Here are a few of our favorite meditations. We teach a variety of meditation techniques including White Light, Stilling the Mind, Opening the Heart, Cultivating a deep wish, Observing thoughts, Healing the Body, and Removing Obstacles. We practice chanting and visualizations for specific purposes to refine the human system, build virtue, clear darkness, and to harmonize with the real world on a path to ascension and enlightenment. Enjoy!
Earth Sky Meditation

Hello friends. It is time to be quiet and recalibrate. This meditation is as old as humanity. Yet it is just as important today as it was thousands of years ago. It came from Swami Sri Yukteswar, the guru of Yogananda, via Drunvalo Melchizedek. It is a meditation with form, direction and a purpose to allow an ordinary person to consciously experience the presence of God. God is always present everywhere, but often as humans we forget. This meditation lets us remember. Find a quiet place and sit comfortably, on the Earth itself if possible, and close your eyes. Begin…