The Secret Calendar Codes, Humanity in the Cycles of Time

Is a cosmic cycle of destiny behind our Earth crisis? The Precession of the Equinoxes is our 25,920-year orbit of the Solar system through the Milky Way. This galactic cycle has been going on for millions, perhaps billions of years, far longer than known history. The journey is said to rule frequency changes on Earth that influence the rise and fall of consciousness and civilization on Earth. Ancient cultures studied this cycle, tracking celestial movement to measure calendars and time.

What is our current position in the Precession of the Equinoxes, the 25,920-year cycle called The Great Year? How does this cycle affect life on Earth? What changes can we expect in our  lifetimes? Although modern scientists call it a ‘wobble’ in the Earth’s rotation, ancient wisdom keepers saw it as evidence of a larger orbit of our solar system within the galaxy. Fasten seatbelts. Written under a penname, Caterina Schiavone (Leonardo DaVinci’s mother), this research challenged my deepest assumptions about TIME. Click to read free pdf.


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