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Hello and thanks for visiting Five Seasons Medicine.
We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bali at Keramas Sacred River Village. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is  Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at Best wishes!

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WiFi Disrupts Natural Sleep Cycles & Brain Biorhythms

Why do many people sleep poorly and don’t know why? But when they turn the WiFi OFF before bed, they enjoy refreshing deep sleep? Aha! That’s because WiFi tells your ...

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Planting Seeds for Enlightenment at

Lama D’s daily classes in Buddhism now reach 12,000 members via WeChat and Telegram. His website is His group is called  “Tharpi Sabuen”, which means  “Seeds for Enlightenment”.  He ...

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Makanan Berserat Tinggi Menjaga Usus Anda Tetap Bersih!

High Fiber Foods Keep Your Intestines Clean and Lower High Blood Pressure! Makanan Berserat Tinggi Menjaga Usus Anda Tetap Bersih, dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan ...

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Life in Bali, Photos from Behind the Scenes

We have been in Bali for 3 1/2 years. Who would have thought we’d be here so long? We are so happy and comfortable at Keramas Sacred River Village, in ...

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The Venetian – Phoenician Bloodline: How the Phoenix Draco Rose from the Ashes of War

Once upon a time, the Phoenician capital of Carthage was the richest civilization in the world. The ancient kingdom of Baal, jewel of the Mediterranean coast in modern-day Libya, wasn’t ...

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Comparing Spiritual Traditions: Chakras and Daoist Gates

How are the Daoist Energy gates similar to Yogic chakras? Did these two traditions arise from a common origin in Tibet? And do these subtle body centers correspond to points ...

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12 Steps to Keep Joints Flexible

Are we destined to have stiff and painful joints as we age? I don’t think so. With diet and movement, we can sidestep joint trouble altogether for years. Doctors may ...

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To SURF or NOT to SURF? How to Fearlessly Navigate All 7 Layers of the Web? (Warning: Rabbit Hole)

Do any of us really GET the power of the Worldwide Web? Our search engines touch only a fraction of its vast labyrinths, which include the Surface Web, Deep Web, ...

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Penyebab Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, dan Penggumpalan Darah

Causes of Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Blood Clots. Penyebab Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, dan Penggumpalan DarahSistem Darah 1. Hari ini saya sedih sekali, karena kita kehilangan teman kita Duglug ...

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Monatomic ORMUS Gold: Ancestral Medicine for Life Extension?

WHAT’s Monatomic GOLD? Historic records show it was used by ancient Kings, Queens, and Pharaohs as a medical elixir for longevity, pleasure, and super-human powers. This White Powder Nano-Dust is ...

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30-Menit Kelas Cigong – Bahasa Indonesia

This is a 30-Menit Qigong Class in Bahasa Indonesian. Hari ini kita akan mengadakan (holding) kelas Qigong singkat (short). Mohon di maklumi. Saya masih belajiar Bahasa Indonesia. Qigong adalah sistem ...

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Daoist Women Masters: What are their hidden secrets?

Who were these female masters? Are they legend, myth, or reality? They practiced esoteric Daoist meditation, smiled, and kept their secrets. They lived for hundreds of years, and then ascended, ...

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