Comparing Spiritual Traditions: Chakras and Daoist Gates

How are the Daoist Energy gates similar to Yogic chakras? Did these two traditions arise from a common origin in Tibet? And do these subtle body centers correspond to points on our physical anatomy?  If you practice Yoga or Qigong, you already know the energy body is a powerful tool to activate the spirit. As I practice both systems, striking similarities and critical differences stand out. My innate curiosity invites me to compare them. Which system is best? Which one do YOU prefer? Was there a common source of both systems? Which one will best carry you to the flowering of your awareness efficiently and elegantly? That’s the question!…

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12 Steps to Keep Joints Flexible

Are we destined to have stiff and painful joints as we age? I don’t think so. With diet and movement, we can sidestep joint trouble altogether for years. Doctors may say it’s “old age” or your joints “just wore out”, but that’s no answer to these important questions: What are the top 12 causes of stiff joints? What are the 12 steps to heal our joints right now? How can we have healthy joints at any age?  A. Causes of Stiff Joints: Poor Lymph circulation, Lack of interstitial fluid hydration.  Osteoarthritis due to Sugar (Glucose and Fructose) in diet,  Liver Qi…

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To SURF or NOT to SURF? How to Fearlessly Navigate All 7 Layers of the Web? (Warning: Rabbit Hole)

Do any of us really GET the power of the Worldwide Web? Our search engines touch only a fraction of its vast labyrinths, which include the Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web, Internet of Things, Bio-Internet of Nano things, the World Bio-Internet of DNA Data, and the Universal Digital Hive Mind. Please know the internet and cell phones are playing a CENTRAL role in the battle for the human mind. Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself.  When I started to research this topic with my usual innate curiosity, I had no concept of the revelations I would uncover. My surprising discoveries below…

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Penyebab Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, dan Penggumpalan Darah

Causes of Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Blood Clots.  Penyebab Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, dan Penggumpalan DarahSistem Darah 1. Hari ini saya sedih sekali, karena kita kehilangan teman kita Duglug. Dia punya serangan jantung, karena penyumbatan pumbuluh darah. Maka dari itu, kita akan berbicara tentang bagaimana menjaga pembuluh darah, tetap bersih dan sehat. Darah mengalir (flowing) melalui pembuluh darah Anda, ke seluruh tubuh. Tubuh Anda mengandung sekitar 80.000 (delapan pulu ribu) kilometer pembuluh darah. Darah memiliki dua pekerjaan penting, dalam tubuh Anda, 1) membawa oksigen dan nutrisi ke setiap sel, 2) Juga membawa racun untuk membersihkan tubuh Anda. 2. Sangat…

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Monatomic ORMUS Gold: Ancestral Medicine for Life Extension?

WHAT’s Monatomic GOLD?  Historic records show it was used by ancient Kings, Queens, and Pharaohs as a medical elixir for longevity, pleasure, and super-human powers. This White Powder Nano-Dust is a very high purity gold elixir. ORMUS Nano-gold has an unknown crystalline structure not found in our 3D periodic table of elements, and some scientists dispute its existence. ORMUS means “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”, and is said to have mutable, multi-dimensional qualities under different temperature conditions. What is behind this?  How was Monatomic GOLD Dust used by Egyptian Pharaohs? Did David Hudson Accidentally Discover the Secret Alchemy of Enlightenment? Tibetans have used Gold…

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Daoist Women Masters: What are their hidden secrets?

Who were these female masters? Are they legend, myth, or reality? They practiced esoteric Daoist meditation, smiled, and kept their secrets. They lived for hundreds of years, and then ascended, leaving the physical world forever. What can we glean from them?  He Xiangu: She consumed mica dust to purify her body, then ascended when a strange visitor gifted her a peach of immortality.  Huang Lingwei lived into old age, died without disease, and vanished from her coffin.  Why did the mysterious “Wild Hairy Old Woman” live alone in the forest and take no grains? Bian Dongxuan: She fasted for forty years and…

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Top 6 Acupressure Points to Start Your Day

The simple act of massaging these six points will reset your body’s subtle energy to allow health and wellbeing to flow more easily. Just one minute of acupressure on key points unblocks your meridians, to transform your whole perspective. Use gentle yet firm pressure with either middle finger or thumb on these 6 points. Massage in a circular motion for 10 seconds and breathe deeply. As you press, your brain releases endorphins, calming chemicals that reduce pain and invite pleasurable feelings. Your muscles can relax and blood flows more freely. As tension recedes, the body finds balance, and you’ll feel better. These are 6 top points that most people desperately…

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Longevity Secrets of Qigong Masters – What Can They Tell Us?

What are the age-defying tips of these ancient masters? Some of them were said to live for hundreds of years! They used a combination of balanced breath work, meditation, diet, sexual cultivation, movement, martial arts, and mental purity. Hmmm… They lived so long that nobody remembered when they were born. Clearly, these Masters lived in a different reality. Perhaps they possessed a more expanded perspective of time, space, and the universe. Scroll down to read about four masters and their fascinating lives.  Early Daoist diets prescribed eating no grain.  They believed the decomposition of the grains in the intestines attracted…

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Does DNA Hold Your Destiny?

At the moment of your conception, a miracle happens. A lucky sperm from your father dives into an awaiting egg inside your mother. And in that passion, your life begins. Your unique DNA is created. A destiny begins to unfold as if directed by an invisible source. I’d like to be a fly on the wall to see it. Chinese Medicine is very old, and our first writings about it are from 4,500 years ago. It was divined from empirical study combined with deep meditation, written as a poetic dialogue between the Great Yellow Emperor and his two physicians. Its…

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Revelations Today

What Does it Mean to “Lay Out the Red Carpet”?  A Red Carpet is a sign of royalty. Take a deep breath, and read the amazing story. In Biblical times, Phoenician tribes lived in Canaan, that we now called Lebanon. Their symbol was a purple Phoenix, the bird of fire representing survival and renewal from death.  However in Greek, the word “Phoenix” or φοίνιξ means the color “Purple”. That’s interesting!  The Phoenicians were skilled maritime seafarers who established a string of safe harbors. Eventually they found their way throughout the Mediterranean to Greece, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Carthage, and Rome. They even settled in…

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