Jim Humble, developer of MMS
What is MMS?
When MMS is taken correctly, the immune system uses it to kill only onlythose specific germs, bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body. MMS does not affect the friendly bacteria in the body nor any of the healthy cells. It is one of the same chemicals that the body’s immune system manufactures to kill pathogens and other harmful microorganisms in the body.
Miracle Mineral Solution destroys poisons and kills parasites and pathogens by oxidation. MMS2 (hypochlorous acid [HOCl]) is the same oxidizer that the human immune system generates to destroy pathogens and poisons.
“CDS (Chlorine Dioxide) is an atomic bomb in the hands of ordinary citizens; with it you can control your health responsibly and independently of the control of doctors, who in turn are all under the control of those who cause us diseases.” – Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD
Anecdotal evidence from thousands of people around the world indicates that there is little doubt MMS1 (chlorine dioxide), and MMS2 (when dissolved in water turns to hypochlorous acid [HOCl]) have the ability to kill pathogens and/or oxidize poisons in the human body. The FDA regulations specify that chlorine dioxide (MMS1) and calcium hypochlorite (MMS2) can be used in public water systems to purify the water, and chlorine dioxide is used to preserve vegetables, meats, and other items. The human body on an average is 60-75% water. It stands to reason that chlorine dioxide can also purify the water in the body just as it does in public water systems. Once the water of the body is purified, and many of the poisons oxidized, the body can then heal the body by itself.
To take or not to take MMS is a personal decision. Each individual must take responsibility for their own health.
In today’s world we are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis
There is hardly any way to escape toxins in our times. I have discovered over the years that many people think they are doing “OK” in the health department. They have no major illness, and no particular health condition to be concerned about that they are aware of. Yet, once they include MMS into their daily routine, they often discover a whole new world of well-being! They find they begin to shed unwanted weight, and their thinking im- proves—brain fog, unclear thinking, and poor concentration go out the door. They have more energy, their skin becomes smoother and takes on a special new glow. In short, a variety of nagging little problems they learned to live with for years vanish. Although they were doing “OK” health-wise, they are now doing all the better! So, you see, MMS offers much more than one might think.
How is MMS Produced?
MMS is produced when a simple substance taken from a mineral is mixed with any one of several food grade acids. When the two are properly combined, it produces MMS1, which is highly effective in eliminating toxins and disease pathogens in the body.
What is the Best MMS Maintenance Dose?
Adults should generally aim to take a maintenance dose of MMS1 approximately 3 times per week. Children, in contrast, should try to take a daily maintenance dose as they’re more likely to be exposed to more (and more diverse) pathogens than adults in their day-to-day life. Elderly people are also advised to take daily doses due to a weaker immune system overall. The tables below can be used to determine the maintenance dose your or your child should be taking based on body weights:
Daily Maintenance Dose – Adults. Weight/Age | Dose |
Adults age 60+ weighing between 100-200 lbs (45-90 kg) | 6 drops daily |
Adults age 60+ weighing over 200 lbs (90+ kg) | 8 drops daily |
Adults less than 60 years weighing between 100-200 lbs (45-90 kg) | 6 drops, 3 times per week |
Adults less than 60 years weighing over 200 lbs (90+ kg) | 8 drops, 3 times per week |
Daily Maintenance Dose – Children | |
Weight/Age | Dose |
Infants weighing 12 lbs or less (5.5 kg or less) | 1 drop daily |
Children between 12-24 lbs (5.5-11 kg) | 2 drops daily |
Children between 25-49 lbs (11-23 kg) | 3 drops daily |
Children between 50-74 lbs (23-34 kg) | 4 drops daily |
Children between 75-100 lbs (34-45 kg) | 5 drops daily |
Children weighing more that 100 lbs (45+ lbs) | 6 drops daily |
What Ailments can be healed with MMS?
In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition in South America, Jim Humble discovered that MMS quickly restored health to victims of malaria. Since that time, it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction, and many others.
See Documentary HERE: The Universal Antidote on Rumble
CLO2 Video of Chemical Purification with Chlorine Dioxide
MMS Effective Against Mucus and Biofilm
Because MMS remains a gas in water, it can penetrate through to the intestinal system reaching the bacteria inside the biofilm. Chlorine Dioxide oxidizes the polysaccharide matrix that maintains the biofilm structure. When biofilm starts to grow again, creating an acidic environment, chloride ions turn into CD which removes the remaining biofilm.
Can MMS Heal Kidney Stones? I don’t know, however this is interesting: Physician Olavi Kajander of the University of Kuopio in Finland first discovered very small “nano bacteria” (also called “biofilm”) in cell cultures. At 200 to 500 nanometers wide, they are one-tenth the diameter of a typical Escherichia coli. He found the nano bacteria present in most cows and some humans. Kajander and clinical microbiologist Neva Çiftçioglu report that they have found cultured nanobacteria from all 30 human kidney stones they examined. Another study showed that nanobacteria might play a fundamental role in the formation of apatite-based kidney stones. Another study concludes: “We propose that kidney stone formation is a nanobacterial disease analogous to common Helicobacter pylori infection and peptic ulcer disease. Both diseases are initiated by bacterial infection and subsequently internal and dietary factors influence their progression.” Source: National Library of Medicine – Nanobacteria: an infectious cause for kidney stone formation, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10571799/)
Hundreds of patents exist for use of chlorine dioxide to cure myriad diseases. Here are just a few:
The MMS protocols have also been used to overcome addictions to alcohol and drugs, such as heroin and others, without side effects, and the list goes on. This is by far not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but according to the results we have seen from around the world, I think it’s safe to say when used properly, MMS has the potential to overcome most diseases known to mankind.
Our Protocol Experiences:
In 2022, we did Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000, working up to 1 drop per hour for 8 hours per day. We felt wonderful and never had any negative reactions.
In 2023, we are doing Andrea Kalcker’s PROTOCOL C:
10 drops per day in 1 liter water, taken through the day 8 – 12 doses.
10 ml of CDS 3000 ppm (or 100 ml of CDS 300 ppm) are added to 1 liter of water, per day.
One part is taken every hour, until the contents of the bottle are finished (8 to 12 doses).
In case of serious illness or danger to life, the dose should be increased, slowly and progressively, in separate doses, taken throughout the day and depending on how you feel, reaching max. 30 ml per liter of water. If it is necessary to drink more, prepare another bottle of water. The dose should be reduced if you feel sick or nauseous. 60 ml should not be exceeded in 12 daily doses (5 ml / h for 100 kg). The duration of the treatment would be the time necessary, until you feel recovered (dose response).
● Protocol C = 10 ml of CDS 3000 ppm in 1 liter of water, for day.
The C protocol is the one used to treat most diseases and also to do a general cleaning of toxins or ‘detox’. It is also A detoxification procedure, probably the most effective known. To date it does not give problems of side effects or unwanted interactions, and it does not usually cause diarrhea when completely absorbed in the stomach. If you are taking other medications, you should keep a safe distance of time, from one to two hours, so that you do not lose the effectiveness of the CDS.
10 ml of CDS 3000 ppm are added to 1 liter of water, per day.
One activated drop of sodium chlorite with the acid is equivalent to approximately 1 ml of CDS
The description above is an excerpt from Jim Humble’s book: Master_Mineral_Solution_3rd_Millennium_2011
For further information, refer to these documents by author Jim Humble.
- Master_Mineral_Solution_3rd_Millennium_2011
- Making MMS in Your Kitchen (an excerpt from #1 above.)
- mms_health_recovery_guidebook_1_october_2016
More Resources
- MIRACLE MINERAL SUPPLEMENT, An Integrated MMS Therapy, by Walter Last
- Heart Disease and Cancer, by Douglas Mulhall, on Nanobacteria and Calcification,
- https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/salud/esp_salud27.htm
- Kidney Stones and MMS – Kidney Stones – 3 Years Now And No Re-Occurrence To Date, https://mmstestimonials.co/kidney-problem/kidney-stones
- Bacteria to Blame for Kidney Stones?, Nanobacteria, https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.281.5374.153a
- https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2.html
- https://alivenhealthy.com/2021/12/22/jim-humbles-daily-mms-maintenance-protocol/