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We are Lama D and Srijana, teachers and writers living in Bhutan. We invite you to subscribe below for weekly articles. Lama D's website is PowerDharma.com. Also check out Srijana's award-winning food & lifestyle blog at JanesHealthyKitchen.com. Best wishes!

The HEART is the Center of the MIND in Chinese Medicine
In the West we believe our THOUGHTS come from the brain. We think the MIND INTELLIGENCE is poised somewhere inside the BRAIN. Ha Ha! However, maybe this is untrue. (Where ...

The I-Ching: Does it Hold the Secrets to DNA and Enlightenment?
Does the I-Ching hold the secrets to DNA and Enlightenment? Does this ancient divination tool represent an elegant and perfectly condensed map of the cosmos? Could its binary logic encode ...

Planet of Gold: Biggest Gold Heists in Galactic History
It was ALWAYS about the GOLD. For thousands of years the hoarding of gold has been a contest between dynasties. At first I couldn’t believe the gold wealth that still ...

Heal Your Past Lives – Zoom Workshop
My Live ZOOM workshop. Heal Your Past Lives: Six Steps to Dissolve Old Trauma for Lasting Happiness! Who would you be if you didn’t carry burdens from the past? True ...

Retrain Your Vagus Nerve to Relax Completely
Retrain Your Vagus Nerve to Relax Completely. Fear to Freedom in 6 Easy Steps. How many years have you been under stress? How many years have WE ALL been under ...

TUMMO Inner Heat Meditation
With winter coming in the Northern Hemisphere, and especially here in Bhutan, it’s time to raise our inner fire for health and spiritual wellness. TUMMO is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist ...

DeMystifying NCD’s (Non-Communicable Diseases) to End Chronic Disease Forever
What are our biggest biggest killer diseases? That’s right, NCD’s or Non-Communicable Diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Obesity, Arthritis, have no cause and no cure. HUH? A huge ...

Opium and the Dragon, How the Queen’s Secret Drug Trade in China Built the New World Order Global Agenda
Queen Victoria’s Opium Wars were over two hundred years ago, a bitter loss and humiliation for China. But how is this relevant now? How did the British East India Company ...

Ascension Tips for Starseeds
These days we live in a vital, exciting, expanding universe. Sometimes almost too exciting! In this density we have duality and we must make choices. We can influence our environment ...

Teknik Bernafas Untuk Oksigenasi Darah Anda
Breathing Techniques to Oxygenate Your Blood. Halo Hari ini saya mau berbicara tentang biagaimana Teknik Bernafas Untuk Oksigenasi Darah Anda. Kita akan mengukur kekuatan paru-paru Anda, kecepatan bernafas, tingkat oksigenasi ...

Lama D Teaches Everyday Buddhism to 21,000 Students in Bhutan
When I wake up at 7am every morning, Lama D has already been up for three hours. His group is called Tharpi Sabuen, “Seeds for Enlightenment”. He’s hard at work ...

Why Are Idiopathic Diseases Rising So Fast?
When a disease has no cause and no cure, we call it “Idiopathic”. But why are the world’s most common diseases such a mystery? What are our most common idiopathic ...