What are the Functions of the Liver Meridian? 

In Chinese Medicine the Liver is like the Prime Minister that coordinates all the activities and organs of your body, something like the orchestra conductor. To do this the Liver has many jobs: it filters, detoxifies, stores blood, and regulates blood volume.  The Liver is responsible for planning, and it oversees our true path in life. The Liver Meridian rules the season of Spring, Rising Emotions, New Projects. The Liver relates to passionate emotions and generates anger as a clearing force to keep things moving and flowing. When anger dissolves, this passionate energy transforms into balanced faith, optimism, and wisdom. …

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Brain Synchronization, the Pineal Gland, and the SOUL

How can brain balancing help us to align to the soul? Brain synchronization and the pineal gland may hold a key to the mysteries of human multidimensional awareness. By balancing both left and right cortices, we utilize our WHOLE BRAIN. When we awaken the pineal as the alchemical sweet spot in the brain center, we merge big-picture awareness on the right with precise logic on the left. This helps to remove discordant layers that block the soul, to make ascension a process as natural as breathing.  The Pineal Gland in the brain center integrates our Qi energy pathways, vertical and…

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What’s GNH? Gross National Happiness, Guiding Philosophy of Bhutan

As the new BRICS gold-backed financial system adds fuel to our global financial restructuring, Bhutan offers a refreshing concept based on Buddhist wisdom. What do we VALUE? Bhutan is a special kingdom with a unique ideology of GNH. Gross National Happiness is a development philosophy rooted in VALUE. In Bhutan GNH attempts to bring about judicious balance between spiritual and economic development. WOW! What a concept! The term GNH was first coined in 1972 by the fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck. He became very popular when he declared to the world: “Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross Domestic Product.”  Bhutan…

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Organs Organ Tubuh Anda – The Organs of Your Body

What are the organs of the body, and which organ is most important for you to protect? Hari ini kita akan berbicara tentang semua organ tubuh. Ketika kita selesai, saya akan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada Anda. Apa organ terpenting Anda untuk dilindungi dan disembuhkan?  BAGAIMANA KEHIDUPAN ANDA DIMULAI?  Langkah 1: Kehidupan dalam Embrio Dimulai dengan Lima Sumber Vital: 1) Roh, 2) Air, 3) Qi-Listrik, 4) Jing-DNA, 5) Darah. Sumber-sumber vital adalah fisik dan spiritual. Langkah 2: Sperma menembus sel telur. BOOM! Hidup dimulai. Sel telur yang telah dibuahi mulai membelah. Pembelahan sel pertama menciptakan saluran spiritual, dan takdir dimulai. Langkah 3:…

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Just Go Barefoot! EARTHING: Fast-Track to Health

When was the last time you walked barefoot on the ground? Can you remember the feeling of sweet-scented grass underfoot, or soft sand squishing up through your toes? ‘Earthing’, also called ‘Grounding’ just means connecting to the Earth’s natural frequency. Earthing is simply the act of being ON the ground, or wearing leather soles, not rubber. It is based on the science that the earth is negatively charged and has an abundant, never-ending supply of negative ions which benefit health.  The Takeaway: Earthing is Spiritual, And it’s FREE! Are our Bodies “Out-of-Sync with the Earth? How Does Electromagnetic Energy Cause…

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6 Langkah Untuk Membersikan Hati

6 Ways to Cleanse the Liver.  Enam Langkah Untuk Membersihkan Organ Hati Hati adalah organ besar dalam tubuh, yang ada di tubuh bagian kanan. Taruh tangan Anda di organ hati sekarang. Hati Anda sangat penting untuk mendetoksifikasi dan menyaring darah Anda. Hati harus bisa menghilangkan racun dan penyakit, untuk membuat Anda tetap hidup. Detoks hati sangat penting karena bisa menjadi (become) salah satu (one of) faktor untuk mengukur berapa lama Anda bisa hidup. Kita hidup di lingkungan (environment) di mana kita terus-menerus (again and again) terpapar (exposed) racun, mikroba, dan energi negatif. Kita bisa lakukan detox organ hati setiap hari,…

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Techniques for Self-Balance Under Duress

How to be calm in a storm. Today I’m offering my three favorite self-balancing tools. I don’t know about you, but some days my moods swing like a pendulum from one extreme to another. The WHY doesn’t even matter. If I’m upset, angry, afraid, or worried, it means I’m off-kilter and cannot be my best self. So, every day BALANCE is PRIORITY # ONE. Perhaps our single-most important responsibility is to be present in the moment to uplift our physical-mental-spiritual frequency. HEALTH is never a mystery of supplements, drugs, or even food. HEALTH is what you create in yourself every…

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Plenty of Reasons to Be Angry – An Urgent Message from the Buddha

A message from Sakyamuni Buddha: “My friends, anger is the one thing to give up,  And you will be assured of freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Those enraged with anger End up in a grueling existence. Those with insight let it go, Never to return to this world again.” Words of the Buddha, Pali Canon, Khuddaka Nikaya, Itivuttaka #4 The Takeaway: What is Anger? Anger Can Make You Sick. Anger Can Be Beneficial. Method to Transform Anger. Heal Anger Once and for All. Angry thoughts, actions, words can never be taken back. 1. What is Anger? Anger…

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Apa penyebab sakit sendi? Bagaimana cara mengobati sakit sendi?

What are causes of stiff joints? How can we heal stiff joints? Apa penyebab sakit sendi? Bagaimana cara mengobati sakit sendi? Apa semua orang punya sakit sendi jika sudah tua? Jawabanya (answer) tidak. Di sini kita melihat gambar putri, Ibu, dan nenek. Apa yang terjadi? Mohon di maklumi. Saya masih belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Mungkin dokter bilang sakit sendi karena umur tua. Tapi itu salah. Dengan makan sehat dan olahraga bisa mengindari sakit sendi.  Apa penyebab sakit sendi? Bagaimana cara mengobati sakit sendi? 1. Penyebab Sakit Sendi #1 adalah sirkulasi getah bening yang buruk, kurangnya hidrasi cairan sel. Lakukan olahraga, minum lebih banyak air, dan pijat…

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High Fiber Foods Keep Your Gut Clean!

Fiber is essential and DELICIOUS! There are so many wonderful ways to do your own healing every day. A healthy intestine improves your blood sugar level, blood pressure, brain cognition, immune system, and oral health, let’s take a look at the BEST and WORST foods for dietary fiber.  What Is Fiber? FIBER is a harmless carbohydrate that cannot be turned into sugar. It usually passes through the body intestinal tract intact. Insoluble Fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, sometimes called roughage or bulk.  High-fiber foods are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, because the cell walls of these foods are thick. For…

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