Blue Blood and Human Ascension Rooted in the World Mind

The World Mind is changing. We think very differently from Romans 2,000 years ago. Some say our world has been deeply deranged for millennia. Yes, but from a higher perspective, maybe all is in perfect order. Perhaps CHAOS exists only in my MIND, as a pattern I don’t yet understand. Instead of feeling confused, I can adjust my perspective, to see HARMONY in the BIGGER PICTURE, and guide my own destiny. Yes, maybe it’s time for our core beliefs to change. But wait! Where did these subconscious beliefs originate? Many of our Western beliefs came from pre-Christian biblical times, though…

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The Five Biggest Lies Ever Told to Humanity

If you believe modern deceptions are huge, please think again. Throughout history, even greater lies were quietly inserted into our reality. So gently we never noticed. Most of us accepted the subtle revisions as truth. Until recently. Suddenly human awareness began to rise and explode. We started to question things. We are seeing ourselves as clearly powerful, sovereign, united, and free.  Now that our shared reality is turning strongly to the positive, I’d like to discuss five concepts that hang as heavy weights over humanity. Lies are false ideas that infuse our deepest beliefs and shared world view every day.…

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3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Arteries Sparkling Clean

Heart Disease is the top cause of death worldwide. This is especially critical in the light of medical treatments. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, is entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible. It turns out nutrient deficiency in our modern diet is the first and root cause. Today I’m excited to share the precise medical explanation by Dr. Linus Pauling, 2X Nobel prize winner and biochemist. He brilliantly discovered the specific cure to Heart Disease decades ago, and it is even more relevant today. 3 Simple Ways To Keep Your Arteries Sparkling Clean:  Eat fresh, real foods.  STOP empty foods…

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How Come Our Weekdays are Greek Gods with Norse Names for the 7 Planets of Sumerian God-Kings?

Our week has seven days. But the ancient Incans and the gentle Etruscans used an 8-day week. Uh Oh! Is this another rabbit hole? Yup. Egyptians had a 10-day week. The oldest known 7-day week came from Sumeria, based on the five planets visible with the naked eye, plus the Sun and the Moon. These were also the seven primary Gods: Utu, Nanna, Guga, Enki, Enlil, Ina, and Ninurta. Ever since then, the 7-day week is accepted in most societies on Earth. We should thank the Sumerians!  Executive Summary: Our weekdays come from Sumeria and the seven planets via Babylonian, Greek, and…

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The Gods of Eden, a pdf by William Bramley

I’m sharing with you an important book of Earth history that’s surprisingly accurate. It’s a great relief for me to hear truth, so I can let go of a few outdated beliefs. Knowledge is power. Perhaps it’s time for us to learn what we weren’t taught in school. This book was released in 1989 and is now out of print, so I’m making it available free in pdf. Enjoy!  It seems human history has been an endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonishing intellectual and technological advancements, Man’s progress is still stuck…

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My Everything Antidote: Instant Cacao Spiced Detox Tea!

This uplifting beverage beats coffee hands down! Cacao is a top anti-oxidant that detoxes body chemistry and uplifts the spirit any time of day. It’s an ideal antidote to modern bio-warfare. These days we need to bolster our immunity and resilience more than ever. Pure cacao is your friend, if it contains no sugar. Cacao is a medicine, non- addictive, and has no negative side effects for most people. Chocolate contains a bit of caffeine, but far less than coffee.  When you creatively mix cacao tea with detox spices and supplements – Ooooh! You effectively create your own daily detox…

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Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty – A Frequency Balancing for New Times

This is a Frequency Balancing practice to help you raise your vibration, adapt to new energies, and find your human heart. It’s a 15-minute practice to reset your nervous system, so you can be at ease in in the middle of what seems to be total chaos. We live in a wild world of continually shifting energies. Living in the midst of the storm, every day feels different, because it IS DIFFERENT. Many of the new frequencies you will meet are beneficial. And some are not. What if your ONLY job is to reclaim your inner sovereignty each day and walk your personal…

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Vegetable Oils: The Good, Bad, and the Deadly

For years I suffered unexplainable allergies and brain fog. When I stopped eating refined vegetable oils, my symptoms vanished. Now I eat old-fashioned oils and saturated fats like butter, ghee, coconut oil, and pure unmixed Artisan olive oil (which BTW is getting harder to find). When I eat cheap GMO vegetable oils, my body feels like it “can’t breathe”, as if I have difficulty focusing, my body is gummed up, and the cells can’t release. Now that I read the scientific studies of vegetable oil on the brain, I see that my feeling was “right on”. Until the 1950’s butter…

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White Light Meditation: 4-minute video

Breath, Grounding, and Protection are essential for daily life. Meditation techniques that once took hundreds of years to master can now be assimilated in minutes. Because NOW is the time.  This short version of the White Light Meditation shows you how to infuse healing light into three brain centers: the Amygdala emotions processing area, the Pineal Gland light sensor, and the Confluence of Sinuses near the back of the brain. It shows how to create your personal grounding column to root into Mother Earth, and to connect it up to the cosmos. It also shows how to create a bubble…

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A Bali Traditional New Baby Ceremony!

In Bali, everything is sacred. It is especially important to honor important events and stages in life – from birth to death – with ceremony. Each stage is recognized by the family and community. From the time of conception, a person’s progress is encouraged, blessed, and celebrated in the temple with priests and offerings, including conception, birth, maturity, marriage, and death. A newborn baby will go through eight ceremonies in order to be integrated into the Hindu community.  Bali family traditions originate from Indian ceremonies, and have been modified to include local shamanic practices. Hinduism came to Indonesia around the 2nd century CE…

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