What is Meditation? Hints from a few great human beings

What does the “M” word mean? It’s time for us to move beyond our collective concept of MEDITATION. Because it is VAST. It is FLUID. It is MULTIDIMENSIONAL. And how it works depends only on YOU, your GOAL, and your PASSION. If your goal is to reduce stress and improve your financial well-being, that’s one thing. However, if your goal is to ascend from the physical world to a different density, that’s something quite different. Your path is unique. So it follows, your best meditation technique will be unique for YOU.  To get to the top of your game, you’ll need…

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Chronic Inflammation – The Way Out of Disease, Zach Bush, MD

This is an inspiring and informative video by Zach Bush with “After Skool”. How has Chemical Farming led to our disease epidemic, and what’s the path to health?  Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large. He is also the founder of Farmers Footprint https://farmersfootprint.us/?, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious…

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Old-Fashioned Bali Fried Rice

Delicious! Did you know that the original ancient rice was a dark red color? This nutrient-dense, low-carb “nasi goreng” was enjoyed in Bali before colonial days. Nowadays it’s all white rice. For me it was an eye-opening discovery that red rice has over 5X more nutrients than white rice. Yikes! That’s because polished rice is stripped of its nutritious outer layer of vitamins and minerals during processing, which makes it white.  Red rice is so filling, you’ll eat less and be more satisfied. Although red rice is more expensive than white rice, it is so rich in nutrition, you won’t…

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Marco Polo Designs: My Past Life as a Glass Jewelry Designer

Stringing beads seemed like an easy job after singing in Italy as opera diva Giovanna Bartolini. I retired from singing in 1994 and soon my jewelry studio Marco Polo Designs grew into a huge success selling in glass galleries, especially the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. I owned this business from 1995 to 2009, when I finally sold it to new buyers in order to follow my next passion – Energy healing!  There have been so many chapters in my life, I can’t even remember. Each one was a cathartic shift in my focus and life purpose, often punctuated by…

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A Traditional Balinese Wedding

If you’ve never been to a WEDDING in Bali, prepare yourself. Balinese marriages are serious business. Once you finish this ceremony, the bond is intended to last many lifetimes. Marriage is considered one of our most important duties, a turning point as two people enter the second phase of their lives. Through marriage, we accept the larger responsibilities of adulthood. We pay our debts to our ancestors by procreating good children. We ensure the continuation of the cultural family lineage.  Hindu weddings are a process with numerous rituals that can take days to traverse. Every custom and practice in a wedding…

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My 1-Minute Turmeric Shot!

When I need an instant energy boost, I stir together this tasty mixture. These 4 ingredients in combination are SO uplifting! Mix together in a glass:  6 oz hot water,  1 teaspoon turmeric powder,  1 teaspoon ginger powder,  1/2 teaspoon black pepper,  1 teaspoon honey,  Stir and enjoy!  Turmeric just might be the most powerful herb on the planet for building a strong immune system. Turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin are the main spice in Indian curries. The health benefits of turmeric are incredibly vast and very thoroughly researched. Here a just a few: Reduces the risk of blood…

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My Past Life as an Opera Diva

My stage name in Italy was Giovanna Bartolini. It was an intense period of time from 1985 to 1994, feels like a past life as an opera diva in Italy. This was a time of exploring the passions of being human,  an adventure in destiny. I dug up here the last remaining photos and a playlist of my eight favorite arias. Enjoy the video playlist below.      My opera chapter was a 15-year total immersion experience. After living in the meditation institute for 20 years, my voice was discovered, and I moved to New York City to study with…

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Falun Gong Practice & Universal Harmony with Master Li Hongzhi

Master Li Hongzhi is the brilliant founder and leader of Falun Gong. Why then, is this spiritual master on the “MOST WANTED” list of the Chinese CCP? The practice of Falun Gong teaches the Qi energy currents and fluids of the body to cycle and move in harmony with the universe, in order to promote balanced health. Once this flow is established in the meridians, then it is possible for a person to work, to study, and to have a family all at the same time. (Like, you know, a “normal” life in the modern world.) Wow! That’s amazing! I believe…

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Quick Takeaway Is your body pH Alkaline or Acidic? Alkaline feels healthy. Acidic feels tired and stressed. How long do you plan to live?  Your body pH determines your chances of getting sick. With an alkaline pH you can most likely skip diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. We can control our body pH. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cucumber, and green beans. In short, fresh vegetables are usually very alkaline. See the list below. Acidic foods shorten your life like sugar, processed flour, pizza, alcohol, and junk food. How to Measure your pH? Use a pH strip in your mouth and…

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Time-Restricted Eating for Weight Loss & Anti-Aging

Did you know the best way to detox the body and get rid of spike proteins is through Time-Restricted-Eating? We already know WHAT you eat is important. WHEN you eat is equally important for health. Also called “Intermittent Fasting”, it boosts immunity and allows the body to detox naturally. The modern lifestyle accumulates toxins. But detox is not a complicated process. The body naturally gets rid of debris and spike proteins through a process called autophagy. The cell places unwanted material into a “garbage capsule” so it can expel it. Time-restricted-eating is not difficult to do. And it’s FREE!  When we…

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