughts…  (1) GMO & Seed oils are TOXIC! Sadly, these are the main cooking oils in India and Bhutan. AVOID all Refined Vegetable Seed Oils HIGH in Linoleic Acid: Avoid Vegetable Oils, Refined, Corn, Soy, Canola, Margarine, Safflower, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Commercial Olive…

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Suggested Bedtime Reading: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love to read this book before bed because it calms my mind and uplifts my mood. It confirms that there are Natural laws in the universe that must be followed.  I am delighted to be alive and participate in such a world. I can’t guarantee this book is true, but I believe it is certainly possible. This gives me great hope. Enjoy reading!!    Click here for a free archive e-book of The Thiaoouba Prophecy.  Or get the free PDF here.  Buy it on Amazon here.   I like this book because there are no theories in it. No wishful thinking,…

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So, You Want to Change the World?

A message from the Buddha channeled by Srijana. To change your world, the Master says, is one of the most challenging paths you can choose. His words of advice can inspire all of us to do our own inner work, because it is through our everyday activities and thoughts that we succeed in the path to freedom. To change the world the Buddha says you must first Know yourself and your purpose in life, Observe the struggles of the physical plane, Practice Loving Kindness, Take practical, skillful action without anger or sense of opposition, Be detached and patient, Use courageous confrontation,…

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Now we can move out of numbness and anger forever. Many people have been living in a constant state of Flight-Flight. Our nervous system can become a roller-coaster of constant ups and downs. Continuous tension creates great suffering in the mind, emotions, and body. How wonderful it will be to drain your stress every day! This simple technique allows you to release all stress in the body and mind – for yourself and everybody in the world! Yes! It’s a great way to raise your vibration and enjoy better health. I do this every night before sleeping.    We live…

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