Christ Buddha Sayings: Two Masters Speak the Same Words

Two great masters unify all of Eastern and Western wisdom. Although they lived in different centuries and different parts of the world, they spoke the same meanings! What are the Identical Sayings of Jesus Christ and the Buddha?  These powerful quotes are sourced from the King James Bible, Lost Gospels of the Bible, the Buddhist Pali Canon, and the Tibetan Kangyur authentic words of the Buddha. Jesus Christ spoke a version of Aramaic, and the Buddha spoke a version of Pali, a language related to Sanskrit. All these sayings are over 2,000 years old, yet they hold deep and relevant…

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Brain Balancing is Pineal Activation

Brain-balancing is Pineal Activation. We can energize the pineal gland to enliven the “SWEET SPOT” of infinite multi-dimensional consciousness. When we synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres we automatically optimize intelligence, body meridians, and organs, allowing us to integrate time, space, and multidimensional realities.    Our left and right brain hemispheres have very different abilities. You need both functions in harmony, because together, they can reflect ALL your innate abilities. Balancing the brain hemispheres is also an important tool to vitalize the Microcosmic Orbit to cultivate Qi and Health. The Pineal Gland is the Antenna Third-Eye Receiver of Your…

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Insomnia: 24 Tips to Guarantee Yourself a Good Night’s Sleep

We live in stressful times. Good sleep is the foundation of your health. Lack of sleep can literally drive you insane. Poor sleep weakens your immune system, increasing your risk of all disease. It is said that 10% of Americans take sleep meds. Prescription drugs for insomnia are dangerously addictive, yet over 60 million Americans rely on them. Sleep meds are no substitute for the real thing. Here are my favorite natural solutions to help you get the beauty rest you deserve every night. Summary Takeaway: Insomnia means your body is out of balance. Until you address and correct it, you will suffer poor sleep. I…

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To Heal the BODY, First ATTUNE the MIND to SPIRIT

This channeled message from the Buddha describes how to harmonize the MIND to SPIRIT when you feel illness or pain. Here’s what the Buddha said:  “When shot by an arrow of pain, A stupid person makes matters worse By piling mental anguish on top of it, As if shot by two arrows. However, a wise person feels the sting Of one arrow alone.” Direct words of the Buddha from the Pali Canon, Samyutta Nikaya 36.6, Sallatha Sutta “My friends, it is painful to have a body. Pain and suffering in the body is inevitable. It may surprise you when I say…

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DEPRESSION is just a name we use to describe many different emotional chemistry patterns in the brain and body. In Western medicine, all these patterns are neatly rolled up into one easy diagnostic term: DEPRESSION. But the root causes are rarely discussed, and true healing methods mostly unknown. Depression is something we do to ourselves over time. It takes years of habitual stress, emotions, tensions, thoughts, foods, and lifestyle imbalances to create a “Perfect Storm” for Depression.  What are the Causes and Solutions to Depression? DEPRESSION is caused by emotional stress, unconscious anger over time, brain chemistry suppression, and microbiome…

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How to give up ANGER: An Urgent Message from the Buddha

A message from Sakyamuni Buddha: “My friends, anger is the one thing to give up,  And you will be assured of freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Those enraged with anger End up in a grueling existence. Those with insight let it go, Never to return to this world again.” Words of the Buddha, Pali Canon, Khuddaka Nikaya, Itivuttaka #4 Takeaway, A Channeled Message from the Buddha: What is Anger? Anger Can Make You Sick. Anger Can Be Beneficial. Method to Transform Anger. Heal Anger Once and for All. Angry thoughts, actions, words can never be taken back.…

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What’s the SOURCE of Our Collective THOUGHTS?

It all depends on your tune-in frequency band.  A fascinating article from the US Naval Institute recently crossed my desk and captured my imagination. It was called “Cognitive Warfare: Maneuvering in the Human Dimension” Although I didn’t buy everything it was saying, it opened my mind to the concept of CW, Cognitive Warfare, which molds the unique and delicate reality in which we are immersed, even trapped, and in which we must learn to function. Our very existence is on the line. Here are my reflections.  Today’s Takeaway is:  Many Sources Seed Our Collective Thoughts Every Day. The battle for our…

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Healing a Brain Stem Stroke in Bhutan

  This is a log of treatments we are doing, and how our patient is responding. He had a stoke 10 years ago and the doctors gave him 3 days to live. He has been courageously healing himself with mental determination for 10 years. His determination is inspiring. He is making miraculous progress every week. What is a Brain Stem Stroke and where does this one manifest? He can’t lift left leg, can’t stand up, can barely move left arm, cannot stand up, and cannot move left leg to take a step. Both eyes working, and he can roll both…

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Awaken Your DNA Destiny: Activate Your Extraordinary Meridians for Ascension

How do Tibetan Monks dry those freezing wet sheets with focused breathing? How do Buddhist Lamas exit the physical body through the crown during the ascension? What advanced practices bring about highest evolution of the human mind, body, and spirit? How can we adopt practices using concentration, breath, and visualizations to raise our personal frequency toward higher evolution? This is a life-long practice for refinement of the spiritual body. The goal is freedom from the physical plane.  Takeaway: What are the Extraordinary Meridians?  What are the Qualities of Each Extraordinary Meridian? The Eight Branches of Chinese Medicine – A Great…

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The Legend of the Magpie Bridge and the Qixi Festival of Love

What is the Qixi Festival of Love? How does an ancient Chinese legend about birds explain a tongue position for spiritual and sexual vitality?  This timeless poem links many metaphors for health, longevity, and sexuality by connecting the Yin Yang meridians. The poem reveals an acupuncture point at the bridge of the upper palate that connects the meridians.  Ascend to the Magpie Bridge,  Descend from the Magpie Bridge.  In Heaven it responds to the stars,  On Earth it responds to the tides.  上鵲橋,下鵲橋。天應星,地應潮。    When Does the Qixi Festival Happen? The date is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, roughly between July…

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