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We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bhutan. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is  Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at 
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Christ & Buddha, Kindred Words (New Testament)

We find enormous similarities in the words of two masters on vital issues such as Entitlement, Generosity, Enlightenment, Lifestyle, etc. This article compares Christ’s words found just in the New ...

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Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty – A Frequency Balancing for New Times

This is a Frequency Balancing practice to help you raise your vibration, adapt to new energies, and find your human heart. It’s a 15-minute practice to reset your nervous system, ...

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Kindred Souls Kindred Sayings – How Did Yeshua & Buddha Spark a World Awakening?

They Said They Came to Light a Fire to Change the Destiny of Humanity. How Did They Ignite the Fire? Both Masters used metaphors of fire and light to describe ...

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Five Seasons University

Welcome to Five Seasons University. This special school integrates a wide variety of subjects, so you can design your own curriculum. We have so much to learn and UN-learn! Choose ...

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DEEPSEEK vs. GOOGLE? Will AI Be the Genesis of our New Earth Reality?

What just happened? DeepSeek, a small upstart AI company in China just upset Google and high tech, offering a BETTER AI research tool for FREE. And it is Open Source, ...

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Who Was Christ? Traveler from Thiaoouba?

What really happened 2,000 years ago? The Bible story of Jesus Christ contains much truth. However there is more. Behind the scenes, hidden hands are said to have orchestrated his ...

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Detox & Vitalize Your Body Lymphatics: VIDEO

The best way to optimize your health is to watch the water! Why? Because your body fluids are your key to wellness. Our bodies are 70 – 90% water. So, ...

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We Step Into the NEW EARTH – A Collective Journey to Multi-Dimensional Reality

The entire EARTH is moving into another dimension. In a sense we already have multiple realities existing on the planet. Yes, it seems we can potentially have two completely separate ...

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A Time for SHAKPA, Atonement on a Global Scale

What is SHAKPA? How do we ATTONE for our wrongs? How do we acknowledge and dissolve the wrongs of the world? SHAKPA simply means we realize our mistake and apologize ...

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3 Big Causes of Rising Disease, 3 Antidotes in Your Kitchen Now

THREE PRIMARY FOODS are the roots of almost all chronic disease. These are the 3 BIG BAD FOODS that kill us. Fortunately, their ANTIDOTES are right in front of us ...

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Suggested Bedtime Reading: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love to read this book before bed because it calms my mind and uplifts my mood. It confirms that there are Natural laws in the universe that must be ...

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So, You Want to Change the World?

A message from the Buddha channeled by Srijana. To change your world, the Master says, is one of the most challenging paths you can choose. His words of advice can ...

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